Morality Without God

Thanks to Brand New Atheist for discovering these videos.

In these two short videos are described a few of the problems with theistic based morality. These videos suggest how one can be moral and a non-believer.

Part I

Part II


ou812 said…
I really like YouTube videos. This was informative and made alot of sense. I also looked on the menu to The power of faith. What a compelling video,and I like that song. Thanks!
Anonymous said…
Finally someone has had the ability to take these points of morality, and assemble them in a logical, concise format. Well done.
sconnor said…
Isn't it curious and odd, that throughout the bible god continually spanked his earthly children -- even the ones who believed in him -- because they were morally bankrupt.
God spanked and re-spanked his children by sending plagues, floods, whirl-winds, fire and brimstone over and over again, to no avail.

They had god; they believed in god, but yet, their morals still ran amuck.
What's the difference if god was there or not?

Anonymous said…
Sconnor Said:
"Isn't it curious and odd, that throughout the bible god continually spanked his earthly children -- even the ones who believed in him -- because they were morally bankrupt"


Also don't forget that God killed several of his children in Tennessee with a tornado a few weeks back after they voted for "Mike Huckabee" who believes that God has told him to run for president, and not to drop out of the presidential race no matter how bad he is getting his ass kicked by John McCaine.

Apparently Huckabee believes that God is going to open the Red Sea and drown all of McCain's supporters.
Tim said…
Nicely done. Taking the high road is hard but it is best in the end I think. But there is a time to bash idiots. especially when they raise a banner and beg for it. heheheh

Unknown said…
Good job ! your video just makes sense and the URL of this should me added to "morality" in dictionary !

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