Scientific Breakthroughs from the Bible (Part I)

By DocMike

Today's comic was inspired by a recent comment (to my last comic) on A christian poster made the statement, "There is much science in the Bible". To which, several ex-christian posters responded with various examples of scientific errors in the bible.

"... talking snakes and donkeys", "...riding chariots of fire into heaven", "...holding up a striped staff to copulating goats so they have striped kids", "... the classification of bats as birds", "Floating axe heads", "Walking on water", "Raising the dead", "Commanding the sun to stand still", "creation story", "firmament", etc.

The christian then posted links to websites that actually claim dinosaurs were mentioned in the book of Job and that they lived alongside humans! This is so preposterous that I can only laugh to keep from crying. I guess years of scientific discoveries and fossil evidence mean nothing!

Christians never cease to amaze me with their ability to live in a world so influenced (and enhanced) by science, and enjoy all of the modern conveniences of life that science has made possible, but at the same time reject science when it conflicts with what their ancient "holy book" says.


Anonymous said…
But didn't you know? Fossils are the Devil's handiwork!

Jeff Eyges said…
That comic is perpetuating a malicious lie!

Everyone knows that all the dinosaurs were killed in the flood!
Anonymous said…
That's what they want you to believe...
Spirula said…
You have your science wrong! Triceratops don't smoke, Velociraptors do!

(Dammit! I hate it when people confuse that.)

(By the way, I hope that T-Rex isn't drinking TEA like some panty-waist. That would crush it's killer image.)
Spirula said…
That should be "its".
Rufus T said…
Do these idiots not realize that had humans and dinosaurs existed at the same time, that they would not have existed at the same time? That is bye-bye humans!
leotracks said…
Last September's issue of "Awake," one of the Jehova's Witnesses little pamphlets, was devoted to describing how we can trust EVERYTHING written in the bible. One whole section of that rag was about the scientific accuracy of the bible. I am not kidding. The primary example they cited was that the bible does not advocate the using of leaches to cure illness.

So, by their reasoning, not saying something stupid is the same as wisdom.

Of course, they did not cover any of the examples cited by DocMike. The bible's IS scientifically accurate, so long as you bury your head in the sand when faced with things like Radio-Carbon dating, DNA degradation, viral/bacterial infection, and so on.
leotracks said…
Last September's issue of "Awake," one of the Jehova's Witnesses little pamphlets, was devoted to describing how we can trust EVERYTHING written in the bible. One whole section of that rag was about the scientific accuracy of the bible. I am not kidding. The primary example they cited was that the bible does not advocate the using of leaches to cure illness.

So, by their reasoning, not saying something stupid is the same as wisdom.

Of course, they did not cover any of the examples cited by DocMike. The bible's IS scientifically accurate, so long as you bury your head in the sand when faced with things like Radio-Carbon dating, DNA degradation, viral/bacterial infection, and so on.
Jeff Eyges said…
Actually, leeches have been found to have some medical application, so they're even wrong about that.
Heretic Zero said…
Everywhere man has lived, paleontologist have found evidence through artifacts what man hunted and what animals he hunted. There is no evidence through artifacts that lead anyone to speculate man lived with dinosaurs or hunted them. There are cave drawings showing men hunting something that may be an ocean-dwelling dinosaur but the drawings are not millions of years old. It is not impossible that some dinosaurs survived into the time of man but it is impossible to believe that man lived 160 million or more years ago when the planet was dominated by these animals. The reason there is no evidence is because man did not live in the era of the dinosaur.
Dave Van Allen said…
really? then how do you explain another dimension.. with your religious brand of science?
How do you explain the technology of the human brain..
You poor religious materialists who think material limited biased knowledge has been capped from the beginning and only this OZ wizard called science can deliver anything that needs to be delivered DOWN to you.. LOL how silly how ridiculous..
Christians are people of KNOWLEDGE and seek out HIGHER things, surpassing science and materialism,endeavoring into the unknown until it is known.. but still reaching out passed the conformity and dare go beyond the limits of the priests of materialism.. to achieve and grow , to overcome and persist into the Light.
Dave Van Allen said…
No, James,

Xians are dimwits who focus on things that cannot be proven, for which no evidence is forthcoming, because it saves them having to expend any intellectual energy in the quest for knowledge.

When everything you need to know is written in an inerrant book, it is not necessary to discover anything else.

When you can leave your intellect at the church door and lap up the orthodox pap that you are fed from the pulpit, it is not necessary to learn the intellectually rigorous methods of knowledge elicitation which are the underpinning and foundation of science.

All that is necessary is the ability to read, listen and unquestioningly accept myth as fact, optimism as evidence and mendacity as truth.

You believe the lies you are told about a caring deity.

You believe the lies you are told about eternal life.

You try to ignore the belief you have that god created eternal torture for those whose only sin was not to agree with him.

You would not know a higher thing if it dropped upon you. You have not yet managed to surpass and overcome arrant ignorance and will never discover anything unknown, because if it isn't in your little book of myths, it doesn't exist!

Wake up and let the truth set you free, for the lies are certainly killing you.


Dave Van Allen said…
What the heck have you been smoking? This comment is just bizarre. Almost zero Christians are people of knowledge who are seeking out higher things. You, on the other hand, definitely just seem to be high with no knowledge what so ever.
Dave Van Allen said…
"then how do you explain another dimension.. with your religious brand of science?"

In centuries past you would have been asking "then how do you explain how the moon and stars don't fall to the ground?".
Besides, what in blazes do you mean by another dimension? If I am not mistaken, all other theorized dimensions are explained mathematically.

"How do you explain the technology of the human brain.."

I don't know about the "technology" of the human brain, but we understand that it has evolved from lower primate brains, and our understanding of its functioning is improving with finer and finer resolution.

"You poor religious materialists who think material limited biased knowledge has been capped from the beginning and only this OZ wizard called science can deliver anything that needs to be delivered DOWN to you.. LOL how silly how ridiculous..
Christians are people of KNOWLEDGE and seek out HIGHER things, surpassing science and materialism,endeavoring into the unknown until it is known.. but still reaching out passed the conformity and dare go beyond the limits of the priests of materialism.. to achieve and grow , to overcome and persist into the Light."

James, you sound very young and all I can say is there is still hope for you.
Dave Van Allen said…
James: "Christians are people of KNOWLEDGE and seek out HIGHER things..."


IMNSHO, little boy, Christians are disbarred from claiming *any* high ground until and unless they renounce the insufferably silly concept of a god killing itself to save us from the hell it supposedly created.

Your growth "into the Light" terminates permanently at the moment of physical death, and no amount of whining "There must be something higher" cannot make it so. If you feel otherwise, *you* produce the empirical evidence. We are under no obligation whatsoever to believe your silly hypothesis.

Now take your evil mythology and sod off. We ain't buyin'.
Dave Van Allen said…
I agree with you, James. Those preaching at you from this forum are liars, materialists, God-haters and sundry neurotics. I've been reading their lies for two years.

Sadly, they have been seduced by man's arrogance and logic. God's logic is far superior to their puny intellects. Materialists seek lower things such as slugs, gophers and ingrown toenails. James, you are a brave soldier. March on to the higher things for the glory of God!

One tiny chink in your armor as you flail at windmills: Christians cannot access the higher knowledge. The only way to "endeavor into the unknown until it is known" is through mystic encounters with Bo and Peep. I'm afraid you shall have to convert to Heaven's Gate.

Our leaders are/were Bo and Peep. Go ahead and look it up--it's in the public record. Yes, I missed the mother ship hidden behind the Hale-Bopp comet back in '97 but it's never too late to reach higher knowledge. The mother ship is due to come back in three months. Peep will be wearing a bonnet. The bonnet is very important.

If you are a true seeker, you must give up drinking, smoking, drugs and sex. Bo and Peep require their male followers to castrate themselves if they still have sexual urges. Some people feel that castration is a deal breaker in the pursuit of higher things. Such a small price to pay, yes?

Oh, and one more thing required by Bo and Peep: You must buy Nike sneakers. After all, if you are going to be wearing the same shoes for all eternity, you must be shod in comfortable and attractive athletic footwear.

Kindly let me know if you are ready for higher things so I can telepathically communicate your enthusiasm to Bo and Peep aboard the mother ship. Persist to the light, my child! Blessings!
Dave Van Allen said…
Everywhere man has lived, paleontologist have found evidence through artifacts what man hunted and what animals he hunted. There is no evidence through artifacts that lead anyone to speculate man lived with dinosaurs or hunted them. There are cave drawings showing men hunting something that may be an ocean-dwelling dinosaur but the drawings are not millions of years old. It is not impossible that some dinosaurs survived into the time of man but it is impossible to believe that man lived 160 million or more years ago when the planet was dominated by these animals. The reason there is no evidence is because man did not live in the era of the dinosaur.
Dave Van Allen said…
Actually, leeches have been found to have some medical application, so they're even wrong about that.
Dave Van Allen said…
Last September's issue of "Awake," one of the Jehova's Witnesses little pamphlets, was devoted to describing how we can trust EVERYTHING written in the bible. One whole section of that rag was about the scientific accuracy of the bible. I am not kidding. The primary example they cited was that the bible does not advocate the using of leaches to cure illness.

So, by their reasoning, not saying something stupid is the same as wisdom.

Of course, they did not cover any of the examples cited by DocMike. The bible's IS scientifically accurate, so long as you bury your head in the sand when faced with things like Radio-Carbon dating, DNA degradation, viral/bacterial infection, and so on.
Dave Van Allen said…
Last September's issue of "Awake," one of the Jehova's Witnesses little pamphlets, was devoted to describing how we can trust EVERYTHING written in the bible. One whole section of that rag was about the scientific accuracy of the bible. I am not kidding. The primary example they cited was that the bible does not advocate the using of leaches to cure illness.

So, by their reasoning, not saying something stupid is the same as wisdom.

Of course, they did not cover any of the examples cited by DocMike. The bible's IS scientifically accurate, so long as you bury your head in the sand when faced with things like Radio-Carbon dating, DNA degradation, viral/bacterial infection, and so on.
Dave Van Allen said…
Do these idiots not realize that had humans and dinosaurs existed at the same time, that they would not have existed at the same time? That is bye-bye humans!
Dave Van Allen said…
Do these idiots not realize that had humans and dinosaurs existed at the same time, that they would not have existed at the same time? That is bye-bye humans!
Dave Van Allen said…
That should be "its".
Dave Van Allen said…
That should be "its".
Dave Van Allen said…
Actually, I was wrong. I think this is what happened:
Dave Van Allen said…
You have your science wrong! Triceratops don't smoke, Velociraptors do!

(Dammit! I hate it when people confuse that.)

(By the way, I hope that T-Rex isn't drinking TEA like some panty-waist. That would crush it's killer image.)
Dave Van Allen said…
That's what they want you to believe...
Dave Van Allen said…
That comic is perpetuating a malicious lie!

Everyone knows that all the dinosaurs were killed in the flood!
Dave Van Allen said…
But didn't you know? Fossils are the Devil's handiwork!


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