West Memphis Christian Hypocrites

By Tim

This is just a quick rant. A while back I called the principal of the West Memphis Christian School (which is part of the Church of Christ on Missouri Street) to see if he might be able to find a volunteer to help me around the house once a month. I have two herniated discs in the middle of my back, recently injured both my legs, and had been in physical therapy for several months trying to get my legs in shape. Some things are just about impossible to do and I thought perhaps a young Christian lad wouldn't mind donating thirty minutes to an hour of his time once a month to help me do things like change a light bulb, move a heavy box, etc.

I guess I was wrong. Sometime later I talked to the principal again and he told me that he couldn't find anyone to do it. It was really hard for me to believe that of all the male students in grades nine through eleven he couldn't find one willing to do this - even though I had told him I would be willing to PAY this person to do it. Thirty minutes to an hour once a month to help someone at their home - a home that is 1/4 of a mile from the school.

Now here's the real kicker. This is the same high school that I attended for six years. From the seventh to the twelfth grade my parents funded those teacher’s existence as well as the other staff and they couldn’t find one person to help for one hour a month WITH PAY!

I just wanted this known. Christian charity never ceases to amaze me. So much for the “love thy neighbor” and “give to those who ask” commands.


If you were going to pay someone, why not just call a home health care agency and have an adult help you.

Why did you really want a "young Christian lad" Tim?

Dave Van Allen said…

Your quick assumption that this rant has something to do with seeking out a victim for molestation or pedophile reveals much about your thought process. You might want to ask yourself why perverse behavior happens to be the first thing that enters your mind. Then you might want to ask yourself why you have a compulsion to project your own perversions onto others.

Just a thought.
Jesus Sucks Ass said…
Andrew - I think the point is that they probably couldn't afford a home health care agency and relied on cheaper means they could afford, like a kid who would do it for a few bucks. Same goes for cutting grass or fixing cars. Instead of paying some expensive lawn service or mechanic, a teen who can do the same job for less money also benefits.

But, this is disturbing to me. I went to a Christian private school for about 2 years and the hypocrisy I experienced there was similar. The fact my parents paid money out of their pocket, on top of already existing school taxes wasn't enough.

When you learn the reality of this disgusting religion, you realize their view of good and evil is so far removed from normal, you'd think muslim fanatics were decent people.

Add this minor incident with the major incidents of evil perpetrated by Christians in history and currently. They are quite good at playing the victim card when it suits them, but they are the ones doing the damage to real victims in many cases.

I hope you chewed out that piece of shit principal and asked what kind of education in Christian ethics are they really teaching kids, when those kids have no interest in helping others?

Fuck them, and bless you (no pun intended).
ExFundie said…
Hey Tim,
My thought is that you just didn't make it seem more glorious a mission when you asked. As a former youth pastor, I know that Christian youth will do anything for Jeezus when the proper amount of glory is in doing it. You should have motivated your principal to encourage the youth that they would be storing up treasure in heaven or that they would get recognition in the school paper as being a true servant of the Lord. You know, that old chestnut...

Steven Bently said…
To the Nazi Christard Andrew,

You forgot to read the entire story; " From the seventh to the twelfth grade my parents funded those teacher’s existence as well as the other staff and they couldn’t find one person to help for one hour a month WITH PAY!"

Not even a Christard staff member would even consider helping out someone, oh how Christain.

If I lived near you Tim, which I do not (NC) I would gladly help you anytime for free.

Christianity is all about money, it has nothing to do with helping anyone, just getting people's money.
buscoverdad said…
You seem to think that just because people call themselves Christians that they actually follow the teachings of the Church. How does their behavior reflect against Christian teachings? The fact is that is does not reflect against the teachings at all. People have free will and choose whether or not to follow. It seems that you do not have a problem with Christianity, at least on this point, but with the people who seem to pervert its name. You say", "So much for Christian charity," which implies that it is something that you agree with or find good in some way. Therefore, you yourself say that Christian moral teaching, which you had hoped to benefit from with the help of a student, is not bad. So do you really have a problem with Christianity or does you problem lie with the imperfect people who are trying to practice it?
I have not read your site, but coming from 20 years of living in the box I call atheism, using the same arguments against Christians, I felt I had something to add to the discussion. Since the comments on this site seem less than scholarly, I don't expect to recieve generally truth-seeking replies to this; take this comment as you will. I will not be defending my position.
Anonymous said…
Buscover dad, if I may be so brief and kind, please turn down your tone a few notches in your posted responses:

" I have not read your site, but coming from 20 years of living in the box I call atheism, using the same arguments against Christians..."

Buscover dad, that is not the right way to go about treating one another with love. That statement also goes for the rest of you- if you would criticize Christians or atheists, or or one non-associated with a specific religion, you aren't making a good example for those who share whatever you believe in. Also, you're offending other people and making this into an unfriendly hate site, which I believe that this isn't intended to be.

Now, to answer the post- Tim, I'm truly sorry for your abuse. I am horrified that any one group or person would deny you assistance or care, especially members of a Christian school and church.
Thus, from the information that you shared, I would conclude that the disrespect and mistreatment you experienced was the result of either a poorly organized school/church, or a school or church with a very weak discipline to assist the sick and poor. Your story makes me embarassed to call myself a Christian; I call myself a follower of Jesus the Christ, but such raw sewage would make me prefer to bear a different name for Christ's sake.

To defend Christians a bit, I believe that mistreatment and wrong-doing to those hurting and ill is clearly not exclusive to Christianity. You may believe that a non-Christian source would have treated you with the proper respect, but I would doubt that proposition- many, if not most teenagers in the United States rarely think beyond themselves, concerning the needs of hurting people. This is a sad, and unfortunate fact that every person must face in the United States society. I'm sure there are many reasons for this selfish existence infesting the youth, but I will not pursue this subject, for time's sake.

Tim, I pray you find the help and strength that you need to overcome your current physical burden. I hope that you would not look with resent and contempt towards your persecutors but would instead treat them with an attitude of love. No matter where you stand in religious beliefs, I strongly believe that human societies need individuals (perhaps like yourself) who would not take an eye for an eye; for such nonsense would leave the world blind!

I also apologize that I cannot relate better to your sorry phsyical state. I know a man who has one herniated disc, and know he lives a limited lifestyle and occasionally experiences great deals of pain. Please do not pass my remarks as insensitive, for I would pass them on to you with greatest sympathy and care, as Jesus would treat you.

Your friend,

Wayne said…
Hmmm... this just figures, doesn't it.

By the way... isn't the phrase "christian hypocrites" kind of redundant? It's like describing milk as a "milky liquid".

Here's to a speedy recovery to you.

And Andrew... You're kind of a dick. 'Nuff said.
Flaming, you liar.

Tim is not being abused. No one is DENYING him care.

For some reason he didn't get a response...we don't know how many people the school official asked, or what problems THEY may have had.

And a school official has a reponsibility...he can't just send a kid to work for an adult without knowing much more about that adult.

And for all we know, he does.

Tim does not provide enough info...I suspect the post is a fake set up.
Anonymous said…

Christianity has nothing to do whatsoever, in any way, shape or form, with charity, kindness, compassion, civility or decency. These are all human traits, inherently human traits, that derive from the human development and experience. That Christianity attempts to copyright these traits to itself does not change the fact that people were behaving with compassion thousands of years before the Christian cult came around. Even Hitler said that Nazis were the best people, aligning their kind with what they thought were the best and most noble of human traits. But does that mean that good human traits, simply through their association with Nazism, are all of a sudden NAZI traits? Of course not. Why, then, does it not work that way with Christianity?

Lemme guess; that's different, right?

For years I've had to put up with this crap. Whenever I do something decent for a fellow human being, I'm asked if I'm a Christian or told that that's very Christian of me. And for years I simply nodded my head and smiled. No more. When someone panders this BS, I respond. "I'm an atheist, and I'm a decent human being because Im a decent human being." Because good people that are not Christian have said nothing, Christians have convinced themselves that they have the right of it. We have to fight this.
Tim said…
First, I want to thank everyone for their responses and thoughtfulness - except for Andrew who seems to have some conspiracy axe to grind.

"Tim is not being abused. No one is DENYING him care."

The entire school and the entire membership of the West Memphis Church of Christ could not find one person to come to my house and help for 30 min once a month and I even offered to pay.

But I'm okay now. I found a handiman that cuts grass and he was willing to help me. I paid him $25 for about an hour of work.

"For some reason he didn't get a response...we don't know how many people the school official asked,"

My guess is that he simply didn't even ask. But I don't know for sure.

" or what problems THEY may have had."

What problems do 16 year olds have?

"And a school official has a reponsibility...he can't just send a kid to work for an adult without knowing much more about that adult."

Very true. They needed to know that I grew up in this town. I went to school in this town. I lived 40 of my 44 years in this town. Went to their school for 6 years straight. Attended their church for years and gave hundreds of dollars in tithes. Lived in this same house for the last 13 years. Earned a B.S. in Computer Science at ASU. Worked for FedEx in their IT dept. for 5 years and taught college in Memphis for 2 and 1/2 years.

The principal needs to know those kinds of things.

"And for all we know, he does."

Which would make this even more despicable. 30 min once a month.

"Tim does not provide enough info..."

Was the above enough?

"I suspect the post is a fake set up."

Come to my house and I'll show you how fake it is.

Once new thing... last night I heard a crunchy wooden sound, like a wood gate being slammed and then a car speeding off. I was outside talking to a friend on the phone and this morning I discovered what that sound was.

My mailbox was lying over on its side in the yard. Someone had pushed or knocked it over and sped away. I wonder what Church they attend?

Thanks again for the comments!

boomSLANG said…
buscoverdad...You seem to think that just because people call themselves Christians that they actually follow the teachings of the Church.

First of all, who are you refering to when you say, "you"? If you are addressing the author of the original post, it might be wise to clarify that in the onset, when jumping into a discussion.

Secondly - and in regards to your comment about people who "call themselves Christians" - I've got news for you.....a label is label is a label.

Moreover, there is no other way to "be" a "Christian", than to self-profess said label. This is because, beyond that, there is no Universal, objectively agreed upon "standard" for following the Christian doctrine, hence, the thousands of sects/denominations..i.e..the thousands of "split-offs" of the "Church", ALL of which their respective adherents "call themselves Christians", while interestingly, NONE of which are in full agreement as to how to interpret said doctrine.

Bottom line: "Christians" slice, dice, and splice "scripture" to suit their own biased views; to suit their own ideals on how, and why, one should live life. Period.(albeit "iguana08" makes several attempts at diplomacy, he or she is still an example of one of these people)

buscoverdad...I have not read your site, but coming from 20 years of living in the box I call atheism, using the same arguments against Christians, I felt I had something to add to the discussion.

The "box" you call "atheism"? That's an interestingly blanketed statement. Permit me to illustrate a different perspective, by analogy:

Let's say there are 100,000 known "gods".

Okay, of course, the Atheist disbelieves in 100% of the aforementioned deities. However buscoverdad, being a "Christian", "only" disbelieves in 99% of them.(he disbelieves in 99,999 of the total)

Thus, if the "Atheist" position is one of living in a "box", then mathematically speaking, "buscoverdad" is 99% in the same "box" as Atheists.

You, buscoverdad, are 99% Atheist; 1% Theist. Wow.

buscoverdad...Since the comments on this site seem less than scholarly, I don't expect to recieve generally truth-seeking replies to this; take this comment as you will.

Less than scholarly? Okay, where did you, um, "recieve" the authority to judge who is "truth-seeking", and who isn't?.....and what do you base it on? 'Listening.
boomSLANG said…
Pardon the math on that last post, is should have read, "99.999 % of 100,000 total deities"
Tim, how would I possible visit your house.

You don't exist except as an internet name.

And you admit that you don't think the official EVEN ASKED...and yet you condemn the whole school as hypocritical.

And of course, you admit you are ranting.

So, look in the mirror bigot boy.
sir fer said…

andrew = buscoverdad = retarded
sir fer said…

love the name "jesus sucks ass" but IMO he sucks cock in hell
sir fer said…
the road to paedophilia starts with jesus
Anonymous said…

1. Tim isn't actually inviting you to his house. Especially not to "possible" visit. His post implies that if you were to come to his house, you would see how dire his situaton really is. I doubt that Tim has any real intentions of letting your ass in. Your only retort is to claim that Tim is lying.

2. Yet at the same time, you'll acknowledge Tim when he says that he doubts the principal even asked. So this tells me that you will believe something when it is convenient. So . . . you're a pedophile, and you're in denial. Interesting.

3. The principal says that he DID ask. So we have to assume that he DID. If this is true, then Tim has every right to point out that those Christians are hypocrites.

4. Are all Christians hypocrites? Yes. There is no Christian on this planet that follows their religion TO THE LETTER. So while many eople consider themselves Christians, and are destined for Heaven, I say NO - these people are not Christian, and are just as destined for Hell as they believe non-believers to be.

5. Come back when your testicles drop. Thanks.
Anonymous said…
The Bible has nothing to say about pedophilia. Christians claim the Bible is the ultimate moral guideline, and yet it offers no guidelines on this touchy subject. Christians, if the Bible is a perfect moral guideline, why is it so perfectly quiet on this topic? No, you can't say that God is assuming you will know, or that God imbues you with the decency to know - if it can do that, then it can also imbue you with the knowledge of all other decencies, yet it does not. Either the Bible is an ultimate moral guideline, or it is not.

So, Christians . . . WHADFXUP with that? Silence is complianece.
Unknown said…
My, how odd this thread has gotten!

Home health can be expensive, especially if you don't have insurance. It's perfectly reasonable to assume that a teenager would help around the house for money. Hell, when I was a teenager (not so very long ago), if someone in my neighborhood was injured, my mom would have had me over there helping out, pay or no pay. If the person did offer to pay, she wouldn't have let me take the money.

I agree with Tim--the guy you got in touch with just didn't ask anyone. Possibly you should have taken a different approach--put up some flyers or called some parents. Probably the principal just wanted to limit his own liability--people are (perhaps justifiably) paranoid these days about what schoolkids do.

I'm glad you found someone to help out.
almondveined said…
West Memphis Christian was a cesspool when I attended, which is to be expected from a school founded by racist asswipes terrified of desegregation.
Dave Van Allen said…
It's a small school, what do you expect? You sound so bitter. You really need an attitude adjustment.
Dave Van Allen said…
(brings Her Clue-By-Four™ down on the noggin of Ami the Troll)


Ah, that explains the idiotic comment. (shoos away the hungry zombies) Sorry, folks; no braaaaains here.

Ami, how f%cking dare you accuse *Tim* of needing the attitude adjustment? Somewhere between the Principal and the Grade Nine class, somebody obviously forgot to read Matthew 25:35. If their students can't manage *one* hour of paid community service among the lot of 'em, that school has failed both the kids and the community.
Dave Van Allen said…
Hit her again. I loved reading that, Astreja.
Dave Van Allen said…
"Hit her again"

Lol. Hilarious; I love it.
Dave Van Allen said…
I see the problem not being the hypocrites at the school but the attitude critics of Christianity have. Why does Tim think he is owed something by Christians? I suspect the request never got past the principle's desk. Having taught in Christian schools, I know I wouldn't put that request out for anyone and everyone to respond to - nor would I expect another administrator to do so. If you hate Christians so much, go get one of your little athiests friends to come over and do you "do-boy" chores.
Dr. M.E.
Dave Van Allen said…
I also attended WMC and now I teach in a Christian school in another state. Our school, like WMC is not christian because all the students there are christians. No, far be it. Our school is "christian" because we teach christian morals. How the kids respond is totally up to them. I have atheists, homosexuals and lesbians in my classes. These kids aren't running from something - they are seeking out a quality education. We are thankful we can at least teach the Bible without interference.

The things i appreciate most about my WMC years are the teachers who cared and the quality education I was given. I wasn't impressed with my "christian" friends' activities after school or at any other place, nor was I condemning.

I hope by now you've calmed down and can see the liabilities issues also associated with your request. Next time, run an ad in the newspaper.
Dave Van Allen said…
So I am guessing that if you have a lesbian student, you teach her to hate her sexuality and then proceed with detailed explanations (charts, graphs, cute coloring sheets, an illustrated Bible???) as to how she will be brutalized by the psychotic Yahweh and his gleeful bellyfruit/sidekick, Jesus Crust, for an eternity? Then you probably teach the superiority of the blessed Christian Heterosexual Union...um, Marriage...the one that instructs that you please keep your mouth shut and blindly believe in the same bitter God as everyone else, and by the way please bury your true sexuality and get married at 23 and pop out six kids and become quickly and quietly miserable and gain 30 pounds and stop having sex entirely and get divorced at 50 and wake up just in time to watch yourself die. Your homosexual students must be thankful for this bit of Intense Christian Moral Training (ICMT). Wow! Christian morals are so uplifting!

Christian schools are the one place where you can freely abuse children, straight from the Bible, with parental consent, approval, and enjoyment.
Dave Van Allen said…
Let me help you with the I-Can-Teach-the-Bible-Without-Interference bit...

This is Paul Farrell's illustrated Bible for Children and it should help with those lessons on Christian morality. Enjoy!

Dave Van Allen said…
Let me help you with the I-Can-Teach-the-Bible-Without-Interference bit...

This is Paul Farrell's illustrated Bible for Children and it should help with those lessons on Christian morality. Enjoy!

Dave Van Allen said…

You sure told the COACH a thing or three !!

I'm sure this book drawing you've kindly provided, is meaning to show what is commonly called a ummm...BEAR HUG, yes?

ATF (Who wouldn't want to give or receive, THAT kind of 'bear hug')
Dave Van Allen said…

You sure told the COACH a thing or three !!

I'm sure this book drawing you've kindly provided, is meaning to show what is commonly called a ummm...BEAR HUG, yes?

ATF (Who wouldn't want to give or receive, THAT kind of 'bear hug')
Dave Van Allen said…

I think you would get a kick out of this children's Bible...Paul Farrell focuses on the nastier side of Yahweh and depicts the brutality of the OT and NT...I don't think Coach will consider the selection for his lessons on Christian morality...I wish I had come across such a Bible when I was a kid. LOL!
Dave Van Allen said…

I think you would get a kick out of this children's Bible...Paul Farrell focuses on the nastier side of Yahweh and depicts the brutality of the OT and NT...I don't think Coach will consider the selection for his lessons on Christian morality...I wish I had come across such a Bible when I was a kid. LOL!
Dave Van Allen said…
Dr. M.E. said "...I suspect the request never got past the principle's desk..... Having taught in Christian schools....If you hate Christians so much, go get one of your little athiests friends to come over...."

Wouldn't you hope an educator, even a Christian one, would know which principal

has the desk and how to spell atheists?

(I'm not going to mention sentence structure and coherence.)

Just wondering.
Dave Van Allen said…
Dr. M.E. said "...I suspect the request never got past the principle's desk..... Having taught in Christian schools....If you hate Christians so much, go get one of your little athiests friends to come over...."

Wouldn't you hope an educator, even a Christian one, would know which principal

has the desk and how to spell atheists?

(I'm not going to mention sentence structure and coherence.)

Just wondering.

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