That's me in the corner...Image by FadderUri via Flickr

Leaving Your Religion?

It's not the end of the world!

Join us for a powerful weekend with others who can understand and support you.

“RELEASE AND RECLAIM” Recovery Retreat
March 13-15, 2009; Amherst, Mass., and more...

This program is for you if you want to let go of toxic, authoritarian beliefs and reclaim your ability to trust your own feelings and think for yourself.

Leaving your faith can create intense confusion, grief, anxiety, and anger. Recovery can be difficult if the issues are not clear and you feel alone in the struggle.

For more detail, comments from previous participants, and videos of retreats, please visit
WANT TO TALK? If you are unsure, you are welcome to join a conference call to chat with previous retreat participants and others interested. Just send an email to express interest: recoveryfromreligion [AT] gmail [DOT] com, subject line “retreat chat.”
The “Release and Reclaim” weekend is a powerful group experience designed to support you in the process of healing and growth. This includes sharing personal stories, examining key issues, exploring new liberating concepts, and taking part in experiential activities to move beyond intellectual analysis. There will also be time for shared meals, relaxation, and fun. After the retreat, participants are encouraged to join the confidential online group for continued friendship and support.

These retreats are led by Marlene Winell, Ph.D., psychologist and author of Leaving the Fold: A Guide for Former Fundamentalists and Others Leaving Their Religion. Dr. Winell has a private practice in Berkeley, CA and also consults by telephone. See

We are pleased to announce several "Release and Reclaim" retreats coming up, including one on the East Coast for a change!

Amherst, Massachusetts: March 13-15, 2009 (very soon!)
Orange County, CA: April 18-20, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area: May 22-24, 2009
Colorado Springs: June, 2009. Exact dates TBA.

All weekends go from Friday at 7 PM until Sunday at 3 PM.

$320 for workshop, $125 for room and board (all meals included). A $100 deposit will secure a space. $20 discount if paid in full 2 weeks in advance. Financial need considered and options available for financing.

Write to recoveryfromreligion [AT] gmail [DOT] com (subject line “retreat registration”) or call Dr. Winell directly at 510.292.0509 to discuss. You can chat about your situation and consider all the options available for meeting your needs. Retreat space is limited so contact us as soon as possible.

MORE INFORMATION: For more detail, comments from previous participants, and videos of retreats, please visit

If you are unsure, you are welcome to join a conference call to chat with previous retreat participants and others interested. Just send an email to express interest: recoveryfromreligion [AT] gmail [DOT] com, subject line “retreat chat.”

Also, if you would like to organize a retreat in your area, we can work with you to do so.

A joyful empowered life is your birthright and you can start now.

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