Praise Aerobics: soul, spirit and body...

Christianity is so, so full of... ah... mmmm... Well... You know.

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Anonymous said…
Now Christians have no excuse to be unfit. Get off your big butt and Praise Jesus!
DUG853 said…
Is it O.K. if I 'praise' "HER", when I'm doing 'Horizontal-Aerobics', and the 'Praise' is about-to 'CUM-out'-? ROFLMFAO
Anonymous said…
This has to be a joke. How can you be gay and a Christian . LOL
Anonymous said…
This is hilarious.How do you people stand it in the US.We've a few Christian nut jobs up here but nothing happening like this.
Anonymous said…
Yeah, my gaydar was lighting up and I'm not even gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.....
Anonymous said…
That does it!, I'm sick of working for a living, there must be a similar scam I can pull!

OK, think man, think! Let's see -Christian dental-flossing, Christian Heimlich manoeuvres, automatic-Jack T.Chick-tract dispensing machines, slain-in-the-spirit-fall-breaking mattresses, footsteps-on-the-beach toilet roll...
Anonymous said…
He's definitely on my Gaydar ROFLMAO!
twincats said…
This didn't even strike me as a very good or imaginative workout. Rather boring and not very challenging, physically. And mind you, I'm in abysmal physical condition right now.

Bad science, bad music (modern, anyway; I like a lot of the baroque stuff) and now, bad aerobics.

Chalk up another one for the jebus cult.
Anonymous said…
This guy was funny, and a total nut. He reminds of a bad Richard Simmons imitation. Did he say I Gotta Pee or I Got a P at 3:30 left in the video? I think that I will stick with Nature Hikes and Tae-Bo!

Give me a goddamn break. How corny, and just to think that I used to be on fire for the jebus man.

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