God loves dirty woman

I like me some dirty women! And so does the Christian God!


Anonymous said…
Well done! I would LOVE to see him do a video about my all-time favorite Baahble verse:

Ezekiel 23:20 (New Living Translation)

"She lusted after lovers with genitals as large as a donkey’s and emissions like those of a horse."
Anonymous said…
Great delivery...
Maybe this caliber of arguement will knock a crack into the armor of christians who aren't too far gone.
Anonymous said…
mothpete said…
Ha, yeah, god has something against body fluids for sure. Jesus was a bit more with it. He spat in the dirt and made a poultice for someone's eyes. He gushed 'water' our from his side after getting pierced. Maybe that's why god has such issues with 'issues'... he looked ahead and saw his son excreting every known bodily fluid while trussed up. I bet god hates himself for talking his son into that messed up shit. Meh, it was all good three days later. Except for the blood still in his hand holes that Thomas was allowed to poke at.
Anonymous said…
I wonder how many christians are aware of the passage that was mentioned in the video. I would say that 90 percent are not aware of it.

I tried to get my dad, who is a die hard christian to watch this video, however he refused to do so like I knew he would.

He says he doesn't want anything to do with anything that perverts the word of God, nor does he have any interest in what an "Atheist" has to say on the matter. He also reminded me about how the devil has taken away my ability to understand scripture correctly, and how my separation from Jesus has allowed the devil to cloud my judgment and understanding of the bible.

Like many christians, my dad does not want to come outside of his little "Christian Bubble" and learn about the real truth. It just proves how scared that my dad is along with other christians that they are afraid of finding out that their belief system about "Jesus" is false.

I'm sure the very thought of finding out that their beliefs in a personal Jesus being false scares the living hell out of all christians.
Anonymous said…

My mom is the same way! I'm so sorry I started her back in church back when I was a christian.. I love my mom dearly but it gets annoying when she watches that CROOK Jack Van Impe! I go over to visit her and she runs around the house after his show is over like the world is coming to an end spouting bible verses she doesn't even understand. I tried and tried telling her that this Jack Van Impe is nothing but a quack and a False prophet but she just does not want to hear it! I told her I remember watching that crook Jack Van Impe back in 1991 or 1992 at the beginning of the first Gulf War and I remember this loon predicting that the 7 year war would start in 1993 but she does not want to hear it!

Anyways Great Video and I always wondered about that Verse too.. Funny stuff!
Anonymous said…
Not only is that video awesome, but I now have a crush on that guy.
Anonymous said…
Mandy wrote:
I wonder how many christians are aware of the passage that was mentioned in the video. I would say that 90 percent are not aware of it

Hi Mandy,

I have to tell you that when I was a xtian in my younger days, I had no idea about this passage, nor many many others like it either.
It was only AFTER reading the bible as a normal BOOK and digging into 'outside' opinions of the bible, that I realized that so many 'ugly' things like this existed in the bible.
So yes, I would have to agree with you on your estimate of 90%.

I tried to get my dad, who is a die hard christian to watch this video, however he refused to do so like I knew he would.
He says he doesn't want anything to do with anything that perverts the word of God, nor does he have any interest in what an "Atheist" has to say on the matter. He also reminded me about how the devil has taken away my ability to understand scripture correctly, and how my separation from Jesus has allowed the devil to cloud my judgment and understanding of the bible

Such opinions as your Dad has here, seem to be quite common, especially amongst the fundie types.

I've heard xtians in my life tell me over and over again, how my logical approach to understanding scripture, is blinding me to the 'true' meanings that god had intended etc..
I can't imagine what it is that xtians THINK they understand about those meanings, that the rest of us can't grasp, so I guess it's one of those 'secret club' things they have going for them.
I might even buy into some secret-code idea, if if if, most of the xtians in the world were in sync with each other in the message they deliver about their bible writings.
The fact that differ so GREATLY amongst themselves, clearly is saying in a loud voice that no god is directing this 'play' and everyone is believing what they WISH to.

They cite only passages that apply to their own philosophy and then twist the meanings of the rest, to force-fit it into their way of thinking.
(Makes me think they failed the lesson of the square peg & round hole test in school)

Yes, I've also heard a few accuse us of being in control by the devil himself.
Face it, anything from their bible that doesn't agree with their own way of thinking, is surely the devil tricking folks into believing lies etc..
There is NO WAY to reason with such narrow minded individuals, as any human reasoning is surely faulty as compared to what they THINK their god book is telling them.
Go Figure!!!

>I'm sure the very thought of finding out that their beliefs in a personal Jesus being false scares the living hell out of all christians.

I agree 100% with this one.

So what do xtians do then to 'keep the faith'.
They put on blinders so they can ignore any counter-evidence of their god, or they do like the xtians who visit us here, and try to convince us that their god is of reality.
The latter is surely a means to try and verify their own faith by seeing if the ex-xtians can knock down their faith. When they ignore our arguments as invalid or counter our arguments with responses like 'god can do as he pleases' or 'god can do anything', then their faith is bolstered up again.
They beat the devil at his own game, they surely must be thinking to themselves.

It doesn't matter to them that there is no logic behind their faith, only that we can't prove their faith to be in total error. Even if what is left is only a remote chance of their god being real, that tiny bit of chance is all they require to 'keep on trucking' in their beliefs.

The obvious reasons to us to not believe are just meaningless to xtians who believe on faith alone.
The bazillion contradictions in the bible, the severe lack of historical evidence of Jesus doing what the bible says he did, the non-sense philosophy and the ridiculous rules god imposes, all mean exactly NOTHING to one who only needs faith to confirm what their minds wish to be true.

This is why I very much tie-in a god belief based on faith, with the many other supernatural beliefs that some folks are sure about.
If one truly wishes to believe in a thing, no matter what that thing is, then one will twist their own minds into seeing it as real and conveniently ignore any evidence to the contrary.

I've debated with folks who are sure their supernatural beliefs are valid and just like we can't convince xtians why god is all nonsense, you won't convince most of these other believers with any counter evidence either. Folks can be quite STUBBORN about what makes them feel good and if a god belief makes a believer feel good, nothing you can say will reach their cognitive minds.
It's only when something triggers that first doubt in their minds that one has some leverage to entertain other reasons with them, as to why their belief is erroneous.

For the reasons I stated here, you have about a zero chance of changing your Dad's mind, nor will he ever see you as anything but a lost-soul.
I'm sure he maintains a great hope that one day you'll see things his way, and as long as you do so before you die, then in his mind, you'll see him again etc..

ATF (who wonders why this god created us with logic and reason, if we can never use those talents when it comes to matters of god)
Well done, good "biblical Exegesis".
Menstural blood, the same as semen,
the "liquidity" of our magical
bodies, is "liquid people", "liguid
flesh, liquid bones, liquid bodies!
Liquid Sacred SEX Magick!

Where would WE all be without women's
menstural blood and men's "seminal"
flow? We would all be NObodies,
bodyless . . . "possibilities"
"unmanifested" and "unborn" and
therefore, UNALIVE . . . NOW!
Your point about such nonsense
being written by MALE misogenists
living in tents, "cattle and
sheep breeding" nomads make sense.

Keep up the good work and realize
that the Patriarchial male
woman hating misogenists turned
the brutal Roman Empire's practice
of the crucifixion of millions of
our human ancestors into the
Crucifixion RELIGION and 2000
years of HELLfire and Damnation
horrific religious atrocities
and "crimes against humanity"
"in the name of" the "GOD" of

If that is "LOVE", who in the
HELL on Earth NOW needs it?

Out REAL "Love" nature has been
subverted and used against us,
by the perpetuators of mass
religious insanity run amok,
as in the "old Euro-American"
"witchcraze" and "Inquisitions"
from which we have yet to all
recover our collective sanity!

I recommend reading:
When God was a Woman by Merlin Stone
The Great Cosmic Mother,
Reclaiming the Religion of the Earth
The Living Goddess, reclaiming
the tradition of the Mother of the
Universe by Linda Johnsten
GynEcology by Mary Daly
The Dark Side of Christian History

These books and others like them
will accelerate your deconversion
and liberate you from the shakles
of toxic religious misogeny,
woman hating vilification of all
that being "woman" . . . IS!
And being a "womanborn" MALE . IS!

Your commentary on this posting
is welcome at:

Spiritual Avatar for the great
eXChristian Exodus and Exile.
Anonymous said…
To JT Free As A Bee,

I understand what you mean about Jack Van Impe. I have a friend who is a christian and he watches that shyster all of the time. The bad thing is he is schizophrenic, and watching Jack Van Impe is not one of the best things for someone to watch who has schizophrenia.

I've heard his doomsday messages before, and according to him, we are all doomed.
Anonymous said…
ATF Wrote: "For the reasons I stated here, you have about a zero chance of changing your Dad's mind, nor will he ever see you as anything but a lost-soul."


I would say that is a safe bet. Also considering that my dad is 79 years old, and from the time period that he comes from, I'm sure that you are right.

I know where you are coming from about not being able to convince most christians of the truth. You can tell them the sky is blue and point out the evidence to them, and they will still say that it is green according to faith.

This one person who I use to go to church with tried to get me back into the fold this past Summer. He tried sharing Bible Scripture with me, and I became really bored with him.

He then told me that my decision to leave the faith would only lead to eventual destruction, and I was now in bondage, even though I am finding more freedom and peace outside of Christ.

He told me that my success did not matter, and I was like WHAT????

That just kills me how christians would rather be enslaved and miserable because of some belief and the fear of going to hell. They would rather sacrifice success in order to please their mythical god.

For the record, it was christianity that robbed me of my hopes and dreams for many years until I got fed up with it and left it behind.
Anonymous said…
Ooooh, I need a dirty woman.
Ooooh, I need a dirty girl.
Anonymous said…
And to think that this is the same bloody god who said, "I am the same yesterday, today, and forever."

So all ye Christian born-again women, next time time thou enterest thy work-place, please fill up a form which statest that thou art passing through thine period of uncleanliness so that thy brethren and the cistern in the Lord are not defiled by thy uncleanliness when thou sendest thine files and reports through thine email or when thou maketh changes to thine code in the software, etc. etc. (Well, I work in the IT industry, hence the context of code). But you get the idea.

From India,

- Andy (a PK).
Anonymous said…
Preacher's Kid (aka Andy from India) commenting again...

Sorry about the last comment, but I'm really, really, really, pissed off. I'm waiting to see one child of bloody Jeebus (well, I say bloody bcos he is the same Jehovah who commanded the children of Israel to murder and rape in the OT) to respond to this video. And apologies, Webmaster, I'm, er, ahem, well, a little drunk, so, I shall refrain from adding more garbage here. I shall post again when I am in a conscious state of mind - as defined by the laws of the worldly nations, which thankfully, are based on objective and logical thinking, especially democratic countries. Hasta leugo, - Andy from India.
Anonymous said…
The Jewish nation has always showed a hypochondriac, unsociable and peevish character. Enen in our days. And superstitious. They have numerous of religious laws and regulations, all irrational. About food, about charity, about work, about other nations, about everything.Jesus Christ often condemned those "laws" as heavy burden on peoples' shoulders and mere hypocricy.
It is wrong to see the Old Testament like a book,with power in itself like magic, as the Coran is for the muslims.The Old Testament is the story of the continuous adventure of the jewish nation in reference to their conflict and "wrestling" with God.
Leemil9 said…

The purpose of proper cleaness as stated in the Old Testament was to keep Israel separate from the surrounding Idol worshipping people who lived nearby. It was a purity law that was required for Israelites alone. God made his laws to protect the rights of God and people. Mans effort of keeping the law through the centuries have failed that is why Christ came. The New Testament states that the purpose of the law was to lead us to Christ. Gal 3:24 Christ accepts everyone regardless of Sexual orientation whether Gay or Bi-sexual on the basis of Grace through faith. The gospel is simple.

Rom 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Rom 10:10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

It is interesting that you have a zeal for understanding things. Just know that God loves you.

Take care.

TheJaytheist said…
"The purpose of proper cleaness as stated in the Old Testament was to keep Israel separate from the surrounding Idol worshipping people who lived nearby."

Is that why god commanded the israelites to commit genocide. Oh! what love!

"God made his laws to protect the rights of God and people."

Is that why a raped woman must marry the guy who raped her if he gives her father some money? Oh! What freedom!

" Mans effort of keeping the law through the centuries have failed that is why Christ came."

So god gave a certain group of people a set of laws that are truly barbaric, knowing that the group cwouldn't be able to keep them? And after thousands of years go by, years of countless barbarity and cruelty caused by the law, he then decides to "fix" the problem. Oh! What wisdom!

"The New Testament states that the purpose of the law was to lead us to Christ."

There could not have been contrived a more idiotic method than that. The subjugation of women under the law should give anyone pause to reconsider the aptitude for wisdom that the supposed maker of the laws supposedly has.

"The gospel is simple."

If it were so simple then why are there so many different denominations, each with their own interpretation of the gospel?

"Just know that God loves you."

Your imaginary friend seems like an asshole to me. Unless you can provide some credible evidence for it's objective exisence, I don't feel that it is wise to believe it has any emotions at all.
Leemil9 said…
Hi Stronger now,

I will try to answer your questions as best as possible. Although I am not perfect.

" Is that why god commanded the israelites to commit genocide. Oh! what love! "

You have to understand that God knows the heart of a person whether or not they have a desire to bring harm to someone by violating there own freedom. My understanding is that God gave commands to slay Israels enemies because of the fact that their hearts were in a continued state of wanting to do harm to others. In the case of Sodom and Gomora, God said that their sins are grievous. Gen 18:20 Remember sin is transgression of the law which is a violation of a persons own rights. For the record the sin of Sodom was Rape and things that brought harm to another not Homosexuality, that is a mistranslation. I have a question. If you foreknew someones heart intent to do harm such as rape a woman, would you not want to stop them ? Consider our own judicial system in the US. A man is convicted of raping and murdering an innocent woman. Would that not be barbaric ?

"Is that why a raped woman must marry the guy who raped her if he gives her father some money? Oh! What freedom!"

I think you have a mix between two verses. The man who raped a woman is put to death. Deut 22:25. The woman is not forced to marry him. You have to understand the fact that a father who has a Daughter is her fathers property rights. ( not in a sense of controlling her freedom) If a man has sex with a virgin who is unbetrothed, then he shall pay the father to take her as a wife, because of his responsiblity for the outcome of the child. Deu 22:28-29

"So god gave a certain group of people a set of laws that are truly barbaric, knowing that the group cwouldn't be able to keep them? And after thousands of years go by, years of countless barbarity and cruelty caused by the law, he then decides to "fix" the problem. Oh! What wisdom! "

The first answer would apply here. The purpose of the law was never to save us it was to show what sin is and to show that it was impossible to follow. Which points us to Christ which is our righteousness Rom 10:4.

" There could not have been contrived a more idiotic method than that. The subjugation of women under the law should give anyone pause to reconsider the aptitude for wisdom that the supposed maker of the laws supposedly has."

Again the purpose of the law was to protect the rights of all including women. With the exception of a priests Daughter , women were free to choose to be a common prostitute. See this link http://www.ecclesia.org/truth/women_sin_whore.html The control of women was brought about by the later church fathers which has nothing to do with biblical truths.

"If it were so simple then why are there so many different denominations, each with their own interpretation of the gospel? "

Truthfully there is only one way to God and that is throught Christ. John 14:6 It is interesting that Christ sees his church as one unity composed of all living believers in Christ. Rom 12:5 There again is mans attempt to be different or separated but thats not how Christ sees the church.

I hope this helps in some way.

Take care

TheJaytheist said…
dueteronomy 22:28-29 KJV:"28If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found;

29Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days."(bold added)

NIV:"28 If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, 29 he shall pay the girl's father fifty shekels of silver. [c] He must marry the girl, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives."(bold added)

Sorry pal, the passage means rape, clearly.

"You have to understand that God knows the heart of a person whether or not they have a desire to bring harm to someone by violating there own freedom."

Biblegod ordered the massacre of innocent babies and children. He himself has killed babies when he could have, just as easily, had the evil grown ups drop dead and commanded the israelites to adopt the babies and bring them up in his love. He chose to kill 'em all. That is what makes him evil. Your brainwashing is showing.

"The purpose of the law was never to save us it was to show what sin is and to show that it was impossible to follow."

And you don't see the moral problem with this? How many people were killed because of god's impossible to follow laws that HE commanded and that HE demanded be done to appease HIM!?!

"Again the purpose of the law was to protect the rights of all including women."

Again, this is clearly not so. The purpose of the law was NOT to protect the rights of women, it was to subjugate them. You cannot command someone to marry another, even without rape involved, and claim it doesn't violate their rights. They were considered property of men, for the most part, and gods law promoted this concept. It was god who ordered the murder of the male children of the midianites. Even babies yet to take a first step. They didn't have a choice. Again, you are misrepresenting what the bible says about the nature of god thru his commands. He is a vile sort, and his ways should not be esteemed by anyone.

"Truthfully there is only one way to God and that is throught Christ."

You claim it is truth? Why? And please, think about your answer. I am not asking for you to support you views useing scripture. I am asking how you know that what the bible says is objectively true. Only a well reasoned rational response please.

Now for your question:"If you foreknew someones heart intent to do harm such as rape a woman, would you not want to stop them?"

Yes, but there are more ways of stopping someone from impending rape than just killing them and their children and families. If I had the supernatural powers that the bible claims your god has, it would be nothing for me to turn him into a woman, or make his balls shrivel, or kill just him, or render him impotent if he tried it ect..ect..ect...

If you're about to say something about me screwing with their freewill, please explain how killing someone isn't mucking around with their freewill? Biblegod doesn't seem to have a problem with killing someone, heck, almost everyone regardless of their freewill.

And please explain how the laws protect freedom "With the exception of a priests Daughter..."

Do they not count? Does their subjugation mean nothing? How odd that you can sweep their freedoms away when as if they meant nothing, just to keep your delusion in tact. What other barbarities can you ignore for your own peace of mind?

Is it ok for someone to honestly seek truth and be tortured for eternity for it, because they don't see self deception as a means to attain truth?(rhetorical)

You are not a help, because you wish to remain brainwashed and blinded to reason.
Leemil9 said…
Hi Stronger Now or should I say SkepticBud ? Interesting..

I guess we will just have to agree to disagree. Its ok, you have a right to not believe in Christ. I will not judge you for it.

Hey seasons greetings and happy new year to you and your family.

TheJaytheist said…
Ok, Lee.

Have a great one.


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