
Showing posts from February, 2008

So, what do you worship?

By Chucky Jesus I'm both an ex-Christian and an atheist. I almost don't think of myself as ex-anything any more, because my deconversion was so long ago; I'm 53 now and I gave up on Christianity by the time I was 18. Since then there's been one thing about Christianity in the back of my mind -- this notion of "worship." I suppose if I thought about it at all, it was in reaction to a question which is often posed to freethinkers by theists, "So, what do you worship?" My reaction has been, well we don't worship anybody, silly -- and why do you feel the need to worship someone? Are you all syncophants? Then again, perhaps many freethinkers do worship, in a sense. I think I've decided that I worship life -- all aspects of life, which, in a way includes the entire universe, as it's all tied together. After all, the stuff we're made from and the most distant galaxies were all part of the same "cosmic" egg "before...

Teflon Deity

By Doc Mike In the wake of the tornadoes that recently ravaged the Southern US, I am once again amazed by the ability of Christians to justify and excuse their god for the evil in the world and praise him for the things that turn out positive. What's worse, they sometimes claim that their "omnipotent" god is not even responsible for the bad things! "Thirteen were killed in Arkansas, seven in Kentucky, and five were killed in Alabama where some 500 homes were also destroyed. Tennessee was the hardest hit, with 34 killed and 230 citizens still unaccounted for in the poor, farming areas of Macon County near the Kentucky border." Today's comic was inspired by a report on NPR , in the aftermath of the tornadoes. A woman being interviewed had survived (not in very good shape, mind you) her mobile home being destroyed around her. When the interviewer asked why she thinks she survived, she said, "God must have a plan for me." The very next question was ab...

Anatomy of a Christian Hate Letter - Part Four

This post is part of a dialogue, In Two Minds: The Anatomy of a Christian Hate Letter, between former minister Brian Worley and psychologist Valerie Tarico . In the series, Brian Worley, an ordained Baptist, describes some of his encounters with Christian friends and family since he deconverted and Valerie Tarico responds. In Letter 3 Brian talked about what attracted him to the Christian faith and he puzzles over why Christianity provokes such intense and even violent reactions toward apostates and outsiders. Dear Brian, The things that attracted you to the Christian faith are the same that attract many people. Recently I attended a meeting called “Vintage Jesus” held on the University of Washington campus. There were two to three hundred local students who had come to hear a charismatic mega-church minister tell them who Jesus was. I watched with fascination as Pastor Mark Driscoll wove his story, subtly distorting, blurring ideas together, overstating agreement among Christians,...

For Those Who are Pained by My Changes

By Valerie Tarico Recently a fellow traveler asked me how he could explain to his children the changes that he is going through. I realized, as I wrote out some thoughts for him, that I had never shared these same thoughts with my own family members who have grieved and feared for my soul. If they could understand the following, perhaps they might worry less: One of the most central themes of Judaism and then Christianity is an ongoing hunger, a quest to understand God more deeply and completely. For over 3000 years, our spiritual ancestors have been working hard to figure out answers to life’s most important questions: What is good? What is real (often framed as what is God)? And how can we live in moral community with each other? Each generation of our ancestors received a package of handed down answers to these questions. This package contained the very best answers their ancestors had to these questions. But those answers were always imperfect. They had bits of timeless w...

Screaming farting preacher and the Mrs.

Evolution, Culture and Truth

Daniel C. Dennett , philosophy professor and co-director of the Center for Cognitive Studies at Tufts University , offers a unique perspective on the role of philosophy in the cognitive and behavioral sciences. Dennett is known for his research on the mind and consciousness, relating philosophy to the scientific study of the brain, evolution and artificial intelligence. Click here for books by Dennett . This video is approximately one hour in length.

Jesus loves you

Baby Bible Bashers #2

Last week we talked about this program and saw some clips . This week the entire program is available on YouTube. Comments?

Creationists launch “peer reviewed” journal

By Massimo Pigliucci, Ph.D. I’m not making this up, I swear. “ Answers in Genesis ,” the same nonsensical outlet that has given us Ken Ham ’s “ Creation Museum ,” recently launched a “peer reviewed” “technical” journal, called, of course, “ Answers Research Journal .” The idea, we learn from the “About” section of the journal’s web page, is to provide an outlet for “interdisciplinary scientific and other relevant research from the perspective of the recent Creation and the global Flood within a biblical framework.” See, apparently “there has been a pressing need for such a journal,” because “people want to know they can trust what is published on the Internet,” and they “can give you absolute assurance that the papers we will be publishing in Answers Research Journal are of the highest scientific and theological standard.” Of course, a high theological standard is a bit of an oxymoron, but let’s not quibble on the details. The editor of this prestigious new arrival...

The Science Conflict: Should a 21st Century Scientist Believe in God?

A recent debate held at the University of Waterloo , sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ and the Atheists, Agnostics and Free Thinkers Society of Waterloo.

Religion ala Eddie Izzard

A hilarious clip from Eddie Izzard's Dressed to Kill .

Saving My Hymen for Jesus

Two girls sing about the benefits of saving it for the Lord! Written by Katie Goodman & Soren Kisel. Staring Katie Goodman & Sallie Sills. Edited by Aaron Brown. Directed by Ryan Stumpe.

The theory of evolution... only five minutes.

Watch Out for those Terrible Atheists

by Lee Salisbury A recent study conducted by the University of Minnesota shows that atheists are more distrusted and despised than any other minority and that an atheist is the last person for whom Americans would vote in a presidential election. “Muslims, recent immigrants, gays and lesbians” all ranked higher than atheists in public acceptability. Furthermore, Americans are “least willing to allow their children to marry” atheists. State laws instill and perpetuate this attitude. Article IX, Sec. 2, of the Tennessee constitution states: “No person who denies the being of God, or a future state of rewards and punishments shall hold any office in the civil department of this state.” Arkansas, Maryland, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Texas have similar laws. George H. W. Bush while campaigning for President in 1987 exhibited this same attitude, “I don’t know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation unde...

Baby Bible Bashers

Showing on UK Channel 4, Thursday 14 February 2008, 9pm Samuel Boutwell is a seven-year-old preacher. He takes his vocation to save sinners from rotting in eternal hell extremely seriously. Most Saturdays he stands in front of his local abortion clinic in Jackson, Mississippi and, bible in hand, bellows: 'Don't kill your child! Repent! God loves the little children!' View picture gallery >> Baby Bible Bashers follows the extraordinary stories of three of the Lord's 'chosen children', and their relationships with God, their families and their congregations. In addition to Samuel, we meet nine-year-old Florida firebrand Terry Durham , who likes nothing more than to don his oversize blue suit and alligator shoes, and whip the crowd into a frenzy. Terry holds the honour of having been the world's youngest ordained minister at just six. Brazilian sensation Ana Carolina Dias began preaching at just three years of age and regularly commands TV audience...

Anatomy of a Christian Hate Letter - Part Three

This post is part of a dialogue, In Two Minds: The Anatomy of a Christian Hate Letter , between former minister Brian Worley and psychologist Valerie Tarico . In the series, Brian Worley, an ordained Baptist, describes some of his encounters with Christian friends and family since he deconverted and Valerie Tarico responds. Dear Valerie, I have never forgotten that I was once a true believer (Fundamentalists type) for 23 years. I suppose that it was the expressed passion of the Fundamentalist preacher types that initially attracted me into the faith. What I found appealing was: 1) the urgency of the message 2) the earnest defense of the faith 3) denunciation of sin 4) music 5) the assembling together 6) the unquestioned “truth” of Christianity 7) the camaraderie of standing for something. All of these helped to bring me into the fold. Thinking back, I cannot recall anyone questioning the legitimacy of Christianity prior to my graduation from Bible college. I knew many that didn’t l...

Once a Baby-Killer...

For some reason, pro-life Christians think their God is against abortion and baby-killing. I don't get it! There are lots of examples to the contrary in the Bible . I mean, who has killed more babies than the Christian God ? Have you read these passages? Hosea 13:16 Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up. Exodus 12:29 "And it came to pass, that at midnight the LORD smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt..." 2 Samuel 12:14 Howbeit, because by this deed thou hast given great occasion to the enemies of the LORD to blaspheme, the child also that is born unto thee shall surely die. Isaiah 13:16 Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished. Isaiah 13:18 Their bows also shall dash the young men to pieces; and they shall have no pity on the...

What should we do...

...about certain tenacious trolls? Add your comments below.

"Creation Science 101"

Roy Zimmerman What's funny about war, poverty, ignorance, bigotry, neo-conservatism, homophobia, greed, lust and fear? Ask Roy Zimmerman. He's been writing satirical songs for twenty years. The Los Angeles Times says, "Zimmerman displays a lacerating wit and keen awareness of society's foibles that bring to mind a latter-day Tom Lehrer." "Creation Science 101" is on my album "Faulty Intelligence" available on my website and on iTunes. -- Roy Zimmerman

Hell: The Devil's Domain

Video segments I–X Hell: The Devil's Domain From the dark Hades of Greek Mythology to the fire-and-brimstone visions of fundamentalist thunderers, Hell has long held a particular grip over the human imagination. HELL: THE DEVIL'S DOMAIN travels the world to peer into the darkest depths of this eternal fascination. The journey begins with the story of a near-death experience in which a man thinks he went to Hell after being declared clinically dead and before resuscitation. Trace the evolving conceptions of hell and the devil from Stone-Age French cave paintings to Hollywood blockbusters. Speak with survivors of the recovered memory craze and parishioners at a fundamentalist Texas church. Review literary landmarks like Dante's Inferno and Milton's Paradise Lost. And see how the world's great faiths various conceptions of the afterlife encompass these universal fears. Approximately 90 minutes in length.

On the off chance Huckabee wins...

I've been thinking about what would happen if Mike Huckabee won the Presidency and really did change the Constitution to "God's Laws". One thing for sure, the rock business would get a big boost! According to the Bible , God prescribes stoning for all kinds of offenses. Here are a few examples: (I actually copied this list from one of my favorite Atheist resources called, Dwindling In Unbelief . I hope Steve doesn't mind.) 1. For touching Mount Sinai Exodus 19:13 2. For taking "accursed things" Joshua 7:1-26 3. For cursing or blaspheming Leviticus 24:16 4. For adultery (including urban rape victims who fail to scream loud enough) Deuteronomy 22:23-24 5. For animals (like an ox that gores a human) Exodus 21:28 6. For a woman who is not a virgin on her wedding night Deuteronomy 22:13-21 7. For worshipping other gods Deuteronomy 17:2-5 8. For preaching the wrong religion Deuteronomy 13:5-10 9. For disobeying parents Deuteronomy 21:18-...

The reward for being an atheist

By Bob Patterson Debating fundamentalists is difficult because the battle involves differing weapons.The atheists uses logic while the fundies use emotion. There is almost no quick way to convince someone their long held emotions are incorrect. One way or another, the result is usually sticking their fingers in their ears and singing, "La La la la -- I don't want to hear you," or some other similar way to tell you to get lost. Testing emotions will usually invoke anger, as well. At least online debating has some advantage in that you don't have to withstand a shouting contest. If you could convince a fundie to become an atheist or even an agnostic, it would involve the following difficult changes: 1.You'd have to admit your parents lied to you, or at least, mislead you. 2.You'd have to admit you were wrong! 3.You'd have to become a minority. 4.You know that being an atheist isn't usually good in the workplace. 5. Your family and some friends may...

Let's Chat!


Religion? No thanks. I'll just continue in my atheism

By Bob Patterson 1: I don't believe in a god because I have yet to see, hear, or feel one. Neither have I seen any credible evidence that anyone else has. 2: I don't believe in your god because there are thousands of gods... What makes your god (out of 10,000 gods) the 'real' one? Ever notice that believers follow the religion of their parents? 3: What is the evidence for your god? If you tell me the bible, I'll have to assume you never read it. Much of the bible is the rantings of maniacal lunatics. Is that the best your god can do? 4: If, in fact, your god is the factual real McCoy, 100% of the world would know it. 5: Why does your god get all the credit for everything perceived as good, but never any blame for what isn't? 6: If your god is so great and so powerful, why is there still disease, suffering and birth defects? 7. Only 1/3 of the world's population are in 'Christian nations' which, of course, are only partially Christian? 8: If ...

Anatomy of a Christian Hate Letter - Part Two

This post is part of a dialog, In Two Minds: The Anatomy of a Christian Hate Letter , between former minister Brian Worley and psychologist Valerie Tarico . In the series, Brian Worley, an ordained Baptist, describes some of his encounters with Christian friends and family since he deconverted. In Letter One , he asked Dr. Tarico to comment on an exchange with his brother and in Letter Two, Valerie Tarico responds. Dear Brian, Your experience, I’m afraid, is familiar to many former Evangelical believers. Even though I have researched some of the worst of Christian history, the Evangelical child in me continues to marvel at things that are said in defense of the God of Love and Truth. After all, I believed in the fruit of the Spirit. I believed in Jesus who told us to turn the other cheek. So, I was shocked when I first read profanity and threats of personal violence against the stewards of,, and even the Ontario Center For Religious Tolerance (relig...

Anatomy of a Christian Hate Letter - Letter One

This post is part of a dialog, In Two Minds: The Anatomy of a Christian Hate Letter , between former minister Brian Worley and psychologist Valerie Tarico . In the series, Brian Worley, an ordained Baptist, describes some of his encounters with Christian friends and family since he deconverted. In Letter 1, he asks Dr. Tarico to comment on an exchange with his brother. Dear Dr. Tarico, The last time I was with my Christian father, he cussed me out because of my beliefs. I looked him in the eye and said, “I got what I needed to know from you today.” (I had traveled a long way just to visit.) Then, I just turned and walked away. Below, I have posted a letter from my brother. Our relationship has never been the same since I left the faith. Brian, I feel very privileged that you chose to send me your propaganda I know that you hope to win converts to your dark world but what I choose to do is add you to my blocked senders list. I believe that most of your old friends and family have come t...

God the psycho

Pat Condell remarks on the curse of monotheism.

Why I Became an Atheist

Former evangelical minister John W. Loftus would like to announce that his latest book — "Why I Became an Atheist" — will soon be released by Prometheus Books . For about two decades John W. Loftus was a devout evangelical Christian, an ordained minister of the Church of Christ, and an ardent apologist for Christianity. With three degrees--in philosophy, theology, and philosophy of religion--he was adept at using rational argumentation to defend the faith. But over the years, as he ministered to various congregations and taught at Christian colleges, doubts about the credibility of key Christian tenets began to creep into his thinking. By the late 1990s he experienced a full-blown crisis of faith, brought on by emotional upheavals in his personal life as well as the gathering weight of the doubts he had long entertained. In this honest appraisal of his journey from believer to atheist, Loftus carefully explains the experiences and the reasoning process that led him to rejec...

A few observations from an ex-Christian atheist

By Colin I have been floating around on this site for only a few months now, even though my own de-conversion happened more than 15 years ago. My wife is still a Christian (if a very lukewarm one) and I happened to read one of her magazines that a superheated fundamentalist Christian friend gave her. In this magazine, there was an article about this very site. The article did not mention the site by name, (probably because they did not wish to encourage foolish young sheep to leave the fold), but how intelligent do you need to be to Google “Ex-Christian”? I noted that the author of that article never posted anything on this site – a wise decision, in my opinion. This is not my testimonial , which I have submitted previously, but I do wish to tell everyone who visits this site, that everything you read here about de-conversion is true: It is not a process that takes place in a few days or even weeks – it takes years, more probably decades. It is usually the result of doing an in-depth s...

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