Hell: The Devil's Domain

Video segments I–X

Hell: The Devil's Domain

From the dark Hades of Greek Mythology to the fire-and-brimstone visions of fundamentalist thunderers, Hell has long held a particular grip over the human imagination. HELL: THE DEVIL'S DOMAIN travels the world to peer into the darkest depths of this eternal fascination.

The journey begins with the story of a near-death experience in which a man thinks he went to Hell after being declared clinically dead and before resuscitation. Trace the evolving conceptions of hell and the devil from Stone-Age French cave paintings to Hollywood blockbusters. Speak with survivors of the recovered memory craze and parishioners at a fundamentalist Texas church. Review literary landmarks like Dante's Inferno and Milton's Paradise Lost. And see how the world's great faiths various conceptions of the afterlife encompass these universal fears.

Approximately 90 minutes in length.


TheJaytheist said…
I watched the whole thing.

Lessons learned:

1) Religion is nuts.

2) Goth chicks are HOT!
Anonymous said…
Please open your eyes!
God Bless you!
Speaking of "opening your eyes," have you ever looked at Tele-Fundies' eyes? They're never open all the way. They're either little slits, or they've got this glazed-over look to them.

I'm not worried about Da Demons. You Christians are always claiming that demons have a special interest in you, anyway, since you all are "warriors."

Anyway, I made a podcast about some weird demon "conspiracy" in children''s toys and cartonns over at Mondo Diablo.
Huey said…
Anonymous said:

"Please open your eyes!
God Bless you!"

First off we don't need nor want the imaginary blessing of your imaginary god. I read the article and and while it does make 1 or 2 valid points it still does nothing more than redefine a word and then use that new definition to try and prove a point. We are not children here and your half-witted god is not our daddy. The article goes on to make the same baseless conclusions; that god is the source of good, that without god we will always be evil, that atheists are just children in denial, that atheists can't have hope and are incapable of love, etc. It is just the same tedious crap.

I find it amusing when the pious use "logic" against us. To use something as a tool, one has to understand it's use. The author of that article is using a screwdriver to drive a nail.
boomSLANG said…
One thing I found particularly hilarious was the clip of the alleged "exorcism" in which the religio-nut performing the task presumably tells "Satan"..."YOU HAVE NO LEGAL RIGHT TO BE IN HER!!!"

Um, "no legal right"??? LMAO! Good grief!..so "Satan" must first take an exam of some sort?...he needs a license, or "permit", to be "evil"? Lol! F%cking idiots!...the whole point of the concept of "evil" is to circumvent "authority"...to REBEL against it! Duh!?

As for the anonymous dip-shit who posted the link---the arguments that "cold" is merely the absence of heat, and that one cannot technically eat a dougnut "hole"... blah, blah, blah... do jack-squat to absolve "God" from either allowing evil to exist/persist, or from being incapable of stopping it. In concept, either the former, or the latter MUST be true. You cannot weasle-word your way out of this dilemma. In other words, in order for the biblical concept of "heaven" and hell" to be cohesive and consistant, "evil" is actually necessary. Now, how ironic is that???

Astreja said…
Hellbound Alleee: "Speaking of "opening your eyes," have you ever looked at Tele-Fundies' eyes? They're never open all the way. They're either little slits, or they've got this glazed-over look to them."

Já, I've seen that, too. First noticed it back in the '80s when the only thing on late-night TV was the PTL Club.

Then I noticed that many other evangelically-minded people have similar ocular configurations. What's up with that, anyway? Any neurologists, optometrists or similar professionals care to shed light on this mystery?
Anonymous said…
((Then I noticed that many other evangelically-minded people have similar ocular configurations. What's up with that, anyway? ))

Perhaps, They're born-again that way ?
Anonymous said…
Could it be??????????

Anonymous said…
WTF?! We have donut holes you can eat, here in Australia - I bought some (from the Donut King) the other day! They were delicious. LOL, that store is fantastically named. Like a big dude in a cape and crown who is in charge of donuts...
Anonymous said…
"WTF?! We have donut holes you can eat, here in Australia - I bought some (from the Donut King).

All hail the "Donut King". Praise his name, may he be glorified with chocolate glaze and custard filling!

They should rewrite the "Hallelujah Chorus" and replace it with words that honor "The Donut King".

Thank "Glaze" for the "Donut King" who sent his only begotten son named "Krispy Kreme" to America so we too would have donuts here in the states.
Anonymous said…
Then I noticed that many other evangelically-minded people have similar ocular configurations. What's up with that, anyway? Any neurologists, optometrists or similar professionals care to shed light on this mystery? - Its no mystery at all really, the eyes tell quite a bit about individuals, from there mental state to internal disease [as with jaundice]. Preachers may squint their eyes so that it is harder to see the pupils which expand when someone is knowingly misleading [lying to] someone. Norepinephrine [a neuro transmitter in the brain related to adrenaline] causes the pupils to expand too, and this chemical is released in abundence when someone is ignorantly zealous [in religious mania...]...
Anonymous said…
@Anonymous "Please open your eyes!"

In the link that you posted [http://www.str.org/site/News2?page=NewsArticle&id=5093] the author proposes that evil is the lack of good just as cold is the lack of heat -
[When God created the universe, he created everything good. He made a universe that was perfectly good. Everything was as it should be. After God was completely done with creating everything, something happened that reduced the good in the world. That loss of good is called evil. ] - My only problem with this argument is that this would mean that the absense of mans good [mans evil] is greater than god's good; how else would little old men full of evil change the perfectly good universe of god to such an extent that god becomes grievous conerning the creation, enough so to warrent its destruction?

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