By Kevin Parry I am not an expert on the Bible, but there are some things in that book that I find incredibly disconcerting, especially when it comes to God’s moral conduct. It is often said that a leader who is worthy of respect is a leader who sets an example. When I read through the pages of the Bible, I become more convinced that if the God of the Bible exists, he is the type of leader I will not follow, simply because he sets an example that at times I find morally objectionable. I’ve written this post in the realisation that I could be mistaken, that it is possible that I’ve missed something. If so, please let me know where I’ve gone wrong. One of the arguments for the truth of Christianity, put forward by various apologists, including CS Lewis, is that all humans are endowed with a moral sense of right and wrong. Due to the fact that this objective, moral sense exists, there must be a Moral Law Giver (i.e., God). For arguments sake, let’s accept that this divine moral sense exis...
Who'd a' thought it!!!
'That's right! The Holy Spirit is speaking through my grandson... But excuse me one minute while I go and whup his ass for putting in a bad performance!... My grandson that is, not the Holy Spirit.'
Shame on you christians...for every childhood stolen, mental illness produced and fascist way to live this awesome life!!
This is flat out wrong and is a case of child abuse.
Who knows? Many one day he'll see himself on tape, and realise that it was just the first big occasion when Christianity let him down.
He wouldn't have a good time, and he would never get to enjoy any of the rides because he would be too busy preaching against homosexuality being accepted at Disneyland.
Then of course you narrow minded atheists wouldn't understand now would you?
What I saw when I watched the programme last week was two empty kids, one who ended up completely lost because his god hadn't showed up like he'd been told god would, and one young Brazilian girl who might have found something for herself but certainly hadn't in the shots of her when young. And I saw three sets of incredibly pushy parents - something I also see in drama school circles. The preaching - all a horrendous act.
"Maybe God has called this child into the ministry at a younger age.
Then of course you narrow minded atheists wouldn't understand now would you?"
I think you must be a really dumb female, so I'll say this:
Please get some help for your delusional beliefs. It was the parents of those poor kids that placed them in the predicaments described in the movie, not god! You people just don't get it do you? Will you sign up to be a suicide bomber next, it's a good way to get close to your god you know?
Once again another "Know It All" Atheist automatically assumes that I am female.
What makes you atheists think that I am a female? Do all of you have some way of seeing my genitals through the internet or something? Is this one of your evolutionary scientific know it all break throughs?
You think you know every damn thing there is to know. Educated fools.
They are lost.
Just so you know, Jesus is not rolling over in his grave. He was in his grave for only 3 days until he was resurrected 2,000 years ago.
He now sits at the right hand of his father.
For those that haven't already voted or commented about how to handle our good friend Marc, please do so now: CLICK HERE
Just wondering.
The stage mother phenomenon. Living vicariously through their kids. Same thing.
Actually you left out my other name, which is Computer. Taylor happens to be my wife and Dan Marvin is my brother.
BTW, Can I vote too?
Please feel free to hurl your insults at me and cuss me.
So, to all the comedians: Can we get back on topic here?
A "vomit fountain". How clever, and so very fitting. And really now, it's not like any non-christian over the age of 6 is going to take these toddlers seriously, anyway. No, more like---some organ-grinder lost his monkey, or something along those lines. Hell, I could likely yell "BOO", and the poor little shits would probably piss their underoos.
Hey Daniel, welcome to the site. You might want to register and adopt an official pseudonym, as to distinguish yourself from the over-flux of Anonymous trolls. 'Just a thought.
Hopefully these preacher kids will grow up to see through the smoke&mirrors their wacky parents have brainwashed them with. If any of them do, they will sure despise the xtian religion, like we do, but along with this I bet they land up hating the parents (and others) who FORCED them into preaching an illusion.
I also think we need federal child labor laws that prohibit using a minor in such a fashion.
It's bad enough when child stars are used to make money for their parents (as was common in our past) but at least those kids weren't being brainwashed into some god delusion hope at the same time.
Something clearly NEEDS to be done to protect these innocent kids from the whims of their parent's delusions !!!
ATF (Who thinks that christianity should have to guarantee it's product to "work as advertised", just as any product in the USA must live up to it's claims; or else face legal action)
They interviewed him again a few years later, as an adolescent, and he was just a basket case. No friends, never properly socialized - he just hung around the house all day, playing video games. No problem for the dad, though - he just started afresh with the younger son.
I remember that one of the places they visited in their travels was a sort of wax museum of famous evangelists. I think the guy who owned it had "ordained" the dad. Very creepy. Leaving aside the politics, the theology - the bad taste alone in that subculture ought to be enough to convince anyone that they don't know what they're talking about. I mean, really - God's preferred art form is the velvet Elvis?
I saw the exact same piece (although I was only sure when you got to the bit about the wax museum!)
It certainly stays in the memory! That really was a creepy kid. The worst thing about that case was the way that the father was constantly praising the younger kid just to get at his brother, who'd outgrown his usefulness.
The older kid also developed a hell fixation, as if things weren't bad enough!
Just one more atrocity committed in the name of God.
I saw a similar segment on another program a few months ago. A six year old kid, threatening everyone he met with eternal damnation. The journalist who interviewed him, a young woman, was asking the usual questions - why can't non-Christians get into heaven, isn't it enough to be as good as you can be, etc. The boy's father was sitting next to him, murmuring, "It'll never be enough." This is how these patterns of abuse get perpetuated.
These kids really ought to be taken away from their parents, but everyone is scared to death now of upsetting the Christian Right, afraid of a lawsuit - yet Christians still cry victim.
He's probably also the grand wizard of the local KKK, and he probably beats his wife and kids.
That kid's father is a prime example of a backwards redneck christian bigot.
That kid's father is a prime example of a backwards redneck christian bigot
I had this same thought while watching the video.
I felt sooo bad for the blonde preacher boy!!
Also, he had no business bringing that kid to DC and NYC to preach the gospel, especially the kind of gospel rantings they were spewing out.
Sounds to me that the father didn't do his homework to discover that more liberal minded folks live in these city area's. If he already knew this about those city area's, then he willfully endangered his own son, by putting him in such potentially explosive situations.
That is clearly child abuse, if you ask this Dad.
ATF (Who also wonders how someone with an IQ of less than 50, could manage to drive to NYC from redneck xtian country)
I think the worst crime being committed may be the assault on the English language.
"I wonder if that redneck with the southern accent who is the father of that blonde headed kid has a moonshine still in his backyard?"
Makin' your own liquor is a art, my friend. I suspect that this guy isn't someone too concerned with such a patriotic and noble pursuit.
grave and then arose on the third
day. So, Passerby, I take it you were actually there to see this?
(Even the Biblical accounts differ
as to who was actually there). If
you were actually able to go back in time and witness this, more power to you. Otherwise, you're just quoting an ancient story or
what someone told you years ago.
And Jesus is now sitting at the right hand of God? Again, you've
been to Heaven and seen this? Or is
it another case of "Uh, well, uh,
the Bible says he is. Or at least
that's my preacher said."
Being gullible is one of the hallmarks of the fundamentalist
Christian. So I hope you and your
fellow Xians will stick around. I've got a pineapple plantation
in Nome I'd like to sell you.
"Sounds to me that the father didn't do his homework to discover that more liberal minded folks live in these city area's. If he already knew this about those city area's, then he willfully endangered his own son, by putting him in such potentially explosive situations."
Always enjoy reading your posts. :)
I'd say that the reason why he brought his child there was because that redneck thinks that there are tons of sinners in the big city, and he feels the need to spread his gospel for Kryast. I'd say that he also has plans to take his son to San Francisco before it's all over with.
Look here just one red eyed minute thar feller.
Befor' ya mak fun of the way I tawk all I car 'bout is spreadin' the good news of Jesus Kryast!
Sos I don't car what you think about the way I tawk.
Praise The Lard!!!!!
So you folks don't know wot you are even tawkin' bout.
I agree with others who say this is child abuse. If a person wants to be a propogandist for their deity, they can do it as an adult. Children may think (or be made to believe) that they are performing on behalf a god, but for a child, the wishes of that god are always filtered through the adults in their lives and are, as such, suspect. Of course, the same can be said of any congregant of any church of any religion, but the difference is that adults are seldom under the constant supervision of their clergy like children are under their parents or guardians.
I really feel terrible for the brother of that “little man of god” Terry Durham. Talk about sibling rivalry blown out of all proportion! That poor child doesn’t dare express any jealousy since it would be considered evil, of the devil and ungrateful to god for giving him such a miraculous and wonderful brother. And as for being painfully shy when he’s not channeling gawd? Big deal! He’s not the only performer to have a personality shift when he takes the stage.
But there’s too much to be gained for it to stop. The parents see fame and dollar signs. What the kids get was stated by Samuel in part 5; he likes to preach because people LISTEN. What unimaginable power for a child; to make adults sit up, take notice and listen to them. When you’re prepubescent, it’s too easy to believe it’s all due to a magic dude in the sky and easier still to be his juvenile meat puppet. That’s why I’m not impressed by little kids waving bibles and parroting what they hear from parents and preachers.
None of them have been out in the real world enough to know what they are doing nor do they have enough experience in dealing with life.
I'm sure their parent's are sheltering them, and more than likely they will grow up very backwards and ignorant unfortunately.
Just like his Jethro Daddy.
I understand why you guys feel the way you do
Heck, I have no idea what 'name' to call this person now.
How about Jibbers?
In any case Jibbers, I really doubt that you know the extent of the way we feel.
To you (I'm guessing) the extremes you saw in this Baby Bible Basher video were on the edges of the rightful xtian "philosophy" one should have. To you, they are just 'wackos' of your own religion.
To us, it goes vastly deeper than you perceive it.
To us, they are THE WACKO's of your wacko religion; not to mention a clear cut case of child abuse if you ask this Dad.
Now, about your odd name here.
What SINCERE Blogger would ever pick out a pseudonym to use, that seems to have been derived by having a cat walk on their keyboard.
Would it be practical to have to type a name in, that greatly resembles something Microsoft uses for a serial number one needs to type, in order to register one of their products.
I think NOT.
I would therefore conclude that either you believe that god won't take notice of the god-fearing you, who is now posting on a heathen EX-xtian blog, or that you are a hit&run TROLL, who knew they would never have to type that mumbo-jumbo again, in order to post here.
So which are you?
ATF (Who wonders if the blogger cat can re-type this name again)
The guy signed in under a Yahoo Open ID. That's the way it looks when someone does that. It's weird, but it's not his fault.
The guy signed in under a Yahoo Open ID. That's the way it looks when someone does that. It's weird, but it's not his fault
Thanks for that Info WM.
Okay, so pass the humble pie to me, but I'm only taking one very SMALL bite of it; this time.
So WM, if that same yahoo person should post in this blog page again, would he/she get the exact same crazy name or yet another new crazy name?
If it's the latter, then it's no better than the 'anonymous' postings were in sorting out who's-who-in- the-zoo.
ATF ( Who now thinks Yahoo must be run by a bunch of well, "yahoo's" )
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