Religion? No thanks. I'll just continue in my atheism

By Bob Patterson

1: I don't believe in a god because I have yet to see, hear, or feel one. Neither have I seen any credible evidence that anyone else has.

2: I don't believe in your god because there are thousands of gods... What makes your god (out of 10,000 gods) the 'real' one? Ever notice that believers follow the religion of their parents?

3: What is the evidence for your god? If you tell me the bible, I'll have to assume you never read it. Much of the bible is the rantings of maniacal lunatics. Is that the best your god can do?

4: If, in fact, your god is the factual real McCoy, 100% of the world would know it.

5: Why does your god get all the credit for everything perceived as good, but never any blame for what isn't?

6: If your god is so great and so powerful, why is there still disease, suffering and birth defects?

7. Only 1/3 of the world's population are in 'Christian nations' which, of course, are only partially Christian?

8: If God is in fact the father of Jesus, what possible benefit did having him murdered provide? Was this for God's benefit? Let me see if I understand this: God, the judge and jury as well as the father of the defendant decides that killing his own son to satisfy the judge (himself) will somehow make the following generations liberated from a condition they never created in the first place? Do Christians ever bother to read this? Doesn't this strike you as the most idiotic logic you ever heard?

9: God seems obsessed with homosexuality. I have to agree, I don't understand it, either, but SO WHAT? So two like sex individuals like each other. I could care less, It doesn't bother me, so why doesn't God have any tolerance? This makes ME clearly more tolerant than your so called 'loving god' I see that God called Jerry Falwell home. Good riddance, Who needs all that hatred? He was a boring ass anyway.

10: Christianity is perpetuated by instilling into young children the dogma of belief'. Not surprisingly, all religions do the same thing. Instead of such indoctrination, one should present all religions as well and skepticism to your children, and then allow them to make an adult decision at such a time as they are mature. I was fortunate, my parents, being of differing religious backgrounds, did this FOR me, and I selected two different ones (Pentecostal at first, and then Methodist) then at age 17, I rejected all religion as superstitious mythology. That was 56 years ago. I tremble to think what I might be, today, had both my parents been fundamentalists! Parental respect may overpower reason and logic. I believe that parental respect frequently transposes into the need for a loving and caring 'Daddy for adults' (God) and the greatest of all myths is perpetuated ad infinitum....

Conclusion: The Christian (biblical) god is an intolerant, maniacal, murdering thug and only selectively tolerant or loving. I would encourage all devout believers to read your bible objectively and then read about the worlds humanitarian atheists (No, not Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot or Mao Se Tung), I mean Thomas Jefferson, Einstein, Thomas Edison and a thousand scientists who all reject your god. I further conclude that morality has nothing to do with religion, Al Capone attended mass regularly... So did most of the mafia. What about the $3.3 BILLION dollars the Catholic church has paid out for pedophilia claims? How moral is pedophilia? How moral is Christianity?

Why do so many humans need a god? Are we predisposed with some gene that makes us want a god? Is religion more cultural than genetic? Would humanity be better off without religion, or is it some sort of a necessity that fills a need? Some cultures are very non religious, yet the US is a very religious nation. The world's population cannot agree on which god or religion to agree upon. Until new data is available, I'll just continue my atheism.



Anonymous said…
Much thanks to the webmaster for removing the anonymous,angry,insignificant christian replies. They obviously are lost and cannot resd very well.
Anonymous said…
Religions were invented to control people and to give them a false sense of superiority.

Like as if having a belief, makes a person a more valuable person than someone who does not have a belief.

Religions give people a false sense of power to have dominion over others that do not have a belief.

Religions give people a reason to take over other nations and kill those that do not share their beliefs, a belief gives them permission and an excuse in their minds, to kill innocent people and then get immediate forgiveness for doing the will of their false god.

Religions offer a mental sickness to be shared with others that admire the same mental sickness.

Religions can and do invent their "Will of god" to promote their current agenda.

As long as their agenda (sickness) matches their preconceived idiology, they believe they are in congruent with the will of their make believe god.

Religions condone and promote an unhealthy mental state of the human mind.

Religions were created by people who were mentally ill.

People that adhere to and banter to religions admire the unhealthy state of mental illness.

All religions are a man made philosophy based on mental insanity, dominated and coerced by using emotional fear tactics.
mothpete said…
The god sacrificing son thing is truly the most obvious glitch in christian logic... but ok, quirky eccentric god has his own weird rules to fulfil, fair 'nuff, and I'd sort of respect his 'incredible' sacrifice in a way, seeing he's corned by his whole sacrificing scheme EXCEPT that he gave up after THREE DAYS! Three days after the sacrifice he thougth 'frak it, i'm reanimating my boy'. Screw this sacrifice thing.
Anonymous said…
Beautiful Bob simply beautiful. Wonderful bits of information. One of the greatest gifts my parents gave me was the choice to think for myself regarding religion. My parents were heavy on the being a decent human being thing and not so much on worshiping invisible men in the sky, despite the fact that they did profess God belief, but their God loved everyone including gay people.

As an adult I failed at Christian indoctrination despite my best efforts. I just wasn't going to turn my life upsidedown for something in which I wasn't fully convinced. I maintained generic God belief until I read myself out of it at 42 in 2006.

My kids are free to worship as they please yet I would be lying if I said I would let them dedicate their life to a fairy tale without filling them with as much reason as I can. But I really don't think there is a snowballs chance in hell of my kids ever being sucked in.

Nice follow up Page.
Anonymous said…
Well, I must admit, everyone is entitled to their opinion... So, that being said, here's mine... You say you don't believe as you have yet to see, hear, etc. God... So, there is a lack of proof, right? Let me ask you this... Do you love your mom? your dad? your children? ... Can you prove it? You don't believe in God, do you believe in love? What is love? Is it real? Can you see it? Hear it? Smell it? Prove it?
Guitar Musings said…
I get what the anon poster is trying to get at with this whole love argument. But it has no merit whatsoever because love isn't god. It's just an explanation for what we feel for something or someone. I can call it whatever I want. Now if you told me there was the deity that created the earth in 7 days, caused big floods, sacrificed his son, etc... and her name was Love. I would have to say that I don't believe in Love.
Anonymous said…
You say you don't believe as you have yet to see, hear, etc. God... So, there is a lack of proof, right? Let me ask you this... Do you love your mom? your dad? your children? ... Can you prove it? You don't believe in God, do you believe in love? What is love? Is it real? Can you see it? Hear it? Smell it? Prove it?

Why do I keep reading the above as being said in a semi-hysterical, desperate tone.

I can see my parents and children, their existance has been proven to me. Love is the feeling I have for them, just as pity is the feeling I have for you. 'nuff said.
Dave Van Allen said…
I don't think there is any comparison between proving the existence of human emotions and proving the existence of a magical, invisible deity.

A more appropriate comparison would between providing evidence for my feelings toward my mother vs. my feelings toward a god. Both emotions are invisible and simply stating that I feel these emotions provides no evidence of them. I would have to demonstrate my emotions toward my mother with actions in the same way I demonstrated my devotion toward God while a Christian. For instance, I visit my mother and I attended church services. I give material presents to my mother and I gave money to the church. Neither are absolute proof of "love," but do indicate some sort of feeling, emotion, or at least dedication toward the recipient of my actions.

Now, I can provide ample evidence of the existence of my mother. I can show pictures, voice recordings, movies, and since she is still living, even introduce her to people and allow those people to see, hear and touch her. However, when it comes to anonymous' premise, I haven't ever heard of anyone providing that same kind of evidence in support of the existence of his or her god. This god doesn't compare at all to a real live human being.

Here is anonymous' premise as I understand it: Human emotions exist but do not provide material evidence of existence, therefore Bible-god exists.

Frankly, I don't see the logic.
Anonymous said…
good arguement; now all that has to happen is for a christian to read it (all the way through skimming doesn't count)and then read their bible (once again no skimming or skipping it might be boreing, in fact it is really really boreing, but this is the book you base your whole belief in so at least do that) I think half the reason religion continues to exist is because nobody likes to read. That's pretty valid right; Don't read and keep on beleveing or read, take a long ass time doing it (16 hours a day for 9 days for me) and find something else to fill the void that atheism brings to your life (I write books)one is apparently easier than the other.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous Said:
"Let me ask you this... Do you love your mom? your dad? your children? ... Can you prove it? You don't believe in God, do you believe in love? What is love? Is it real? Can you see it? Hear it? Smell it? Prove it?"

Emotions and feelings such as "Love" are real because we can feel them, unlike some mythical God.

All people both christian and non-christian can at least agree that certain emotional feelings such as love are "Real", and unlike the myth known as a personal God there is more evidence to support that emotions such as "Love" are "Real".

There is no comparison between the two.
Anonymous said…
Ah, the old 'Can't see love' argument, eh? Love is an emotion i.e. something that exists in the mind. How do you equate love with your beloved sky fairy? We can't see electrons, either, yet your reading this is because a lot of electrons have been seriously directed to do man's bidding. I have spent my life corraling, hearding and trail riding electrons to perform amazing feats, yet i have never seen a single electron. Yet the evidence for electrons is undeniable. Emotion is much the same. The same thing cannot be said for your unobserved, untested and unmeasured god. Evidenve can be visual or measurable....No god has produced, either....
Anonymous said…
Q: “Do you love your mom? your dad? your children?

Yes, but I have no children.

Q: “... Can you prove it?”


Q: “You don't believe in God, do you believe in love?”


Q: “What is love?”


Love is the subjective interpretation of “care” as assigned to a physical act(s).

Q: “Is it real?”


Q: “Can you see it? Hear it? Smell it?”


Q: “Prove it?

I physically “care” for my parents; based on our expectations of what it means to physically “care” for someone. The proof is in my physical actions, their eye-witness statements, and any other evidence you would like to collect regarding my physical interaction between me and my parents.

Okay, now my turn to ask a question “anonymous”.

Q: Can you prove Santa Clause isn’t God?
Anonymous said…
To go along with that why don't 100% of the population believe in the same god, if Christianity is really that perfect, then why all the sects? Especially in America. Why does someone have to start up a new church every five seconds? This religion (yes, it's a @#$%^& religion. Don't give me that relationship garbage) continues to divide itself over and over again until it'll eventually collapse on itself (at least, I'm hoping that's what will happen anyway).
Anonymous said…
I challenge all christians to prove that there is unity in Jesus.

Prove so by eliminating different branches of your churches.

That means all of you have to do with away with denominations such as:

Southern Baptists
Catholics (Yes Passerby including your branch).
Church of God
Apostolics........etc, etc.

Prove that there is unity among christians by getting rid of all of these different denominations and unite all existing churches under one solid doctrine without all of the other labels that are used to identify your churches.

You must unite yourselves and not question each others doctrinal differences.

You say you can't do that?

I didn't think none of you christians could. Nor can your God do so.
Anonymous said…
Philippians 1:27 (last part)
I will know that you are standing together with one spirit (unity) and one purpose (unity), fighting together for the faith (unity), which is the Good News.

Jesus Christ is the Good News and we have unity in Him. We may not agree about other things, but we do agree in what Jesus Christ did for us 2,000 years ago. By God's grace we are saved not by what we have done, but because of the price He paid at Calvary.

Just look at the heavens and you will see the beauty that He created. It all happen by chance or was there more to it? If there is no God, then where did the first atom come from?

I know, lets flip 100 pennies into the air and they will come down as roll of pennies. Lets flip 1 billion pennies into the air and we will have a roll of pennies. Lets flip 100 trillion pennies into the air and we will have a roll of pennies. Right, there is no God!

I have my faith in God (Jesus Christ), what do you have after this life?

I would say . . . nothing . . . but an Eternal God who speaks to us in by His word.
Princess E said…

Oh boy, you're really setting yourself up for a good scathing..this should be fun!

All, please don't be to hard on GWTB, he do not know what he sayeth :)
Dave Van Allen said…
"If there is no God, then where did the first atom come from?"

OK, so where did this god come from? If you say, it always existed, and to you that is a reasonable possibility, then why is it unreasonable to assume that matter has just always existed? Since we know that matter/energy can neither be created nor destroyed, the idea that matter has always existed fits more with the facts as we have it than dreaming up a super-being. And even if there is a super-being that created the first atom, then how did this super-being do it? What was the process? Can you give a step-by-step account of what it takes to create an atom? No, of course you can't. In the end, both the scientist and the religionist have the same answer to your question: "I don't know."

At least the scientist is attempting to discover the answer to this question. The religionist embraces ignorance, saying that no one can ever understand how the universe came to be, because that knowledge is hidden in the unsearchable mystery of GAWD!

I tell you what, let's go a little deeper here. Let's have 1,000 tornadoes, 1,000 volcanoes, and 1,000 super novas. Hell, let's make it a billion or more of each. Since you propose that your god created all these forces, and controls all these forces, where is the supposed order brought about by those? Look to the stars. There are billions of galaxies full of billions of stars and billions upon billions of planets! Do you really suppose that this one tiny planet is the only reason that all the apparently incompressible expanse of the universe exists?

Finally, this is the only life I have. I didn't suffer the slightest inconvenience from all the long millennia before I was born. I don't anticipate the slightest inconvenience from the long millennia that will come after my demise.

The fear of dying is the natural survival instinct of all living things. Your religion cruelly preys on that fear. And fear is the mind killer.

Anonymous said…
x-ray man said: snowballs chance in hell.
So he still does believe.

People claim they are free of this but then they use words and phrases like: "snowballs chance in hell." I thought hell does not exist!
Make up your mind!
Anonymous said…
x-ray man said: snowballs chance in hell.
So he still does believe.

People claim they are free of this but then they use words and phrases like: "snowballs chance in hell." I thought hell does not exist!
Make up your mind!
Anonymous said…

It's called an idiom. Does everyone who ever said, "By Jove, I've think I've got it!" really believe in the gods of the Roman pantheon? Does my referring to something as an aphrodisiac imply that I believe the gods of the Greek pantheon?

Rethink your post and, please, try to stop talking nonsense.

Anonymous said…
What did the enemies of Christ have to say about Jesus Christ? What did Jesus Christ say about Himself?

I and the Father are one. The Jews took up stones again to stone Him. Jesus answered them, I showed you many good works from the Father; for which of them are you stoning Me? The Jews answered Him, For a good work we do not stone You, but for blasphemy; and because You, being a man, make Yourself out to be God. John 10:30-33

A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice.

Christ died for all men, all we have to do is have faith. Faith in nothing or faith that is alive with eternal life.

What do you want, eternal life or endless nothing?

I like eternal life, its more fun.:)
Anonymous said…
gwtb Said:
"Jesus Christ is the Good News and we have unity in Him. We may not agree about other things, but we do agree in what Jesus Christ did for us 2,000 years ago. By God's grace we are saved not by what we have done, but because of the price He paid at Calvary."

Not a good answer.

According to the Apostolic Church they believe in the oneness doctrine, and they claim that any church that supports the "Trinity" is teaching false doctrine.

Another example is Southern Baptists who claim that Catholics worship the Virgin Mary. You fail to realize that different denominations pass judgment on each other. So once again you have failed to prove that all christians are united.

gwbt Said:
"I have my faith in God (Jesus Christ), what do you have after this life?"

Unlike you, I don't live to die. I live to enjoy my life on this earth to the fullest. No regrets here pal. I no longer live in fear of your sky daddy. I live and do what I want to do, and what works for me, and I do not seek the approval of your superstition called God or some asshole christian.

gwbt Said:
"I would say . . . nothing . . . but an Eternal God who speaks to us in by His word"

Sorry to inform you, but the bible is not God's word. It is nothing more than a man made book that was written to enslave the minds of bible beating idiots like yourself.

I honestly cannot believe there are people still living in this world of modern day science that are still stupid enough to believe such bullshit.

I also can't believe that christians like you think people like myself are stupid enough to believe in such bullshit.

I was once blinded like you, until I finally found out that there is "NO" personal God based on "FACT" not faith.

May reality save you from your blindness one day. Coz your God sure as hell isn't going to do anything. Your God sucks ass.

Now what the fuck do you have to say about that Christian? Tell your big bad God I said to bring it on asshole.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous Said:
"People claim they are free of this but then they use words and phrases like: "snowballs chance in hell." I thought hell does not exist!
Make up your mind!

It's called using an expression dumbass!
boomSLANG said…
Anonymous de jour chirps...People claim they are free of this[the clutches of religion] but then they use words and phrases like: "snowballs chance in hell." I thought hell does not exist!
Make up your mind!

Lol! Holy shit!...the Christian peanut gallery strikes again! What an utterly moronic argument.

Oops!..look what I've gone and done! I said "Holy" - and also, the word "Christ" is the root-word in "Christianity" - therefore, I am not truly "free" of religious belief; therefore, I still believe in "God"; therefore, "God" exists!

Heavens-to-betsy, Anony' are a pillar of intelligence!

(Oops!..there I go again!..."Heaven"... it's confirmed!)
Anonymous said…
gwtb Said:
"I like eternal life, its more fun.:)"

In that case then do us all a favor and get a gun and blow your brains out and go on to your eternal life, so we don't have to put up with anymore of your worthless bible thumping you worthless piece of shit.

You dumbass christians don't have the brain of a jackass. All you know how to do is quote bible scripture because you are too fucking stupid to think for yourself. You mindless wonder.
Anonymous said…

Ooops.........I'm not supposed to believe in such bullshit anymore according to Anonymous.
Dave Van Allen said…
"A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice."

Yes, yes, the trilemma, as expressed by C.S. Lewis and reinvented by Josh McDowell. Of course there are other options to consider. One would be that the Jesus character described in your Gospels never existed. Another option is that the stories in the Gospels were fabrications to support a fledgling cult. Even the author of John plainly admits that he wrote the things he wrote to harvest believers. The Gospels are, in the final analysis, evangelical tools. They never claim to document a linear history of anything. They are tools for teaching members of the cult and evangelizing others.

"What do you want, eternal life or endless nothing?"

I like eternal life, its more fun.:)"

Uhm, buddy, you're going to die like everyone else. If you really have eternal life, I guess your family will be saving a bit of money on a coffin, right?

The fact of the matter is, you prefer a fantasy over reality. And you are enamored with a cult that focuses on death rather than life.

Good luck with that. :-')
Anonymous said…
Anyone ever notice christians can't come up with anything new to say besides scripture out of an ancient text called the bible?

Too bad Jesus hasn't returned yet to redeem their sorry butts. They better come up with a new game plan, because secularism is about to overtake their sorry butts.

Jesus still has not returned to this planet, and once again all christians know how to do is run their mouths and quote worthless scripture, because that is all that is left of their precious Jesus.

Christianity is nothing more than cheap talk with no "Real" power.
Anonymous said…
gwtb: "I like eternal life, its more fun.:)"

Really? Are you sure you've thought this out?

What are you going to do with your time for all eternity, eon after eon after eon, one melting into another without anything to distinguish one from another? After all life in the universe is dead and even the sun and all the other stars have burned out, there wouldn't even be anything interesting to look at.

Heck, there wouldn't even be anything interesting to think about - after it's all been thought and rethought countless times before.

To those afraid to face their own mortality or unable to make their way in their own life on earth, eternal life might seem something to look forward to. But I think eternal life, even in heaven, would turn out to be horrible after the first few decades or so. It would be so boring and tedious one would long for death.

No thanks!
Anonymous said…
Could this "gwtb" personl possibly be our resident christian troll also known as Passerby/Marc/Norm/Luke/Taylor?
Anonymous said…
Webmaster said,

"There are billions of galaxies full of billions of stars and billions upon billions of planets! Do you really suppose that this one tiny planet is the only reason that all the apparently incompressible expanse of the universe exists?"

Hey Webmaster have you even seen "The Case for a Creator," a video by Lee Strobal? If you haven't it's a must see.

This video addresses that. It states that God was so great he made the entire universe for us to visually explore and he happened to put our solar system in the perfect spot for us to have ultimate viewing pleasure.

Is God fucking great or what?

What is really funny is seeing these supposed "scientists" stating this bullshit with straight faces.

Hey Christians Suck Ass, I can't stop laughing at your nickname.

freethinker05 said…
Hey Phant, that was pretty good; how about


boomSLANG said…
gwtb asks: What did the enemies of Christ have to say about Jesus Christ? What did Jesus Christ say about Himself?

gwtb answers: I and the Father ar..[Edit] ref: John 10:30-33

Dear gwtb,

In the case that you have a couple of 2 X 10's stuck in your eyes, here at, we couldn't give a shit less what the bible says.... okay, handsome? Yes, thankfully, we've come to grow skeptical of any document that claims to be it's own source. Yoo hoo?..kNoCk kNoCk? In other words, unless you have some other type of evidence that the "Holy Bible" is a reliable source, then you're wasting your time parroting scripture. 'Just a 'heads up'.

gwtb continues...A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg or else he would be the Devil of Hell.

Okay, sold! So, "Jesus", who is claimed to be one-part "man" and one-part "deity", in actuality, one part man, and one part "poached egg". I'll buy that! The eggman is Lord!

gwtb attempts the ol' standard: Christ died for all men, all we have to do is have faith.

What you have is a contradiction. This is because - per your own statement - "Christ died" for only those who "have faith".... thus, he did NOT "die" for "all men".

Tip: You may want to work-out the "kinks" in your argument(s) before you attempt to come back.

gwbt...Faith in nothing or faith that is alive with eternal life.

Look up "false dichotomy".

gwbt asks: What do you want, eternal life or endless nothing?

If you could somehow rub the last of your brain cells together, you might be able to see that "endless nothing" is redundant, and is a pointless concept. Nothing = nothing, and that would include the absence of the perception with which you would presumably perceive "nothingness". Furthermore, even if you could somehow have this alleged "eternal life", then that, by definition, would mean that you've always existed, since "infinity" has no starting point; it runs indefinitely, in both a positive and negative direction. To "exist" in such a 'state', would mean that you've already done all of the things that you haven't done yet. Sound's impossible, right? It is.

gwbt: I like eternal life, its more fun.:)

I like reality. It's just as "fun", only just a little shorter = )
Anonymous said…
Boomslang Said:
"In the case that you have a couple of 2 X 10's stuck in your eyes, here at, we couldn't give a shit less what the bible says"

I second what Boomslang said.

Just want remind all christians to stop insulting our intelligence with a book that was written by a bunch of ignorant towel headed goat and sheep herders who lived in fear of superstition. The bible is nothing more than an insult to today's modern day world of science and education.

Now go wipe your ass with your bible and shut the hell up gwtb.

On a little different note:

Freethinker05 Said:
"Hey Phant, that was pretty good; how about


Can't come up with anymore for now freethinker05, however I do have one for the poster known as gwtb:

Anonymous said…
The Bible does teach that Jesus Christ is God. You may hate Jesus Christ and not believe what the Bible says, but you cannot deny that the Bible presents Jesus as fully God.

May I leave you with one question? If Jesus really is God, if He is who He claims to be, then what should your personal response to Him be?

The Bible’s answer to that question is very clear.

Now, enjoy life to the fullest because this is it … you have it all.

But, you can feel it in your body, think about it, there is something more than just this life. What is life with out a future?
Anonymous said…
gwtb Said:
"The Bible does teach that Jesus Christ is God"

Uh, ok...So? Big deal. Are we supposed to be impressed with that statement? Duh?

gwtb Said:
"there is something more than just this life. What is life with out a future?"

Apparently you don't have much of a life right now. Your life must really suck.

I take great pride in my accomplishments here on this planet, and I realize they may never last, but for now I plan to enjoy them.

Since you don't seem to have much going for you and since you are looking forward to the end, I suggest you go jump off of a bridge and leave everyone else alone.

Happy trails!
Anonymous said…
gwtb Said:
"May I leave you with one question? If Jesus really is God, if He is who He claims to be, then what should your personal response to Him be?"

I would call him a fucking liar, and I would spit in his face, and then I would kick his ass.

gwtb Said:
"The Bible’s answer to that question is very clear."

Did you not read what Boomslang said? We don't give a shit about what the bible says!

Stupidity sure is common among christians.
Astreja said…
GoatherdersWroteTheBible: "...You cannot deny that the Bible presents Jesus as fully God."

Now why would we *ever* want to deny that a book presents one of its characters in a particular way?

That's like saying "You cannot deny that Gone With the Wind presents Scarlett O'Hara as female."

"But, you can feel it in your body, think about it, there is something more than just this life. What is life with out a future?"

Yes, there is something more than this life. There are other people's lives. There are trees. There are goldfish. There are galaxies.

None of them remain in a stable state for eternity.

Read that again: None of them.

I've found that many people who long for eternal life have great difficulty imagining the loss of the "I/Me" attached to their human personality.

Think about this, now: Where were "you" one hundred years ago? Probably nowhere (although the atoms that constitute you did probably exist). Where were "you" in between dreams last night? Nowhere in particular, although your brain was quite alive and the rest of your body was cruising along in auto-pilot.

So, what's so special about eternal life? I really and truly don't see the appeal of it all.
Anonymous said…
gwtb: "The Bible does teach that Jesus Christ is God."

Yeah, and John, citing the biblical character Jesus, says... every human is a god - that includes us non-believers as well :-)

John 10:33-34 - "The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God. Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

And, what biblical source/law is the Jesus character citing?

Genesis 3:22 - "And the Lord God said, Behold, then man is become as one of us, to know good and evil."

Gwtb, it appears being a god, doesn't really mean all that much.

Gwtb: "You may hate Jesus Christ and not believe what the Bible says, but you cannot deny that the Bible presents Jesus as fully God."

Well, it appears being a god doesn't prevent death; it seems to be something we all seem to have in common - all of us gods that is.

Gwtb: "May I leave you with one question? If Jesus really is God, if He is who He claims to be, then what should your personal response to Him be?"

You mean I get to think? I get to actually use my intelligence, and think logically?

Gwtb: "The Bible’s answer to that question is very clear."

Doh - I guess not; you baited me with intellectual freedom, and then swapped that with your bible - the old intellectual bait and switch con.

Gwtb: "Now, enjoy life to the fullest because this is it … you have it all."

I do?

Gwtb: "But,..."

Doh - I guess not.

Gwtb: "you can feel it in your body, think about it, there is something more than just this life."

Ah, the power of psychological "suggestion"; nice technique, goes right along with "affirmation" and "hypnosis" - do you have a CD on the evangelical series?

Gwtb: "What is life with out a future?"

A life without a future, is a life without change :-) Now, where can we find an example of something without a future? For the Christian, I believe the two key words are; Heaven & Hell, two dominions where there is no change, and there is therefore, no "future".

Gwtb, if you suggest that a "life" without a future is meaningless; a Christian has no other choice, than to believe their life is inherently "meaningless", because their belief, suggests they will enter a period where a "future" is no longer possible.
Anonymous said…
Enjoy life all of you ... Good Night
Anonymous said…
Why would God kill Himself???
I thought ya'll would know the answer to that..

God loves us even though even though we choose to do the wrong things (watch porn, curse, murder, etc). We have to pay the penalty for those things. But God sent Jesus on our behalf to pay the fine. So Jesus takes the heat & dies. Since Jesus is God (the trinity), He is raised and given full authority. So now when we die & we trust in Jesus, we don't have to face that judgment. Our homie Jesus steps in and shows God His scars and says "I died for Him so he's clean".

How difficult is that?
Anonymous said…
Basicly, I assume that you are just being sarcastic with your post.
boomSLANG said…
On the video, "A Case for a Creator", by Lee Strobel---Xrayman states("tongue-in-cheek"):

"God was so great he made the entire universe for us to visually explore and he happened to put our solar system in the perfect spot for us to have ultimate viewing pleasure.

Is God fucking great or what?"

Oh, hell yeah!.....GOD is most definitely fucking brilliant! Well, with the exception of blocking our view with that............with that festering "firmament"!

As for two posts above this.....yikes! Is it legit'?..or mockery? Boy, a tough call.
Anonymous said…
Did I just see that Mike Huckabee may have a decent chance of winning the primary?

Fuck, I hope not!

Surely Americans are not that stupid.
Dave Van Allen said…
GWTB is Marc, Unblinded, Passerby, Taylor, etc., etc., etc.

This guy is a Roman Catholic who believes that Mary is mystically giving people visions of herself in various places around the globe.

He will not engage in a logical or genuine conversation. In fact, his mind has been so crippled by his religious fanaticism, that he has been reduced to the abilities of a parrot. He simply repeats his version of the gospel. He doesn't think he has a chance of converting the regulars here, but he wants to make sure that he gives the "truth-according-to-Roman-Catholicism" to all the poor innocent victims whose fragile faith is being threatened by this big, bad old website. The fact that there are hundreds of thousands of Christian websites is meaningless to this guy. He is terrified of even one voice that contradicts his religion.

Since dialog with him is pointless, and he has admitted that the only reason he is here is to preach, and he has spammed the site with multiple cloned posts on numerous occasions I've asked him dozens of times to cease posting here. He refuses to honor my simple request. He believes he has a mandate from God which allows him to ignore and disrespect anyone who disagrees with him about his religion. He is a modern day example of how Christians were able to cruelly torture to death thousands of for the silly crimes of heresy and witchcraft.

Marc, thank you for being a constant reminder of why we all left your religion. If you continue to disrespect and ignore our desire for you to cease posting here, you just may encourage us all to hate your religion.

As an aside on the desire of Roman Catholics to silence any who disagree with them, consider the outcry of the Roman Catholics against the movie "The Golden Compass." Yet, "Prince Caspian" is soon to be released and I haven't heard of one non-Christian proposing a boycott of that movie.

I am convinced that Christians and Roman Catholics like Marc cannot bear the idea of a free expression of ideas. And the reason they can't bear the idea is irrational fear. Fear of dying. Fear of hell. Fear of the unknown.

Christians are ruled by fear.

Enjoy your delusional nightmare, Marc. To each his own.
mothpete said…
It's like having a monkey (or yeah, parrot) in the house; it thinks it's 'people' but keeps shitting on everything and squawking.
Anonymous said…
Good morning . . .

Faith - what is it?

Two things, If I am wrong, what happens or if you are wrong, what happens.

I would just as soon be wrong with nothing then wrong all together.
Dave Van Allen said…
GWTB is a troll.

Please do not feed the troll.

Anonymous said…
Christians need to stop having sex with their spouses and here is why:

As far as we know, Jesus never had sexual relations with anyone. So, since christians are supposed to follow his example and strive to be "Just like Jesus" all christians should stop having sexual realtions with your spouses, because Jesus never had sex.

Plus no Christian should ever get married, because Jesus did not have a spouse either.

So if you want to be like Jesus and follow his example do not get married and do not have sex.
twincats said…
My biggest secret as a Christian was that I really didn't think heaven sounded like a place I wanted to be.

When I was being honest with myself, I thought heaven sounded like a big fat drag. I never, ever said it out loud because I was more scared of what hell would be like.

Heaven for me was nothing more than the lesser of two evils my whole christian life.

Now I can say it loud and proud:

I prefer to just have my life end and not have to worry what I'll do for eternity or where I'll do it!
Anonymous said…
Regarding what Jesus was a Virgin wrote: "Christians need to stop having sex with their spouses..."

I whole-heartedly agree....No more pro-creating by them = no more christians eventually..... yaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!! How great would that be?
Anonymous said…
I just wish you people would listen to what I have to say and give your lives to Christ.

I'm behind on my quotas for the month when it comes to winning souls for Christ.
Anonymous said…
Actually Passerby although I won't give my life to him, I carpool with a guy named Jesus(I call him Jesse). He doesn't perform miracles but he saves me a lot of gas money each year.
Anonymous said…

"Jeesus Geejaul Slop Jar Jr." had my wife and I in hysterics just now!

Thanks for the great laugh!
Anonymous said…
This Is PRAISE83:

Why would you all want to live in hell and then die in hell. Give yourselves to God. Bad things happen in the world because there are bad people in the world.And to xrayman,
your mom didn't give you the choice to think for yourself, God did. That's why there is evil in the world. We beings do not see the world as God sees it therefore we won't understand some things in the world unless God Himself reviels it to us. He gave us knowledge.If we were to know it all we would understand everything and anything about life, the world, death etc. but we don't.But I know one thing for sure, there is a God and he is our Father. For your birth parents punishes you for doing wrong, well so does God.Ask God to open your eyes so that you can see and not die being ignorant.
mothpete said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
mothpete said…
"For your birth parents punishes you for doing wrong, well so does God."

Ha, I don't know of any human father who punishes his children by torturing them forever. Even serial killers let their victims die at some point... Your god... pfft. That's not punishment honey, that's sadism to the nth degree.

Oh, and we're EX-Christians here, dear. Heard your trollip a thousand times over and preached it as well. Been there, read the book, saw the movie, wore the t-shirt, smelt the flowers, and noticed they were plastic all along.

Sad, pathetic, plastic flower as fake as Benny Hinn's hair.
Dave Van Allen said…
This is an interpretive paraphrase of Praise83's latest post:

My GOD is threatening you with the worst painful rectal itch you can imagine, and that shit is hell. Why would you all want to live in hell and then die in hell. Give yourselves to God!

God gave you freewill, that's why there is evil in the world. See, it's like this, God designed HIS world and HIS humans in such a way that evil was the inevitable outcome. Then he came up with this cool "plan" where he would save a few of the most ignorant people, while the rest would be destined for hell (you know, the itch thing) for not getting in line with this plan.

There is no way we can understand GOD, because, well, because... uh, because SHE is GOD! However, I can assure you that I know enough about GOD to tell you that you don't want to have a bad itch up your rectum for all eternity. That would suck bad.
Astreja said…
Praise83: "Why would you all want to live in hell and then die in hell."

(looks around) No, this isn't hell at all. I have love. I have family. I have pussycats. I have chocolate. I have music. I have interesting Stuff to do. You must have us mistaken for... um... superstitious, paranoid believers, or something.

Sounds like you need to get out more, P83. The world is a beautiful and fascinating place. Discard the myth of hellfire and the psychologically damaging "sinner" masque, and come join us in the light of reality.

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