SILHOUETTE CITY :: 2 minute trailer

Trailer for SILHOUETTE CITY - the first post-Bush investigation into the nature of the radical Christian right. It follows the spread of apocalyptic Christian nationalism from the marginal groups of the 70's-80's to today's mainstream Christian right. With the impending re-marginalization of Christian nationalists on the horizon (with the election of Obama), the film explores the lengths to which religious militants in America are prepared to go for their beliefs.


Excerpts from the upcoming nonfiction film SILHOUETTE CITY - an investigation of apocalyptic Christian nationalism.

SILHOUETTE CITY excerpt: Council for National Policy Meeting

Excerpt from the film SILHOUETTE CITY.
In Spring 2008, Republican presidential candidate John McCain told the Council for National Policy: "I want to look you in the eye and tell you I won't let you down."

This is the only known video documentation of the CNP - a highly-secretive right-wing organization that meets twice-yearly to discuss conservative movement priorities. In September 2008, the CNP approved the selection of Sarah Palin to run as McCain's VP. The CNP was founded in 1981 by "Left Behind" series author Tim Lahaye.

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