By Joe Musselwhite

I thought some of you might enjoy my "God in a box" experiment.

I've had fun with this for years. Here's how it works:

Go buy a small cardboard box around 2-3 inches square with a removable lid on it.

On top of the lid write: "Inside this box is God" and now you're set.

Take the box to one of your friends who believes in God and hand it to him and don't say anything. Wait for a response. 99% of the time they take the lid off and say there's nothing in here. Ah! Ah! Now you got them!

Once they make this claim, ask them how did they know that nothing was in the box. They will respond that they know nothing is in the box because they can't see anything. This is the whole point of the experiment. It demonstrates very well that humans rely heavily on one of their senses before they claim they know something verses believing something. It proves that people require objective evidence before they accept something as fact.

They don't even think about it until it's too late. It's not even a thought for them to claim nothings there. In a way it also demonstrates their lack of faith which requires no evidence at all.

You can really have fun with this experiment, just use your imagination.


SpaceMonk said…
Did they expect to open it and actually see God looking back at them?
Anonymous said…
For a real funny twist (make sure to have a cam ready), let someone open the box to find a small cloud of mist in it and hear a voice "Shut the door dammit!"...
Anonymous said…

I did a variation of the experiment; "ex" Christian in the Closet.

I opened the door to the closet...and there was no "ex" Christian there!
Anonymous said…
Or ... you could put a mirror in the box. That would provide a true reflection of god in many, perhaps most, cases. It seems that most people who believe in god have crafted the deity in their own image, with their own thoughts, characteristics and prejudices.
Anonymous said…
When I saw the title of the post, I immediately thought of that whole SNL "Dick in a Box" thing. Of course I think it's fitting, since their god, especially the O.T. one, WAS a dick....
Anonymous said…
Hey, don't look now!

The jokes between your legs!

Who says god doesn't have a sense of humor!
Anonymous said…
goldie, none of us deny that god has a sense of humor. When I pass a church on sunday morning, and see dozens and sometimes hundreds of cars parked outside, then I figure god must be a comic; a real Milton Berle. The singing; the praying; the preaching, the fucker falls off his throne and rolls on the floor.

goldie, I have been reading your asinine posts for quite awhile now, and you are quite a humorist yourself. That explains why the Webmaster doesn't delete your childish drivel: he keeps you around for laughs.

Really, I find myself feeling sorry for you. You are some little jerk-off with no social life, except at some youth group, and even there you would be sidelined. You damned sure have no sex life.

I am proud to be an atheist, and I am sure that I speak for the others. I live in dignity, beholden to neither gods nor their spokesmen. But you know, you can't help being the way you are. I was a xian once, and really, I could not help being a little pipsqueak.

Religion is comedy, but you are slapstick.
Anonymous said…
I immediately thought of Dick in a Box as well.
Nvrgoingbk said…
Thackerie, I loved your idea most of all. How true that the Theist has created God in his own image.
Jay McHue said…
Wait for a response. 99% of the time they take the lid off and say there's nothing in here. Ah! Ah! Now you got them! Once they make this claim, ask them how did they know that nothing was in the box. They will respond that they know nothing is in the box because they can't see anything. This is the whole point of the experiment. It demonstrates very well that humans rely heavily on one of their senses before they claim they know something verses believing something. It proves that people require objective evidence before they accept something as fact.

So there's no air, light, dust particles, EM radiation, or anything else that people can't normally see in the box when it's opened? I mean, if you can't see it, that means it doesn't exist in the box, right?

I tell you, that'd be an amazing feat if there were actually nothing in the box.
Dave Van Allen said…

You are seething with anger. Is this the peace your prince gives you? Is this the peace you expect anyone here to want?

We don't believe in your god anymore. She/He/It only exists in your imagination. Why is that you are intolerant of those who disbelieve in your myth?

I suggest you leave this site before you suffer an aneurysm.
Anonymous said…

Wait - don't tell me. Because there are things we cannot see - in this instance, things we cannot see in The Box - yet we know these things exist, despite the failure of our naked eye to catch them, then we cannot rule out the possibility of there being a God, since we cannot see it? Huh. You know . . . that makes no sense whatsoever.

Air, light, dust particles, EM radiation, and 'other things we can't see' are all measurable. How does one measure the Christian God? And no, that warm fuzzy feeling you get in your 'heart' every time you see a child smile is not God. How is that a measurement? We measure such reactions according to psychiatry, psychology and neurscience - none of these things goes to any great length to include God as a factor, unless the belief in a God is the reason for an ailment.

In order for there to be a measurement of the Christian God and its effects, one must consider the claims concerning the Christian God. For this, we have little choice but to turn to the Bible. Or, as I like to call it, the Wholly Babble. Or the Buy-Bull. Hee-hee. Um . . . ahem. Moving on. using the Bible as evidence for God is immediately erroneous because that would be like using Tolkien's LoTR books as evidence for the existence of Hobbits. One does not use a claim as evidence. That notwithstanding, the evidence for God itself is moot. There are many evidences in the Bible that illustrate quite plainly that God is imaginary (www.godisimaginary.com) and that God is impossible (http://www.positiveatheism.org/writ/imposs.htm). Realizing this, one cannot expect anything else other than the box to be devoid of God, regardless of the presence of dust motes, cardboard residue, radiation, or microscopic viruses.

The irony here, Jason, is that your half-naked attempt at discrediting the original poster's experiment is a logical fallacy. First, you automatically use the God of the Gaps argument: just because we cannot see it, does not mean it's not there. For all we know, there IS an invisible man in the sky that loves us SOO much, that he'll put us through never-ending pain if we do not love him back! The fallacy with your argument, of course, is that once you make exceptions for any possibility with the Gap, or that space we cannot define, and fill it with an idea like God, then that leaves room for pink unicorns, flyng leprechauns, and Unicron.

Well, now . . . I feel a little bad having wasted a good fifteen minutes writing that, but I feel better knowing that I'm not wasting anymore of my life by thinking that there's a God.
Anonymous said…
Jason: "I tell you, that'd be an amazing feat if there were actually nothing in the box."

Yeah... as amazing a feat, as imagining a Transcendental Reality box, with something "inside"...
Jay McHue said…
You are seething with anger.

Wow. You can read minds? Cool! What number am I thinking of?

Is this the peace your prince gives you?

I've not had one iota of anger towards you or anyone else here. Please stop trying to read minds because you suck at it.

Is this the peace you expect anyone here to want?

Better than the frothing rants you consistently post.

We don't believe in your god anymore. She/He/It only exists in your imagination. Why is that you are intolerant of those who disbelieve in your myth?

Your hypocrisy is blatant and disgusting. Why are you intolerant of those who believe in God?

I suggest you leave this site before you suffer an aneurysm.

Naw, I'd suffer from boredom due to being so far ahead of you intellectually instead. I mean, geez - you had to close the comments for the Left Behind game because you were doing so poorly. I strongly suspect you'll do the same to this and any other comments I participate in for the same reason.
Anonymous said…
im a rabid gamer :) play every major game that comes out

Left behind was ignored because...hell...it was crap

if you don’t see that it was a crap game ...well...you got problems man, just look at the sales. millions thought it was crap :)

kinda like the world as a whole thinks of Islam really...oops....sorry Catholicism I meant. Got right one now?
boomSLANG said…
Someone said('obvious who):

Naw, I'd suffer from boredom due to being so far ahead of you intellectually instead.

Ahead? Please elaborate, in detail, on how you are intellectually "ahead" of everyone who has engaged you in discussion.

I mean, geez - you had to close the comments for the Left Behind game because you were doing so poorly.

Hint: Just because the screen door to the porch was left open, doesn't necessarily mean that the one or two stray flies that had previously gotten inside had "out-smarted" humans---it just means someone needs to close the door. = )
Dave Van Allen said…

I changed my mind; don't leave. You are an excellent example of what Christian thinking offers to a thinking mind.

Thanks for your valuable contribution toward supporting the foundational premise of this entire website.
Anonymous said…

You are an ass...but I have to agree with you about one thing. From an epistomological point of view this experiment is fundamentally flawed.
Anonymous said…
"Hey, don't look now!

The jokes between your legs!

Who says god doesn't have a sense of humor"

I didn't know you were down there between somone's legs Goldie.

It seems that another christian fundy has come out of the closet about what he enjoys doing in his private life.
Anonymous said…
"Naw, I'd suffer from boredom due to being so far ahead of you intellectually instead."

I'm sure when you are done here Jason, you will go look at naked pictures of Jesus' mother on the internet, and masturbate.
Anonymous said…

Here's a hint: no one here takes you seriously, and with good reason. Every post you have made on this site has been chock full of logical fallacies and emotional appeals for the authenticity of Christianity. If not these, then knee-jerk ad-hominem reactions to others calling you out. This is what can be expected from Christians. If this was your point (to prove that Christians have the reasoning capacity of gnats), then you have succeeded. But truly, this is not difficult to do, since religious belief s a mental disorder. All I can really say to you, Jason, is to seek therapy to deal with your disorder. You obviously are sick, since you are incapable of responding to arguments against your so-called 'faith' like mine.
Anonymous said…
I know it sounds very pansy but I seriously do not have the guts to burst my spleen against the religion I was brought up on to my family. I need some sensible advice as I think it would take some time for all the hogwash to rinse off me. I don't want to be a closet non-theist, but I also lack the resources to proclaim it in everybody's face. What do I do?
Anonymous said…

I don't think the point is to proclaim it in everybody's face, or to hide in the closet. The point is to analyze, examine, and investigate for the sole purpose of finding the truth FOR YOURSELF. If you hae doubts about religion, you can't just sweep it under the rug because it's what you were brought up in. This is a dangerous thing to do. It will only drag you down. The only sensible course is to face your fears head on, and research the conclusions you are drawing from your doubts. There are many helpful websites that examine the absurdity of religion, from www.godisimaginary.com, this one, the website of the Rational Response Squad and other atheist websites. just be honest with yourself; that's what matters. dealing with the BS from those who are in the grips of their mental disorders (believers) is part of that honesty. Best of luck!
Anonymous said…
Just wanted to let my son's non-believing friends know that Jason has been grounded for two weeks, and is not allowed to use the computer during that time.

He has not been doing his homework, and he has been surfing the net and not going to bed at 8pm like he's supposed to.
Anonymous said…
I forgot to mention that Jason just started 1st Grade this year, after failing Kindergarten two years in a row, and we can't afford for him not to do his homework, and flunk out like he has done in the past.
eel_shepherd said…
Jason contributed:
"...Why are you intolerant of those who believe in God?..."

Because they try to intrude their beliefs into every otherwise neutral situation like a Pekinese working off on a stranger's pant-leg? Because they welcome the destruction of the world as a positive gain?

Believe what you want, Jason; it's a free country, no thanks to you.

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