The idiocy of Creationism


Anonymous said…
Ahahahah great video!
It's tragically funny...a mirror of the reality...
freeman said…
Natural selection = god's quality control! What idiots! Very funny vid.
Again, I have a beer koozy that says, "God must love stupid people, he made so many of them!"
Anonymous said…
Great music! Where can I download it? I'd love to have it on my MP3 player for when I run!

Anonymous said…
just search for Greenday - American Idiot, it should be easy enough to find!
Anonymous said…
Careful. this vid might be deleted due to copyright issues made by Creation Science Ministry or creation science evangelical ministry. There is a tribute called kent hovind is a *ucktard. This is causing censorship and copyright issues on youtube.
Anonymous said…
All vids proving that kent hovind is wrong about evolution, is being censored by cristian science ministry.
twincats said…
What stuck out for me was the headline that read "Bush Sees Place for Teaching Creationism" or something close to that.

And yes, there is such a place, in fact, more than one! They're called CHURCH and HOME.

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