Atheists spread the word

This is a 22-minute documentary about atheism that aired on CBC's The National on October 5, 2007.


Anonymous said…
this is really great!
Anonymous said…
It is BibleGod , Catholic god , Hebrew God that I say is a design of organized crime. Designed to keep people sacrificable and obedient and submissive to men at the top of the crime organization. I actually believe there is some intelligent force that I try to understand and cooperate with , I look at nature with great awe and appreciation daily. I did it when I was a Catholic Christian then as a Non Catholic Christian and I do it today when I am an Ex Biblist. I just reject that there is some man-like being with man’s emotions and petty jealousies like Bible God.
In this video and elsewhere I hear a lot of people connecting their sense of awe and wonder of nature and creation to the term God and then they subconsciously link it “Bible God” , the tribal desert war god. I reject the brutal old testament stories of Moses and David and Joshua and other “Bible Heroes” that went on their genocidal crime sprees using their imaginary tribal war god as a way to enrich themselves. I see religious and political leaders throughout my lifetime also using the same imaginary tribal good to keep their subjects sacrificable and submissive as a great way to enrich themselves and their crime families.
So if you are a Christian, I do not wish to invalidate your sense of awe and wonder with how amazing the universe is. I just can’t give credit for it to a tribal straw god(s) that was forced upon the weak and scared under penalty of death.
Gnosisquest said…
The great part missed by so many of these people is the damage done to society by a philosophy which teach people from the time they are children that they are sinners.

Following any such philosophy/religion which has a built in excuse for less than ethical behavior is not a spiritual life but a life devoted to the lesser instincts in man.
Gnosisquest said…
What so many people fail to realize is that any religious philosophy which state all of us are sinners promotes crime through an in built excuse for less than ethical behavior.
Anonymous said…
The Kingdom of God is like the Mafia.

Gives a new meaning to the "Godfather".
Anonymous said…
HMMMM! So any religious philosophy that says we are all "sinners" promotes crimes among humans? How do you explain the low crime rate in some Muslim countries? Of course, they don't mess with the law there. Me? I am no Muslim but I will think twice or more before committing a misdemeanor, much less a felony, in their countries.
boomSLANG said…
Loitering anonymous Christian who poses as a "Deist" is back, with:

I am no Muslim but I will think twice or more before committing a misdemeanor, much less a felony, in their countries.

Dear Annoyin'us,

Just based on the fact that you are "no Muslim", you would be commiting a religious "felony" by merely standing in their country.
Anonymous said…
Heard the video..have nothing against ... but two things I must say... Religion will harm men, women and children but a relationship with God its life...the rapper said he wanted proof to the five senses and physically there might not be...but don't you think that God who created heaven, earth and everything that is in and out wouldn't go beyond your senses..God does not think like you and me, God's ways are not your ways.. you will think of something good when your sad but God will provide something great!
While this is indeed a very informative video about the rise of atheism, I'm a little surprised by something missing here.
Given the large amount of folks who took part in this video, I don't see a single comment from any of them here.
How can this be?..... asked ATF

Certainly many of these folks are ex-xtians and at least a few of them must know our site exists, no?

One thing that did really bother me in this video, is that some of the god-disbelieving children get teased (tormented?) by child peers, who have been brainwashed into the god delusion by their parents. Nothing like instilling those 'HATE' emotions, while they're still very young.

If this is the 'hate' result we see just from the xtian brainwashing of the young, can you imagine the intensity of hate that muslim children are being brainwashed with; to KILL non-muslims.

I truly don't know how any xtian/muslim believer, can make a case that religion is good for society, or that it doesn't breed intolerance for anyone who differs from their NARROW way of viewing the world.

I also found it interesting that this older xtian man they interviewed, gave lip service that he would be happy to view any counter-proof of his god, but then later he states he pretty much couldn't live in a world without his god. That alone shows that god-believers will almost always engage the god-filter when presented with any counter-evidence to their faith.
They really have no choice in the matter as they so need that god to be real in their lives.
So I find it pretty much a JOKE when a xtian makes a statement that they have no problem viewing evidence that shows their god is a myth.

ATF (Who thinks public school history classes, should spend more time on the topic of ancient god myths, of ALL KINDS)
Anonymous wrote:
...the rapper said he wanted proof to the five senses and physically there might not be...but don't you think that God who created heaven, earth and everything that is in and out wouldn't go beyond your senses..God does not think like you and me, God's ways are not your ways.. you will think of something good when your sad but God will provide something great!
Anon poster,

If anything exists beyond our five senses, then it would require evidence in order to accept it's existence. If such a requirement were not needed, then we'd have to accept any and all supernatural claims that can't be detected by our human five sense.
That claim would include your xtian god, but could include many competing gods as well, along with creatures popping in and out from other dimensions, invisible aliens spying on us, and maybe even a creature such as bigfoot, who only makes itself visible sporadically, but exists beyond our five senses the rest of the time.

You claim that "god does not think like you and me ,God's ways are not your ways.".

Then I ask you anon, how do you know this as truth?
Is this an assumption, based on reading between the lines of the bible book?

If I made up some mythical god-like creature and wrote a book all about this creature, making statements of the kind, "that you can't understand how my creature thinks or his ways", would that result in more or less proof, that my creature was real?
Asserting that we can't understand a quality about some supernatural being, surely can't be evidence to ensure it's existence in our world.

Here's the reality my friend.
If there is some supernatural god existing out there in the universe, and we then assume this being is in contact with us humans and making a difference in our existence on earth, then there MUST be some evidence that our five senses can grab ahold of to verify that something non-natural is really happening.

So where is that evidence you hold that your god is more than just a product of human imagination and/or human invention?

ATF (Who thinks any verifiable 'miracles' would be fine as this proof of god)

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