By Kevin Parry I am not an expert on the Bible, but there are some things in that book that I find incredibly disconcerting, especially when it comes to God’s moral conduct. It is often said that a leader who is worthy of respect is a leader who sets an example. When I read through the pages of the Bible, I become more convinced that if the God of the Bible exists, he is the type of leader I will not follow, simply because he sets an example that at times I find morally objectionable. I’ve written this post in the realisation that I could be mistaken, that it is possible that I’ve missed something. If so, please let me know where I’ve gone wrong. One of the arguments for the truth of Christianity, put forward by various apologists, including CS Lewis, is that all humans are endowed with a moral sense of right and wrong. Due to the fact that this objective, moral sense exists, there must be a Moral Law Giver (i.e., God). For arguments sake, let’s accept that this divine moral sense exis...
Christians say that God wanted people to worship in free will and not like the angels. If the angels did not have free will, then how were they able to "rebel against god?" Would not free will have to exist for the angels? That negates the whole argument from Christians.
So it would seam that angels really did have free will.
Also, how could anyone love a god, or anybody, that forced you to love them by such a choice as hell or my way? There could not be any real true love in a situation like that. Just acting out of fear.
Maybe that is why so many christians really dont follow it themselves, they just go through the motions in hope that they will escape this hell.
"Also, how could anyone love a god, or anybody, that forced you to love them by such a choice as hell or my way? There could not be any real true love in a situation like that. Just acting out of fear."
I agree with you Mike.
I've said for a very long time that I think it's pathetic that an all knowing and loving God has to use scare tactics, like burning in hell for eternity and other forms of manipulation just to win the loyality of others.
Sounds like God has a major insecurity problem. He must be really bored, and that is why he wants so much attention from others.
Just imagine this statement from God himself:
GOD: Follow me or you will burn in hell! I'm God! I have lots of power and I will use it against you if you don't follow me! You hear me? I am God! I do love you in all honesty, however if you don't follow me, you will burn in hell. You need to follow me, because I am God! Do you people understand me? I can destroy you people!
If that's the best God can do to get others to follow him, then he is truly pathetic.
It also shows that he is limited in power. Plus the christian trolls who post on here who supposedly represent "God" are a prime example of how pathetic God really is since he can't seem to do no better than choose a bunch of weak minded fools to represent him.
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