The Cosmic Landscape

Dr. Leonard Susskind, the Felix Bloch professor of theoretical physics at Stanford University in the field of string theory and quantum field theory, is widely regarded as one of the fathers of string theory for his early contributions to the String Theory model of particle physics. In this video he discusses his most recent book The Cosmic Landscape: String Theory and the Illusion of Intelligent Design

Does trying to understand modern string theory have you tied in knots? Have you ever wondered what a layman can learn from hadrons or the anthropic principle? Enjoy this lively program as Susskind explains the nuts and bolts of modern string theory and asks, "Can science explain the extraordinary fact that the universe appears to be uncannily, nay, spectacularly, well designed for our existence?"

This video is one hour long.

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Yukkione said…
I'd been interested in string theory for quite some time. But it had problems. Then someone looked at some of the theories used in Supergravity and saw that they could apply to String theory and make it work better. The result is M Theory or Membrane Theory. Eleven dimensions was the main added element. M Theory can theoreticaly describe the event that takes place just before "big bangs". Plural bang.. Plural Universes... This was a great video and well worth watching.
Anonymous said…
Are you aware that there is a LOT of criticisms of String Theory, as pointed out in such books as, "Not Even Wrong"?

And also
"The Trouble with Physics"?

At this point and time, String Theory is just as much of a religon as ID is. There is nothing experimental that can be done to validate it, and all you have is speculations on how a large number of conflicting string theories can unite. There was some interesting math that lent people to possible consider it, but beyond that, it is very suspect and not verifiable scientifically. Do you, for example, have any evidence strings exist at all, outside of a theoretical formula some theoretician had on a board? Just because it is consistent, doesn't make it our reality.

I can understand one be critical of Christianity and religion, but people who are into UFOs, String Theory, and other new agey stuff, such as "The Secret" also get as religious.

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