Evolution Primer

1: Learn the difference between the scientific and everyday use of key vocabulary words.

2: Discover how Darwin's curiosity, his passion for natural history, his voyage on the Beagle, and his use of the scientific process led to the publication of his groundbreaking book.

3: See how different lines of evidence contribute to our picture of evolution. Learn about the fossil evidence for whales' land-dwelling ancestors.



4: Travel to Ecuador to see how the process of natural selection operates in populations of rain forest hummingbirds.


5: Examine the fossil and molecular evidence that supports the evolution of humans from earlier primate ancestors.

6: Learn how tuberculosis is transmitted and why the evolution of multi-drug resistant strains of TB in Russia affects us all. (more)

7: Consider different points of view, as scientists, religious leaders, and college students share their opinions about evolution, science, and religious faith.

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