Muslims hate atheists too

From News Bloggers:

In this Current TV video, Dr. Jason Lisle also says that "In an evolutionary world view, why should you have things like absolute morality?, Why would it be wrong to kill someone?"

It's a really weird way to put it, so why are all the Atheists of the world not running around killing people right now? My housemate is about ten feet away and I have no urge to kill him. Truth is, I think it's common courtesy not to murder people and I thought that up all by myself.

It's interesting to note that some Muslims appear to have the same thoughts about Atheism. In Richard Dawkins epic documentary "Root of all Evil?", Dawkins visits a American Muslim Yousef al-Khattab in Jerusalem. Without Morals Yousef argues that people would be "fornicating in the streets."

What do you think? Are Muslims correct? Why or why not?

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Audie said…
It seems to me that athiests are the only ones in the world who do not hate, at least not people. Of course we hate religion and what it does to it's followers, but not the people involved. Actually I pity them.

Every where you turn, religious people spread hate- hate of Homosexuals, liberals, athiests, and anybody who does not adhere to thier set of beliefs.

Being an Iraq War veteran, as well as serving time in Egypt, Isreal, and Jordan, I can say that muslims are the ulitmate haters. They hate all of us, so who really cares what they think?

Maybe one day this world will be rid of religion, and the hate will go away too.
Unknown said…
I think that it would be really 'instructive' if others would ope up similar 'museums' relating at least some of the other religious-MYTHS regarding creation/the order of things.

The Earth rests on a turtles'-back, supported by a giant elephant,...etc...

Just to show how these 'religious-things' are 'equivalent' in veracity to each other.
Anonymous said…
I hate Muslims and Christians because they do not follow the laws of Flying Spaghetti Monster who tells us that men and women must wear the holy pirate clothing that declare their subservience to him. Muslims and Christians offend me and offend FSM because they do not do these things that are *right*, and I know they are right because FSM tells me so.
SpaceMonk said…
What's wrong with fornicating in the streets? comparison to, say, suicide bombing in the streets?
Nvrgoingbk said…
I used to be a pious/humble Christian who thought that as a Christian, I was in the minority and that I would one day be discriminated against for my faith and martyred by Heathen for the name of Christ.

Now, I am the pious/humble Athiest who thinks that as an Atheist, I am in the minority and that I am being discriminted against for my faith and will be martyred by Christians or Muslims for the name of RATIONALITY.
Anonymous said…
"What's wrong with fornicating in the streets? comparison to, say, suicide bombing in the streets?"

Right. We need MORE fornication in the streets! if everyone's busy fornicating (which is a victimless hobby) then they're hardly likely to be blowing themselves up are they? That's the problm here, potential sucide bombers not gettting enough 'tang!
TheJaytheist said…
SpaceMonk said...
"What's wrong with fornicating in the streets?"

It makes it hard to concentrate when so many people are laughing at me.

It's too dangerous with all those cars wizzing by.

Bicycalists keep mistaking my ass for a place to park.(ouch!)
Anonymous said…
Theres nothing wrong with fornicating in the streets as long as there are illegal aliens to clean up later. I mean who else would do the cleaning?

Anonymous said…
Instead of not believing this Allah shite and fornicating in the streets, I should believe and become a martyr so I can fornicate with 72 virgins after I die?

Ah, the 'logic' of the religion-befuddled mind...
jane said…
The greatest tragedy in mankind's entire history may be the hijacking of morality by religion.
--Arthur C. Clarke

And, how incredibly arrogant of Christians to believe that atheists are without morality!!! Has it never occurred to them that since atheists have intrinsic motivation toward morality and do not require extrinsic motivators like the "reward" of heaven and/or the punishment of purgatory and/or hell that perhaps we are actually of higher moral fiber? Have you ever heard of an atheist killing someone or stealing their land because they of their beliefs??? I think not.
Astreja said…
Well said, Jane. I always wondered where people of various religions got the idea that religion was necessary for morality.

It's obvious to me that morality in religion is recognized by pre-existing and non-religious moral awareness. Otherwise... How would a person with no prior religion ever be able to compare and contrast the moral teachings of different belief systems?

And don't just say "My god put the moral sense into that person." If that were so, we would have no basis for establishing community law, because wrongdoers could excuse their bad behaviour with "My god made me this way."
Unknown said…
This guys forgets that all his belief system is ALSO MAN MADE. The diversity in religious thoughts and believes proves it.
eel_shepherd said…
I don't think the Americans are quite ready to throw away scientific and technological supremacy for the sake of their hobby, ol' time religion. The cost is too high, and before long this fad is going to come to an end. After recess, the school bell signals a return to adult supervision for the fundies. We saw that in Dover, PA, for instance.

Notice that these "museums" (theme parks, actually) seem to spring up in the dumb states? When we start seeing them catching on in, say, Connecticut, that might be the time to start worrying...
Anonymous said…
Atheists don't hate? Ridiculous! They hate like all of us humans. And while I am a religious sceptic, call me a "traitor" if you wish, I don't hate religions. Simply you can't hate something that defines cultures and society's values, whether we agree or disagree in what it does or says. Religions is one activity that will never go away. And I understand them perfectly. Voltaire, and he was quite a sceptic too, once said that, "if religions didn't exist, humans would invent them anyway". Religions are bad? Remember, religions are made by humans and humans are basically not perfect. Admit it, anti-religious propaganda has lasted over a century since Marx, Darwins and Nietzsche, and I don't see religion disappearing yet from Earth and I doubt it will ever happen, unless you destroy humans. And that's something only a madman would propose. Oh, I am reading Dawkin's book, "The God Delusional" but I doubt it will convince me to change what I said here.
Anonymous said…
Another myths I see here is saying atheists don't kill or start wars. Of course wars were started for many political, social and emotional reasons. True, religions have started wars [ever heard of the Thirty Years War of the seventeenth century in Europe between Catholic and Protestants?] And I haven't mention the Crusades. Or Osama Bin Laden's call for "holy wars" against USA and Israel. But the Soviet Union spent decades persecuting religion. Many of its members were sent to the Gulags and mass murdered by Lenin and Stalin. And they were atheists. USSR, and I dislike Reagan's calling that country "evil empire" in the eighties, was armed, and still Russia got them, nuclear weapons of mass destruction, and could have used it in case of a war, and we came close in 1962 and 1983 [Read William Mann's "The Rise of the Vulcans"]. So atheism also failed there. My point is atheism, while understandible among many religious sceptic, is not going to solve the world's problems. The problem as I see it is not if the next guy believes in God or not, but if we can be "better" humans. And that I am afraid we are too far away, if ever.
Dave Van Allen said…

If you are going to continue posting here, please click on the "other" radio button and type in a pseudonym. It will greatly facilitate discussion and eliminate the impression that you are merely another disengenous, cowardly, Christian troll.

Anonymous said…
"Webmaster" is a good example that atheists can be as narrowminded and bigotted as religious believers. Can't think critically, sir?

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