Is that you, God?

Perceptions of religious imagery in natural phenomena include perceptions of religious imagery and themes, especially the faces of religious figures, in ordinary phenomena. Many instances that are reported involve images of Jesus or other Christian figures seen in food, but it has an equivalent in the Muslim world where structures in food and other natural objects are perceived as religious text in Arabic, particularly the word Allah or verses from the Qur'an. Many religious believers view them as real depictions of miraculous origin; the predominant scientific view is that such perceptions are examples of pareidolia.Wikipedia

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Anonymous said…
WTF? Most of those pictures suggested no human like images at all. You tell me? OK... ummmm NO.

The most laughable are those faked tabloid pictures. You really think anyone with even one quarter of a brain would think those are real?
Anonymous said…
You've got to be kidding us...I've seen Jesus and he's bird doo on an old guy's car in Texas. If you disagree, I'll wage holy war on you!
Anonymous said…
that was so inspiring, I think ill go out and behead some infidels in the neighborhood.

Anonymous said…
And then there is the image of Donald Stephens in the peeling bark of a sycamore tree in Rosemont, IL.

No one is immune. You see what you want to see because something inside you needs to see it.
ComputerGuyCJ said…
Is that you, Mr. Dead Mayor?
Lance said…
It's easy if your god's name is just a couple of lines or scribbles. I want to see "THE FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER" written on the side of a goat. Now that would be a cool trick.
Dave Van Allen said…
Here's what you are looking for, Lance: CLICK HERE
Anonymous said…
Oh. My. Spaghetti Monster! He IS real!!!
Joe B said…
I see dragons and beautiful women when I look at clouds. But, then, that's what I'm looking for.
Anonymous said…
Interesting choice to use "Enya" for musical accompaniment...I suppose this "western" music may appeal to the infidels who really can't appreciate the tongue wagging, blood-curdling screaming of music from the arab culture...sly, these cheeky li'l muslims...they learn evangelism (can that word even be USED to refer to islam?!) from the best---americans


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