Northern KY Creationism Museum discussed on O'Reily's show
A short debate about the $27 Million Dollar Creation Museum which opened on 28-May-07 in Petersburg, Kentucky. John Kasich fills in for Bill O'Reilly in a debate between Ken Ham the Answers in Genesis CEO (which funded the building of the Museum) and Lawrence Krauss, PhD, Professor of Physics, Professor of Astronomy, and former Chair of the Physics Department at Case Western Reserve University.
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Looked like a publicity stunt to me.
I shouldn't be surprised at the lengths the young earth creationists will go to when spreading their propoganda, but 27 million freaking dollars?
Mad world
Don't forget about our homegrown idiots in Glenrose, Texas with their museum dedicated for creationism just down the road from the fossilized dinasour foot prints on the river's edge.
Idiots everywhere!
What do they have to show for 27 million dollars? Fossils? They wouldn't prove creation. So what do they have that proves creation?
How's it going?Haven't heard from you lately.Still living over off C.B. by Uncle H.?
Click on my name and e-mail me.
Much more on Musings of a Marginal Thinker
The delicious irony of Adam losing his innocence yet again!
If Ken Ham thinks that evolution takes place, I wonder what time scale he believes it operates on. Just think how many cats, or long flexible sea creatures, could have their lives turned around and improved with $27M. What a waste.
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