The Devil is Dead!

Just for laughs...

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Anonymous said…
This is glorious news! Rejoice in Kryasst our Lard! The Talking Snake is dead! Glory!
Anonymous said…
lol, the tape outline with horns on made me chuckle.
Anonymous said…
Wow, that was didn't they do this centuries ago?
Anonymous said…
So...I guess the congregations and preachers can go home now; with the debil gone, ain't nuthin to do no mo.
Anonymous said…
Hell-aluia!Close all churches and fire all preachers,....religion is out of buisness!!

Anonymous said…
How do we know he is really dead? All we saw was a chalk outline and no body. For all we know, he might have gotten tired of all the bad rap he was getting, and faked his own death.

~ Aurelia ~
Anonymous said…
Aurelia,"how do we know he's dead"?

He's not because he never existed to begin with,....or did he?

He is the father of lies,maybe this is a deception,......NOT!!

sixoverme said…
it just cracks me up that they are charging $10 for the funeral respect for the dead
Anonymous said…
he's god but it took him an army just to kill one horned guy...

eel_shepherd said…
Betcha Satan's the one selling the tickets.

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