Dear Christians: This is revolting -- utterly revolting

by JM, Annoyed Medicinian Lord

This particular work (of art?) makes me want to vomit. It is not the depictions of Jesus that I find sickening, or any of the other symbolic items in this painting. No, what makes me sick about this is that it offers an unpleasantly pornographic view into the mindset of the modern-day right-wing anti-liberal "patriotic" American Christian. It screams "GIVE US OUR THEOCRACY!!!"

I was once a Christian. I believed. I prayed. There was a time when garbage such as this painting wouldn't have bothered me in the least.

I am fortunate that I had the intellect necessary to figure out what a depraved falsehood Christianity is, and that I stumbled across a wealth of evidence that could lead to no other logical conclusion. If only everyone could be so lucky. Whether or not the world would be a better place I cannot say, but it certainly wouldn't hurt.

Well, it is that time of year again. The winter solstice is rapidly approaching, and it is being heralded by the wails of the masses who bleat about "the TRUE meaning of the season" and the "War on Christmas". They shout in unison "VALIDATE OUR MYTH!". I refuse.

If you want to believe in your absurd human-sacrifice doctrine, have at it. I only ask that you take that repulsive doctrine, your sweet little baby Jesus, your mournful looking Jesus-on-a-stick, and your fear-mongering "End Times" crap, and get it out of the public square and behind the closed doors of your church where it belongs.




Dave Van Allen said…
Thanks to all on this board for giving great insight into the Christian folly. I love the humor and cherish the wisdom. I haven't laughed this hard in months.

It still saddens me when I think of the contributions of Christian dogma such as: Hatred towards native Americans, African americans, homosexuals, and now people who can't afford health care. I dare these assholes to show the supposed "love of Jesus." You cannot share what doesn't exist. How can anyone subscribe to an ideology that hardly ever models peace, forgiveness, love, and acceptance. The only way to persuade people is to catch them when they are young, or in a vulnerable state of crisis.
Dave Van Allen said…
Why is the guy in the helmet and battle fatigues holding his imaginary breasts up?
Dave Van Allen said…
Yes, he singlehandedly brought the Soviet empire to its knees by convincing them to deregulate their financial sector.
Dave Van Allen said…
Thomas Kincaid.....A "True" christian if ever there was one !
The guy is using his badge of christiandom to rake in tons of $$$$$$$.
I haven't quite figured out yet if the guy is a phoney.
Dave Van Allen said…
My signature on the forums:
I never submitted the whole system of my opinions to the creed of any party of men whatever in religion, in philosophy, in politics, or in anything else where I was capable of thinking for myself. Such an addiction is the last degradation of a free and moral agent. - Thomas Jefferson
Dave Van Allen said…
It's, just, the evidence for Jefferson NOT being a christian, certainly not of the "saved" evangelical bent that is being used here, is overwhelming! This isn't some character who might not have existed, I've been to the university he FOUNDED (btw, the first secular, non-sectarian university in the USA, planned around the library, NOT a chapel, as usual then), I've read his writings, I've been to his GRAVE, where he instructed, on his headstone, for it to be written -
"author of the Declaration of American Independence, of the Statute of Virginia for religious freedom, and Father of the University of Virginia" and, in his will "not a word more." His priorities were pretty damn clear, and Jeebus wasn't in them.
Dave Van Allen said…
I can't stop looking at's like a car wreck.
Thought I'd also add another observation. Frederick Douglas, the "Black Union Soldier", and Sequoyah are all in the VERY back. Hrm.
Dave Van Allen said…
That's not a lawyer in the lower right corner, that's the artist, counting all the money the gullible Sheeple give him for prints of his "art".

Thomas Kincaid is not pleased.

A "gawd-inspired document, written by gawd-fearing patriots" os whatever. My ass it was!
Dave Van Allen said…
Thanks for (re)posting this. I was trying to find some syrup of ipecac, but this did the trick just fine.
Dave Van Allen said…
I'm FURIOUS that this idiot put my hero, and best president, Thomas Jefferson, in this painting. Here's what Jefferson thought of your stupid little faith, asshole.

"Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch towards uniformity."
"History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance of which their civil as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purposes. "
"Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the common law."
"Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them; and no man ever had a distinct idea of the trinity. It is the mere Abracadabra of the mountebanks calling themselves the priests of Jesus."
“On the dogmas of religion, as distinguished from moral principles, all mankind, from the beginning of the world to this day, have been quarreling, fighting, burning and torturing one another, for abstractions unintelligible to themselves and to all others, and absolutely beyond the comprehension of the human mind.”
Jefferson wrote the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom. In no way would he ever pose for a painting of Jesus holding the Constitution. and Franklin is noted to have said "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." He also loved French prostitutes. Yeah, put him up there with Jesus. Really, both Franklin and Jefferson were FAR better men than this character "Jesus" ever might have been.
I want to slap this ignorant nit.
Dave Van Allen said…
I'm surprised he doesn't catch a load from the Uber-Cons for depicting Ronnie Ray-Guns as a Mortal.

Everybody KNOWS that Ronaldus Rex belongs up in the clouds, looking down on the mess he made with the help of Jeebus.
Dave Van Allen said…
Thanks Dan....I rarely pass up any opportunity to make a "Seinfeld" reference ;-)
Dave Van Allen said…
Yes, the more you examine it, the worse it gets.
Dave Van Allen said…
billybee -

LOL! I think you are correct sir (Larry David....sunglasses & all, with Ronny Reagan over his right shoulder). Great observation!! (:D

Dave Van Allen said…
El Monte -

I wondered where you had been. I had the same problem when I returned from vacation.

Webmdave and Buffet Phan got me all fixed up. Follow BP's steps:

XPD, summerbreeeze, ATF, Pious_Ted, and anyone else having log-in problems,

I made a change through the Tools menu (Windows XP). So far this afternoon, my log-in seems to be sticking.

Tools>Options>Privacy> Click on Sites. Manage Sites. Individually type in the following websites and click Allow.

Hopefully the changes won't cause some kind of sercurity issue, but I'm so fed up with having to log in with every comment and like .....


I am stuck with stinking Windows Vista but the instructions listed above worked! I haven't had to RE-Sign In for the past 2 weeks.

Welcome back my friend. We've missed your insightfull thoughts and provocative poetry.

Dave Van Allen said…
Now all the tacky bastards who buy Thomas Kincaid's work will have a new obsession!
Dave Van Allen said…
Set your browser to accept cookies from Disqus.Com and your issues should cease. Also, if you are having tech problems that you need resolved, the best thing to do is to contact me directly.
Dave Van Allen said…
I'm not sure what is going on with this site but I stopped coming because the last time I tried to post a response, again the program asked me to do it as a guest, and only recognized me after several required that I do it again to even check off an "I like" on other posts...but the worst thing was that I went into an endless cycle of posting-reposting that I only could get out of by shutting down the computer. It felt as a virus attack.
Even today, I've had to identify myself twice already to be able to post here in thise section. Anywhere else on the site I'm not sure even how to post responses because I'm not acknowledged as a licit participant.
Dave Van Allen said…
I haven't had any problems, not on my comp, which crashed again, and not on my son's laptop.
Dave Van Allen said…
Medicinial Lord? (Whence comes the title?)
I had a professor many years ago that would expound on the talent of thee magazine cover artists & he probably was right, but it's not my even the talent of this twisted painter is lost to me.
How ugly, twisted and dangerous this fundie propaganda is. Im put back into the nightmarish, horrible 50s with Catholic icons and paintings blending conservative theology with US patriotic images. Ya basta.
Dave Van Allen said…
Much better, but that painting is still so dishonest. Here is a concept of jebus that the uneducated and unbathed will understand:
Dave Van Allen said…
WHAT?! I do hope you are joking, because this was one of my beefs when I was a Xian- one of the other things I ranted about, because given the variety of complexions, there is no possible way God is White and when you think it further, there is no possible way God is humanoid. That is only an extremely short summery of my rant, but if you wish for the whole thing... In there end, IT is just a human concept and nothing more.
Dave Van Allen said…
The first amendment is also freedom of religion, not just freedom of speech.
Dave Van Allen said…
Not sure why. They are less likely to fry in the sun. lol
Dave Van Allen said…
I am not happy that I allowed this painting to foul my entire outlook on life for almost an entire week. Need to work on that.

As far as freedoms are concerned, the artist has his freedom to create and promote, and we have our freedom to criticize.
Dave Van Allen said…
Upon viewing this, I could actually feel my butthole trying to move up into the base of my throat.

Hey...wait a sec...
Is that Larry David (down on one knee) ?
Dave Van Allen said…
Jesus is obviously a white male. Probably one of the first...after all, God is a white male so why wouldn't his clone be too? :-)
Dave Van Allen said…
Hah! The first thing that comes to mind looking at this "art" is: KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!

There's no historical basis to this painting. It's just the truthiness version of the way Fundamentalists imagine things happened.
Dave Van Allen said…
Must be sad to be so controlled by a simple painting. The first amendment of the constitution was freedom of speech, now diluted to "freedom of expression." These are the views of the artist. And as painful as it might be, under the same Constitution of the United States, he has a right to them and to promote them.
Dave Van Allen said…
Had jeebus originally been depicted as a black man, christianity would not be near as popular as it is today. Arabs are still considered as a lesser race of human in most caucasions' minds.
Dave Van Allen said…
Hesus Krishna ! 'Tis the season to be idiotic !
Dave Van Allen said…
Whether or not the world would be a better place I cannot say, but it certainly wouldn't hurt.

I'll say it; the world would be a better place.

And this, people, is why they shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Dave Van Allen said…
lisa....Gee, do you sa'pose that the two are related ? I had to laugh at what you said about the Cracker Barrel ! We were just there a week ago, and yes there are a lot of old time un-smiling family patriarch's and matriarch's looking down from the walls. Kinda creepy in a sour-puss kinda way.
Dave Van Allen said…
Very well put j_m.

"That which has been seen cannot be unseen."
Dave Van Allen said…
Thomas Jefferson rocks!! He is a freethought hero, here is one of my favorite quotes:

"To talk of immaterial existences is to talk of nothings. To say that the human soul, angels, God, are immaterial, is to say they are nothings, or that there is no God, no angels, no soul. I cannot reason otherwise."

Why are these cretins trying to portray him as something he is obviously not?

Reality is only a vague concept for the twit that painted this.
Dave Van Allen said…
It is a great time of year to camp, my wife and I have done this for many years. No crowds, no traffic, no holiday weirdness. Have a Super Solstice!
Dave Van Allen said…
I kind of wish it hadn't been brought to my attention at all. It's a piece of garbage I wouldn't wipe my tail end with.
Dave Van Allen said…
I don't disagree. I only came across him last year in the midst of the financial crisis, and he seemed to be one of the only voices in the media that actually said it like it was instead of following the controlled mainstream media line. At the end of the day he was more right at the time even though the mainstream media was heaping crap on him.

I respect people who stand up for truth.
Dave Van Allen said…
For a while I watched Beck regularly. He really started to lose me some time last year when he had the religious "end times" expert on and handled him with kid gloves, hanging on every word he said.

I pretty much have to avoid the cable news for the sake of my sanity as it is, and the rabble-rousing and loose associations he's made have left me fuming one too many times. May be a grain of truth in some things he says, but I'm not sifting through the bullshit to find it.
Dave Van Allen said…
How easily the religious forget that our forefathers were trying to escape theocracy. Many were sent away or left for various reasons- criminals (the state of Georgia, as well as Australia) and of course religion. At the time my ancestor John Prescott, part of the royal line, came to the Colonies in 1640, England was ruled by royalty in which people had to be Anglican or whatever the King or Queen was. I have often questioned why he came here IF he was royalty, but apparently he did and I suspect there was some sort of disagreement that caused him to depart from England, probably religious.

George Minot, another ancestor, was "a pilgrim and church leader" who came here in 1630, is almost obvious why he came to the Colonies- religious freedom and escape from religious persecution.

Outside my ancestors, our forefathers would not have put into our Constitution religious freedom if they did not have their reasons for doing so, namely freedom from religious persecution. All too often, the religious seem to forget this and want to impose and enforce their religious views on everyone- thus making our government into a theocracy, something that never works because such a government is ran by religious superstition and not reason. A country ran by religion suffers greatly and soon ends up having civil strife, even suffers due to lack of a proper education, and so much more. Such a government has even led to Inquisitions too.

It behooves us to protect the Constitution in order to keep these rights, because without freedom FROM religion no one can have freedom OF religion. They will be forced to be whatever the "president" is in a theocracy. No Catholic wants to be forced to be Protestant, no Episcopalian (save the Conservative ones) wants to be forced to be Evangelicals, no Evangelical wants to be forced to be Catholic. And by George no atheist wants to be forced into religion. Maybe King George had an idea by sending criminals (some probably religious criminals) to Georgia, making it a penal colony, but unless we send people to Antarctica, there is no place for a penal colony on earth. Regardless, no one should have to be deported, tortured, or killed due to their religious beliefs or lack there of. Our First Amendment guarantees protection from another Inquisition, as well as from religious persecution.

How quickly the Religious Reich forgets these things because they think their religion is not only the right religion, but everyone should be forced to believe as they do or else. That only leads to Inquisitions in the end, esp if the government is turned into a Theocracy. Even my Fundamngelical relatives seem to have no knowledge of these things, because their believe their delusions are better than sliced bread.
Dave Van Allen said…
Holy Mother of Horus!!!!!!!!!

I think my own deconversion began through aesthetic sensibility...This "painting" encapsulates the type of "inspired art" that would push me over the edge....And I was exposed to the most grotesque forms of bleeding Mexican Jeebus-on-a-stick from the time I was knee-high to a disturbing dogma.

I have nothing against some forms of religious art per se (Dali's crucifixion), but heck, Jeebus & the Constitution? Rednecky & Repulsive...It is a monument to Frito Pie & Astroturf theology & "Whitesnake" lyrics.

I'm like the guy in "A Clockwork Orange"...Expose me to enough of this "scratch n' sniff" Jeebus art with Christian rock playing in the background, and I WILL go psycho.

Free speech notwithstanding, I'd rather chew on a jumbo roll of tinfoil.
Dave Van Allen said…
The Founding Fathers of our nation intended for the United States of America to be a completely secular nation, without any religious interference. So that every American could be free to either personally choose which religion to practice, and even be free to be an athiest or an agnostic, and practice no religion at all.

The idiots think America was founded as a Christian nation do not know that the American Revolution was fought for independence from a Christian nation, the British Empire.

Only about third of the colonists were on the Patriot side, one third did what they could do to remain neutral, and the other third were Loyalists.

Many of the Founding Fathers were not Christians. Thomas Jefferson was a Diest and Benjamin Franklin believed in reincarnation, but even the Founding Fathers who were Christians knew that the new United States of America had to be a secular nation. George Washington said the United States of America is not founded on Christianity.

If the Christian Right idiots who want to tranform America into a Christian theocracy were living during the Revolutionary War, they absolutely would have been Loyalists! Many of the Loyalists either joined colonial Loyalist regiments or even the British Army itself, to fight against independence because they believed King George to be God's appopinted ruler of the colonies. And that independence was the "spirit of antiChrist" and contrary to the will of God. This is why rallying cry of the Loyalists was "God save the King!"

If the Founding Fathers were to see this painting they would be outraged and deeply offended!
Dave Van Allen said…
Firstly, I must say that even though I have traversed from being a xtian, I have not settled with fundamental atheism at this point. I have had a number of very significant "spiritual" experiences in my life, and therefore feel I must explore other possibilities before completely denying that there could be a universal connection of some description. The way I see it, is there is plenty of time, so I don't see any need to rush into an atheistic position. Anyone who has read any of my posts will see that I fully respect the position of all who have come to a rational realisation that xtianity is myth.

Coming back to your comment about "setting up the kingdom of god". If they refer to their own bible, they will see the keystone phrase "the kingdom of god is within you", this is the starting point for any spiritual exploration. Setting up any external kingdom structure, always ends up in destroying the lives and souls of people, that caused the Holy crusades/ wars, the inquisition etc, and these days the phrase "building gods house" is just as scary.

Don't bag me out for wanting to see it there is more to life, I may just find something.
Dave Van Allen said…
Yeah, he was on Leno the other night and sounded halfway reasonable. Though given everything else he has said in the past, I still think he is a moron.
Dave Van Allen said…
Not everything Glen Beck says is untrue, it just the context it's constantly framed in that is a problem.
Dave Van Allen said…
I agree. Jefferson is one of my favorites as well. (Along with Adams, though I don't know that we would have gotten along in person.)

I saw this painting a couple of months ago and vented my spleen on Huffington Post. I don't think I have the energy to do that again, but you did it very well.
Dave Van Allen said…
Yeah. It got my panties in a bunch, too.
Dave Van Allen said…
Uggg. One of those. My cousin's ex-wife, before he could get all his stuff out of the house during their separation, sold his family photos, which belonged to him and his brother and me and my sisters. He just lived in the same town as my granadmother had, so he took the photos home with him when she died--to be sorted through later. They went back generations, some were even daguerreotypes. He couldn't find out where she sold them and she didn't care that their loss affected several other people.

I keep expecting some day to walk into a Cracker Barrel and see my grandfather up on the wall in that huge, oak, oval frame with the strange convex glass.
Dave Van Allen said…
bruno....WoW, that sounds sooo cool ! I love camping too, and the Great Outdoors, and doing it at Christmas sounds good. That way you get away from all of the silly insanity !
Dave Van Allen said…
buffettphan, I haven't seen the letters in ages, my uncle is dead and my mean, cruel, nasty witch of an aunt ( aunt by marriage, not blood,
thankfully ) and I haven't spoken since he died. Even if hubby had read the letters, he STILL would have remained his old deluded, blinder-wearing self ! Some people are just plain hopeless ! : (
Dave Van Allen said…
While I don't doubt some of the Founding Fathers believed in a god or
a higher power, I have always challenged Xians to show any evidence
where Washington, Adams, Jefferson, or others spoke of having been
"saved" "washed in the blood of the lamb" or "given my soul to Jesus".
They have no answer.

The Constitution establishes that we are free to worship as we choose,
but Congress is not to establish a state religion. Since Congress, our highest legislative body can't do so, what makes anyone else think it is
okay for them to try?

Xians (and I'm related to a bunch of them) constantly mock and bemoan
the Islam theocracies, but see nothing wrong with making this country
an Xian police state.
Dave Van Allen said…
Hi Question_Everything ! Yes that sounds like a really cool idea,
unfortunately my uncle is dead ( he was my blood uncle ) and his wife
( I hesitate to call her my aunt because she is such a meanspirited
old witch ) has the letters and she & I haven't spoken since he died.
Knowing her as I do, she'll probably sell them someday.
Dave Van Allen said…
Hilarious! Soooo many great lines. 8-)
Dave Van Allen said…
Sorry; link seems to be broken: paste this into your Goog box:

mcnaughton art parody

and look for the 'shortpacked' url, should be the first or second one.
Dave Van Allen said…
Not only that, but even if it were as she believes, what difference would it make?

America started out as a nation where slavery was legal. Should we bring it back?
Women couldn't vote. Should we revoke that right?

The whole argument boils down to nothing more than a childish "We were here first" type statement, which also happens to be false.
Dave Van Allen said…
One imaginary character paying tribute to another. How appropriate--and sick.

I'd rather believe in the character of "Lord of the Rings".
Dave Van Allen said…
Try this link:
Dave Van Allen said…
Oh those pesky silly little details...... ;-)
Dave Van Allen said…
My uncle inherited some of Samuel Chase's letters

How cool! With your hubby and some other family members being xtian, I wonder what they think of the content of the letters....?
Dave Van Allen said…
That is really neat that you have those letters. Have you ever (or ever considered) scanning them in and making them publicly available via website etc? It would be nice to archive such historical documents.
Dave Van Allen said…
From what I recall, Santa himself was not invented until the 4th century. Chronology is not the xians' strong point, is it?


Dave Van Allen said…
Ow my eyes!! I'm so offended by this kneeling Santa. Santa is not a Christian for f's sake!
Dave Van Allen said…
I'm so sorry to hear that j_m. I too have some conservative family members. The good news is, you can choose your friends!
I think my day is now officially ruined. I'm going to spend the next couple of weeks camping along the coast. No tv's, radios, or computers, a techno detox.
Have a Super Solstice!
Dave Van Allen said…
Yeah, I Googled and that's where I got sent. Did you notice how many of the were sold out?!
Dave Van Allen said…

You will find some kneeling Santas here:

If you look carefully, it appears in some of the representations Santa is throttling the infant jesus. Whether out of professional jealousy or as a gift to humanity I don't know. but I endorse the sentiment, nevertheless.


Dave Van Allen said…
Revoke women's right to vote - of course, as the original sinner, Eve's, descendants, they should not be given any outhority, for fear they might revert to type.

Slavery - that's not really been revoked, it's just Mexicans instead of Africans these days.

Whoops, there must be a virus about - so many ex-christians having flashbacks and manifesting the former fundy.

I swear, I'll be fine after a drop of 30-year-old Balvenie malt, and a lie down. I PROMISE I WILL!!


Dave Van Allen said…
There's also one with Santa giving babeejeebus a teddy bear -- which wasn't even invented until the early 1900's. lol
Dave Van Allen said…
I thought the fungigenitals had already established the minimum scores, and were living down to them!?!
Dave Van Allen said…
Another shot fired in the war against reality.

This is the second time I've seen this abomination, it's even worse the second time.

As a military veteran, I swore an oath to defend the Constitution, that oath doesn't expire. This is a subversion and desecration of that document. I doubt any American who thinks it is "powerful and moving", has ever bothered to read the instrument our freedom is based upon.

Don't even get me started on the beliefs of our Founding Fathers or the anti-establishment clause of the First Ammendment! Grrrr....

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