False Humility

by exfundy

If you had asked me when I was a practicing fundy I would have told you I was humble. Though isn't being self assured of your own humility somehow rather ironic? Anyway, I really thought I was humble. I couldn't have been more wrong. The Americanized version of Christianity is actually a very selfish thing interlaced with lots of intellectually dishonest humility.

Perhaps the most glaring example of my previous selfish beliefs and theology is what I call the "It's All Good Theory (IAGT)." That's just a name I made up for it that I wouldn't expect anyone else to make sense of yet. I guess that means I should explain. So let me throw out a hypothetical though very possible situation to illustrate IAGT. For this illustration try to get back into that Christian mindset. See if you can figure out where I'm going before you read it.

Imagine you just bought a brand new home. It's big. Everything inside and outside is top of the line. It has more rooms than you could possibly use. There are enough bathrooms that every person in the house has their very own, and they even all have jacuzzi tubs. There is a 3 car garage. You got the home at a bargain price. How do you explain your good fortune? As ex-Christians here I'm confident you know the answer to this one.

Christians are in a no lose situation. When good things happen to them it's because they are good Christians. When bad things happen to them it's because they are good Christians. God blessed you with it. It had everything to do with God. It wasn't you. That's the Christian answer right. You would never say it was because you worked hard and saved enough money to buy the house. God did it for you. At first glance that appears humble. After all you said it had nothing to do with you, right? It's a straw man argument though. In reality it had everything to do with you. Scratching your head? When you were a Christian what type of recognition did you want? You wanted to be recognized as a 'Good Christian'.

In other words claiming it was a blessing of God and you had nothing to do with it isn't showing humility. It's an expected and required part of Christian culture to say that. Christians aren't looking for recognition as a good person. They are looking for recognition as a good Christian. So to take a christians self deprecating words as an example of humility is to focus completely on the wrong thing. However let's look at the underlying implication of saying God blessed you with this big house. It says we were good enough. We were deserving enough. We attended the right amount of Sunday morning services. We gave enough money and time. We were worthy of this blessing from God. We made him happy. Even other Christians tell us our new house is a wonderful blessing from God. We received exactly the recognition we wanted to receive. It was still about us.

Aha! Now we see it. There's the not so humble reality behind the whole situation. This is where we massage our Christian ego. We were good enough. We deserved it. God was happy with us. Looking back it kinda makes me wonder though. What about all those Christians in third world countries that live in dirty disease infested villages often without the most basic of essentials? They must be some horribly bad christians because they continue to live in squalor day after day. God never blesses them with nice new homes.

Let's look at the flip side of this scenario. You lose your job just a few weeks after getting your new home. A few months after that the bank forecloses on your big new home. Your family is forced to go find a small apartment.

So if we use the same logic we have been using would it not be safe to assume at this point that we have really pissed god off in some way? If we got the house because he was happy with us doesn't it stand to reason that we lost it because he no longer was? Of course I think all of us ex-Christians know that logic and reason have very little to do with the way we thought and believed when we were practicing our former faith. In Christian ideology we are not going through this hard time because we angered God. Oh no, it's quite the contrary. We pissed off Satan. We were being such a great Christian that we scared the hell out of Satan (pun intended). So, losing our house was an attack from Satan because he was fearful we were about to do something mighty for god.

We refuse to look at the fact that we were late to work several times. We missed several deadlines at work which cost our company lots of money. It was probably Satan that caused those late days and missed deadlines.

Talk about having the best of both worlds. Christians are in a no lose situation. When good things happen to them it's because they are good Christians. When bad things happen to them it's because they are good Christians.

It's embarrassing to realize I was once that selfish and arrogant. Anyway, there it is. The idea that no matter what happens to Christians, they always claims it is because they aren't just Christians, but because they are really good Christians. They can always feel good about themselves. They can always stroke their egos telling themselves what great Christians they are. That's the 'It's All Good Theory.' A theory full of selfish pride that is a hidden by a very thin layer of false humility.


Dave Van Allen said…
you are totally right, there are such people, and i was one of them too. Do good things, and you will be loved more by God, in our means, get more. But these are people doing their thing, it is not what is written in the bible. Those people just tick me off !!
I am still an ex-christian, but i cannot find any words like you stated and what so called christians say in the bible. Actually, how can God love one more than the other just because of the things he did ?? Where is the guideline for getting love ? these are just guidelines made by people and their weired thinking and character.
I think God should love all people equally, no matter what they do, otherwise his word would not make sense. It is stated that he forgave all sins, so if he forgives, his love also should be the same. So it does not matter if you do this and that, God is supposed to love you the same.
This to the so wanna be holy christians, you are not better off with that kind of attitude. In your view, you just wanna do good things to get something. But do you do the things for your actual believe in loving God or just because you want to receive things ? What if you don´t get the things you want ?
I mean, the things christians should do is evangelise, but they forget that they should do that with their character and showing. I mean, just because you are in church does not mean you are a good person. your actions show what you are made of, all you wanna be christians, i don´t care, but you should represent right then!

Interesting site, am from Germany, many greets
Dave Van Allen said…
:) Proof of His existence - http://www.seriousthings.com

Sure, they are all coincidences... Yep. lol.

- follower of Christ
Dave Van Allen said…
I hear you and what you say makes sense. But what you say points me back to Christ rather than away from him. I know that I am very deceitful. I know that my motives are bad. I know that I try to look good. So now you have convinced me that I am bad, where do I get help from all of this?????? Thank Jesus that died for such falsely humble people as me.
Dave Van Allen said…
Because the Belivers of God have never been taught their true authority in the earth. Jesus came to reestablish the dominion that God gave to mankind in Gen 1:26 before "The Fall". Through deception, the devil was able to establish his kingdom (of darkness) in the earth as he told in his plan (detailed in Isaiah 14:12-14). Through spiritual blindness, he has successfully kept Christians in the dark about the dominion, authority and power that we actually have (Luke 10:19) and therefore, we have been afraid of satan, simply sitting on the sideliines shaking our heads at all the "mess" going on in the world, instead of taking a stand against the inujustices. God's intention and desire is for His people to know the Kingdom of which we are a part, to allow the culture of that Kingdom to become a part of our lives-by allowing His Law (Word of God) to govern our lives-and then to serve as a witness to it by allowing that culture (steeped in Love) to manifest through our daily lives. Jesus was the door to that Kingdom, He garnered us the access to it that Adam lost when he obeyed his wife and ate of the forbidden tree. The acceptance (or reacceptance) of Jesus allows us access to that Kingdom. Hope that helps! God bless!
Dave Van Allen said…
you are totally right, there are such people, and i was one of them too. Do good things, and you will be loved more by God, in our means, get more. But these are people doing their thing, it is not what is written in the bible. Those people just tick me off !!
I am still an ex-christian, but i cannot find any words like you stated and what so called christians say in the bible. Actually, how can God love one more than the other just because of the things he did ?? Where is the guideline for getting love ? these are just guidelines made by people and their weired thinking and character.
I think God should love all people equally, no matter what they do, otherwise his word would not make sense. It is stated that he forgave all sins, so if he forgives, his love also should be the same. So it does not matter if you do this and that, God is supposed to love you the same.
This to the so wanna be holy christians, you are not better off with that kind of attitude. In your view, you just wanna do good things to get something. But do you do the things for your actual believe in loving God or just because you want to receive things ? What if you don´t get the things you want ?
I mean, the things christians should do is evangelise, but they forget that they should do that with their character and showing. I mean, just because you are in church does not mean you are a good person. your actions show what you are made of, all you wanna be christians, i don´t care, but you should represent right then!

Interesting site, am from Germany, many greets
Dave Van Allen said…
Everything you said perfectly describes a 60plus niece I have. She sends a detailed letter annually to friends & relatives. God has its hands full, just on this one 'customer'. EVERYTHING that happens, good or bad, was decided by god. The funny thing is that she's otherwise quite intelligent. And there is NO WAY that she will hear anything you say to try to disabuse her of this morbid preoccupation with her savior.
Dave Van Allen said…
i always found that to be true as well. xtians are so humble that in their attempts to relay just how humble they are they become arrogant! another head shaker.
Dave Van Allen said…
A definite head shaker. Even more so when I realized I believed that way myself for so very long.
Dave Van Allen said…
A definite head shaker. Even more so when I realized I believed that way myself for so very long.
Dave Van Allen said…
"encourages an existential irresponsibility" - love the way you worded that.
Dave Van Allen said…
Allow me to make a statement here that the former me would have found to be prideful and arrogant. The byline on this article should read "exfundy" and not "exfundie".
Dave Van Allen said…
Just watched a program on our prisons on TV. Our 'system' is a dismal, incredibly expensive failure. Make a deal with Russia. Pay them to keep out very worst cases in their gulag system. The knowledge that this is where they go when they cause trouble in our prisons should have a salutary effect. And, if it doesn't, hey, we can get rid of more of these losers.
Dave Van Allen said…
Yes, and if it's not the "Enemy", it's a "test", because Gawd knows his good little sheeple can take it. That's what I was told when I was going through a rough patch mentally/emotionally. The best thing was giving up on a power that never really came through, since the false humility never seemed to work with me. Maybe it's because the "loving humble christians" were too busy telling me how evil I was for certain opinions.
Dave Van Allen said…
Yes, and if it's not the "Enemy", it's a "test", because Gawd knows his good little sheeple can take it. That's what I was told when I was going through a rough patch mentally/emotionally. The best thing was giving up on a power that never really came through, since the false humility never seemed to work with me. Maybe it's because the "loving humble christians" were too busy telling me how evil I was for certain opinions.
Dave Van Allen said…
That's O.K., really they both mean the same thing. Same church, different pew ( was that bad ? )
Dave Van Allen said…
"Same church, different pew" - love it. I just wanted to exhibit pride and arrogance that was all about me for once. I wasn't allowed to do that in my previous life.
Dave Van Allen said…
Absolutely. By discouraging reason and logic religion forces its adherents to believe in little more than superstitions and fairy tales.
Dave Van Allen said…
Very appropriate. Evangelicals will often have their little private prayer times, but then attempt to go out and create the reward they want by flaunting their deeds for all to see. They must get tired of waiting on god to send their reward.
Dave Van Allen said…
Pious_Ted, you are right. Calvinists are the worst of the worst !
One thing you will never see, is a Calvinist joke book. These people are the most rigid, un-bending, up-tight fundamentalists around.
Like it would kill them to crack a smile once in awhile.
God is solemn/ therefore I am solemn.
Dave Van Allen said…
go get 'em boomSLANG!!
Dave Van Allen said…
My dad and I went to a Baseball game this summer and during it we began to talk about how my mom lost her job last year. She is an unemployed school teacher. At one point my dad said "The Lord told us he would give your mom a job." I said, "Thats great . . . wait, who told you that he would give mom a job?" (I had mistakenly thought that my dad said the name of a person instead of my parents magical sky daddy.)

When she did not "recieve" the gift of a new job. My parents started talking about how it was all an "attack from the Enemy." Finally, a miracle happened, "god provided" unemployment pay.

Your article is spot on! I get so sick of my parent's view that nothing in their life is directly related to their actions, but it is somehow linked to a supernatural realm.
Dave Van Allen said…
My dad and I went to a Baseball game this summer and during it we began to talk about how my mom lost her job last year. She is an unemployed school teacher. At one point my dad said "The Lord told us he would give your mom a job." I said, "Thats great . . . wait, who told you that he would give mom a job?" (I had mistakenly thought that my dad said the name of a person instead of my parents magical sky daddy.)

When she did not "recieve" the gift of a new job. My parents started talking about how it was all an "attack from the Enemy." Finally, a miracle happened, "god provided" unemployment pay.

Your article is spot on! I get so sick of my parent's view that nothing in their life is directly related to their actions, but it is somehow linked to a supernatural realm.
Dave Van Allen said…
I concur. I'm just glad I no longer have to try to disguise arrogant statements as somehow being humble. Though the strangest part is that overall I am more humble now.
Dave Van Allen said…
xfundie I have only one thing to say. Wow you rock! Your amazing keep up the good work!
Dave Van Allen said…
xfundie I have only one thing to say. Wow you rock! Your amazing keep up the good work!

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