Jesus' Plan for Tim Tebow

by the Avangelism Project

For twenty two straight games, we’ve had to listen to Tim Tebow say that Jesus liked him better than his opponents. Of course, Tim didn’t use those words, but that’s what he said, isn’t it? Thanking Jesus for winning means that he’s the reason you won, but I have a simple question:

Why no Jesus talk when Tebow lost?

I watched the game and it was never really close. I also saw Tebow throw a bad interception that could have been an easy touchdown. That play could have given Florida a gasp of hope; instead, it effectively ended the Gators’ hope.

Why didn’t Tebow thank Jesus for that? “First I want to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for delivering this loss and preventing me from playing at my normal level of greatness.”

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” CLICK HERE FOR MORE PHOTOS
Maybe even for a Jesus poster boy like Tebow, it’s just the fact that superstition doesn’t help when life hurts—and for a great player with a competitive fire like Tebow, losing hurts and hurts badly.

Maybe though that hurt is just part of Jesus’ divine plan to use Tebow and Tim hadn’t had chance to hear from the Lord; after all with Christmas season and the SEC championship game going on they were both pretty busy yesterday.

So I’ll offer an explanation.

I noticed that Tebow’s eye black (now part of his carefully crafted Christian image) witnessed John 16:33:

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Can you see the Divine Hand there? Do you see the providence in Tebow choosing that verse?

If he’d picked, say, Philippians 4:13 (I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.), it’d make no sense. Aside from the fact I think he already used it, he lost 32-13.

See what Jesus did there?

He led Tim to pick a verse about trouble in this world then sent him some.

Tim is having trouble trouble. He’s lost a game, the SEC championship game at that. Now, instead of playing his Christian brother Colt McCoy to see who is Jesus’ real favorite, Tim is probably going to have to face the disgrace of playing a Big East team in a BCS bowl.

Perhaps, it was all part of God’s divine plan. Now instead of talking about winning, Tim could have given a real witness about true comfort and true Christian meaning.

Of course, Tim didn’t do that. He was too busy crying and lamenting playing in something other than the national championship game.

For that game, maybe he should go with Matthew 27:46, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

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Dave Van Allen said…
Thanks LB!

I've seen Dr. Krause's video on youtube, it is very good and often suggested.

The light abatement laws are local ordinances in the Tucson/Southern AZ areas. The UofA has a major Planetary Sciences department and there are many observatories located atop our local mountains. Thanks again for your feedback...bruno
Dave Van Allen said…
Jeez you guys sound like a bunch of bitter haters... While yes true there are arrogant Christians out there, none of you know the dude's heart only god does and that's really all that matters. If you do not believe in god that is all well and good, but do not call anyone stupid or foolish or whatever it doesn't make you look good at all. It makes you look no different from arrogant ignorant Christians.

I'm a Christian and athlete, and I don't pray for victory. I just pray that the fight goes well and nobody is seriously injured or killed. I also thank god when good things come my way. I know god isn't behind every single good thing that comes my way, nor do I think the devil is behind everything that goes wrong.. As Jesus said when the roof collapsed on some people shit happens (well he didn't say it like that haha). But basically fortune smiles on both the wicked and righteous. Though as someone who does care for god, when good comes my way I'll still thank god, for allowing me to go on to get it, or for putting that person in my life at that moment or whatever
Dave Van Allen said…
You guys are ridiculous. who CARES if he is what he is?
who cares if he thanks God everytime he wins. he's NOT saying God made him win.
He thanks.
Who CAres!! why did you even make a blog about this?
Dave Van Allen said…
These comments are pretty sad. Sounds like a lot of jealousy.
Dave Van Allen said…
This young man, Tim Tebow, is lost in world of illusions. I really mean that. From age 10 to 16, I played football where I grew up in Oklahoma. And football in Oklahoma is a religion. So, I know that illusory world that Tebow floats through and revels in so mindlessly. It's really sick.

I was a good player. Always on the first team. I know what it feels like to score a winning touchdown in the last seconds of the game: The pandemonium and the absolutely narcotic-like high that scoring a touchdown - especially a game-winning touchdown - brings. You feel like a GOD.

Big Mistake.

Because when you lose, you are forced to face the reality that you're NOT a god. When you lose you're really not special anymore. When you lose, people who worshiped you before you lost are suddenly really let down. YOU FAILED THEM. YOU FAILED THE TEAM.

Never mind that they're "nice" to you afterward. YOU STILL LOST. And, really, you know, if you'd had enough faith, the Lord would have pulled you through.

You must have had a wicked thought. Or, maybe it's that masturbating you've been doing. It was only a couple of times, wasn't it? I got weak, that's all. Is that why you didn't come through for me, Lord? Because I let you down? Because I sinned?

And now I've lost and brought pain into the lives of all these people who counted on me to win for them? And in Your Name?! How could I fail you like that? Oh, forgive me, Lord!

This is very likely the frame of mind Tebo is in at this moment. It is a form of extreme mental cruelty that the culture of institutionalized violence know as "football" foists on young men like Tebo. I experienced it for seven seasons. It's awful.

I sure hope Tebo snaps out of it someday and realizes that football and Christianity are NOT Holy - or even wholesome, for that matter.

But, I won't hold my breath on that one. Sad.
Dave Van Allen said…
Hi Lisa,
Sorry about the late reply, but this is so odd my GF name is Lisa and she is visiting the Grand canyon as I type this! Strange!!

Sounds like you spent some nice quality time taking in the sky above out there with your daughter! Its funny when your so tired but you cant go to bed because of the stars....MUST STAY AWAKE!

I go camping at a spot called Paradise Valley up here in BC Canada.
I went once in May this year and later on in July its a nice sandy spot nestled in the valley with huge coastal mountains surrounding you.

What was interesting was when the moon rose in May it only popped out from behind a cluster of trees and then soon disappeared behind one of the mountain ranges only make a 2 or 3 hour appearance.
However, when I was up there in July the moon rose right up into the centre of the sky and stayed out all night clouds just stars and a milky way!
It made for a great conversation as I was trying to explain the solstice of the sun and its tying into christmas day and why a host of other religions/gods share the same birth dates...etc etc etc
My friend had never seen Ziegiest so I gave him the jist of it that night...(obviously I take the film with a grain of salt however, I really enjoy Part 1 of Zietgiest and I wish it was the first film I had to watch in sunday school, it could have saved me alot of confusion/delusion)
My friend also had some constellation knowledge which was great for explaing Virgos house of bread and Orions 3 King belt......
He knew which one was Orion but never knew about the 3 Kings that had to follow the north star to get to the rising sun that rises from the east. (biblically and astrology..astrologically speaking)
Basically I cant help but look at the bible as 1 huge myth based around the personification and movements of stars.

I mean the book was written by people who thought stars were pinholes in heaven and at a time when earth was considered flat so there is a good chance they just might be wrong. (i'll even bet on sages wager here!)

I guess it's sort of a funny question...Why can't we see the stars?

Are we trying to hide something perhaps???

Take Care Lisa and I hope you make it out camping with your daughter again sooner than later!

Dave Van Allen said…
And then we got up to watch the sunrise. That was a wonderful trip--one we had meant to take when the kids were little, but we had so much illness and surgeries among three of us that it had to wait till they were out of college. And then, our other daughter got a job that started just when we were set to leave. So, I'd like to do it again. This time, there would be 7 of us (two sons-in-law and a grandbaby). The more, the merrier.
Dave Van Allen said…
And then we got up to watch the sunrise. That was a wonderful trip--one we had meant to take when the kids were little, but we had so much illness and surgeries among three of us that it had to wait till they were out of college. And then, our other daughter got a job that started just when we were set to leave. So, I'd like to do it again. This time, there would be 7 of us (two sons-in-law and a grandbaby). The more, the merrier.
Dave Van Allen said…
Thanks LB!

I've seen Dr. Krause's video on youtube, it is very good and often suggested.

The light abatement laws are local ordinances in the Tucson/Southern AZ areas. The UofA has a major Planetary Sciences department and there are many observatories located atop our local mountains. Thanks again for your feedback...bruno
Dave Van Allen said…
Jeez you guys sound like a bunch of bitter haters... While yes true there are arrogant Christians out there, none of you know the dude's heart only god does and that's really all that matters. If you do not believe in god that is all well and good, but do not call anyone stupid or foolish or whatever it doesn't make you look good at all. It makes you look no different from arrogant ignorant Christians.

I'm a Christian and athlete, and I don't pray for victory. I just pray that the fight goes well and nobody is seriously injured or killed. I also thank god when good things come my way. I know god isn't behind every single good thing that comes my way, nor do I think the devil is behind everything that goes wrong.. As Jesus said when the roof collapsed on some people shit happens (well he didn't say it like that haha). But basically fortune smiles on both the wicked and righteous. Though as someone who does care for god, when good comes my way I'll still thank god, for allowing me to go on to get it, or for putting that person in my life at that moment or whatever.

There are a lot of people who don't understand a damn thing about Christianity, and that includes Christians too. Which is why most of you, if not all are "ex Christians".. There are a lot of Christians who just don't fully understand it, present it in all the wrong ways, and many who do not have a Christ-like spirit, in the end making those turn away from the faith, which in many cases I can't blame them, but at the same time they should go out and study and learn about the faith themselves think for themselves.

Being a Christian is not about sitting in church, or even about religion at all. Its about the personal relationship you yourself has with god, being that god is the only one who will truly ever know one's heart no other man can ever know. Know that you aren't perfect, and do your best to live a good life, and exhibit that Christ-like spirit to others, treating them in the ways as Christ preached how we should all treat each other.
Dave Van Allen said…
Hi Bruno!
I'd have to say I find it very interesting that Arizona has passed many "light pollution" laws and the communtiy takes such a strong interest in it . I guess the stance on light pollution varies between cities and states ?
I live in Vancouver and in the city you only get a glimpse of a few stars on a clear night. I honestly can't say there is any sort of regulation up here.
I know if you go up to Whistler ( a ski resort town) they try to do things to cutdown on light pollution by turning the street lights on when it actually gets dark and most of the streets lights only shine downwards onto the street with a sort of a sheild stopping the light from illuminating skyward.
Kind of a drop in the bucket, but I guess every little bit's just a shame to be 2 hours away from the city and not be able to see a full star lit sky.....

Sounds like Arizona really enjoys looking up at the night sky,
On a sidenote I also hear that Phonix Arizona has the most UFO sightings per year than any other state!
Co-incidence perhaps?
One would assume that the more people looking into the sky would result in more sightings of UFOs, the same way I would also think the more people reading the bible and praying would speed up this whole rapture shin-dig...but I could be wrong.

Someone posted a very interesting video awhile back called
"A universe of nothing" by (I think) Dr Krauss
Its in the video section of the forums....very interesting. It has some hubble photos and a long discussion of the big bang "theory" that if you havent already watched, is worth a gander if astrology peaks your interest.
Its a little above my intellegence level but there a good chance your alot smarter than me so NO WORRIES!

Just wondering if Arizona has a peyote and stargazing communtiy or is that just Nevada?
Dave Van Allen said…
Hi Bruno!
I'd have to say I find it very interesting that Arizona has passed many "light pollution" laws and the communtiy takes such a strong interest in it . I guess the stance on light pollution varies between cities and states ?
I live in Vancouver and in the city you only get a glimpse of a few stars on a clear night. I honestly can't say there is any sort of regulation up here.
I know if you go up to Whistler ( a ski resort town) they try to do things to cutdown on light pollution by turning the street lights on when it actually gets dark and most of the streets lights only shine downwards onto the street with a sort of a sheild stopping the light from illuminating skyward.
Kind of a drop in the bucket, but I guess every little bit's just a shame to be 2 hours away from the city and not be able to see a full star lit sky.....

Sounds like Arizona really enjoys looking up at the night sky,
On a sidenote I also hear that Phonix Arizona has the most UFO sightings per year than any other state!
Co-incidence perhaps?
One would assume that the more people looking into the sky would result in more sightings of UFOs, the same way I would also think the more people reading the bible and praying would speed up this whole rapture shin-dig...but I could be wrong.

Someone posted a very interesting video awhile back called
"A universe of nothing" by (I think) Dr Krauss
Its in the video section of the forums....very interesting. It has some hubble photos and a long discussion of the big bang "theory" that if you havent already watched, is worth a gander if astrology peaks your interest.
Its a little above my intellegence level but there a good chance your alot smarter than me so NO WORRIES!

Just wondering if Arizona has a peyote and stargazing communtiy or is that just Nevada?
Dave Van Allen said…
The local newspaper had a picture of a post-game Tebow on the front page of the sports section. The large title above the photo read:

Tebow Wept
Dave Van Allen said…
Jenks or Union? The godlike teams of Oklahoma. The godlike worshiping of the Sooners is sickening.
Dave Van Allen said…
This is wonderful. I love it.

Do you still play?

I gave up my clarinet, piano and guitar (in that order) as I continued with college, marriage, work, children. Gave the clarinet to one of my youth club kids.

But, I really should get the guitar out of the closet and see if I can still play.
Dave Van Allen said…
Especially a damn Quarterback!

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