Mr. Deity and the Magic, Part Deux

Mr. Deity thinks he's finally proved the existence of other magical beings.


Dave Van Allen said…
Silly god....thinks Santa is real....ROFL....
Dave Van Allen said…
I did no such thing!!! (not that I wouldn't want to...)
Dave Van Allen said…
I did no such thing!!! (not that I wouldn't want to...)
Dave Van Allen said…
I enjoyed that, and it does remind of the kinds of arguments theists try to make. Not that I'd be inclined to believe in either one, but I'd sooner believe in Santa Claus than any god. At least I've SEEN Santa Claus. Although the last time I saw him, it was the local country club Christmas party. I sat on his lap for a picture, and my bf swears that when I leaned in innocently enough to give him a peck on the cheek, Santa tried to slip me some tongue.
Dave Van Allen said…
Silly god....thinks Santa is real....ROFL....
Dave Van Allen said…
Hey SkyBone,

I hope you don't mind but I grabbed what you wrote about Freud and post it on my Face Book page.
Dave Van Allen said…
"But I have emperical proof that Santa exists..."

I love Mr. Deity.

"Turn your omniscience on for a second!"

Dave Van Allen said…
The "rational and loving gods" I was referring to are the ones that, indeed, I HAVE created from my imagination, godfree (clever name!). And I agree that they ARE better than those from the bronze age - or from any other age for that matter.

I have an imaginary music god, too. But, music is so powerful that a music god almost seems to exist. But, I do know better.

Still, music is as close to the numinous as anything ever gets, I think, especially when I'm playing with and for people I love.
Dave Van Allen said…
I don't mind, psychman. Do good with it.
Dave Van Allen said…
Hey, maybe she's an Episcopalian. Who knows. She can't be Fundamngelical because she is married to Mr. D, so she has to be a liberal Xian of some sort who doesn't buy into the bizarre thinking.
Dave Van Allen said…
Because I see these videos as being very instrumental in showing how ridiculous some christian beliefs are and she is instrumental in displaying that. Yet she is still one?
Dave Van Allen said…
Why? It shouldn't kill it for you or it doesn't for me.
Dave Van Allen said…
I love Mr. Deity skits.
Dave Van Allen said…
Skybone, there ARE no rational & loving gods, but go ahead, create some. They're bound to be better than those from the bronze age.
Dave Van Allen said…
Lucy is cuter than a bug!
Dave Van Allen said…
I think Amy is, but she plays Lucifer- AKA Lucy.
Dave Van Allen said…
well, that kind of kills it for

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