God's Cartoonist: The Comic Crusade of Jack Chick

It's here! The first and only documentary on the world's most published cartoonist! This film includes interviews with all the major players in Jack T. Chick's comic book empire (except Chick himself, who won't appear on camera out of fear for his safety). Included in the film are Fred Carter, Rebecca Brown, Alberto's widow (Nury Rivera), Kent Hovind (before he went to jail), Chaplain Dann (the "human tract dispenser"), Chick assistant David Daniels, Artist Hal Robins, conspiracy expert Ivan Stang, and authors of separate books about Chick (Bob Fowler of The World of Jack T. Chick and Dan Raeburn The Imp #2). The film was directed by Kurt Kuersteiner, the author of the most recent book on Chick (The Unofficial Guide to the Art of Jack T. Chick: Chick Tracts, Crusader Comics, And Battle Cry Newspapers (Schiffer Books)). It also includes archival recordings and videos of Alberto Rivera and John Todd, two of Chick's most inspirational and controversial sources.

It's informative, thought provoking, and fun to watch. Love him or hate him, you can't resist reading Chick tracts, or ignore this ultimate "Chick flick"!

Total running time is 77 minutes, plus an extra 20 minutes of deleted scenes and other DVD extras.

For more information, visit http://jackchickmovie.com/


Dave Van Allen said…
I work with a guy that is always leaving those sick tracts in the bathroom. He takes his breaks at the same time every day and leaves one in the bathroom before going back to work. I try to make sure I am the first one in there after he leaves. I pick it up and throw it in a shredder.

I heard him tell someone once that people must really like the tracts he leaves, because every time he goes back in the bathroom someone has taken the one he left the previous time.

I'm not gonna tell him that 99% of them end up shredded to pieces before anyone gets a chance to read them. He thinks he's doing everyone in our workplace a huge favor by leaving them there. I know I'm doing them a huge favor by shredding them
Dave Van Allen said…
cipher....I agree. And it cracks me up when a political moron gets a little "snow on the roof", then all of a sudden he's an "Elder Statesman"!
Ha! Just because someone got older, doesn't mean he got better.
Dave Van Allen said…
I know. They shouldn't be allowed near children, either.
Dave Van Allen said…
I can't help but wonder how many kids that idiot woman has ...... SCARY!
Dave Van Allen said…
That would seem to be an appropriate place for those hideous tracts.
Dave Van Allen said…
No shredder at my workplace, but I find those things--Chick tracts or various knock-offs of them--in the public bathrooms here, too. If I'm the first one to find it, it'll usually end up in the same trash receptable where used feminine hygiene supplies are tossed.
Dave Van Allen said…
Yeah, I wanted her to go on and explain it to us the way the angels told her. That could be interesting.
Dave Van Allen said…
"E=MC2 is true - one of the angels explained this to me..."

These are the people who shouldn't be voting.
Dave Van Allen said…
I have never seen one of those things. (Unless, maybe, that is what the people who ring my doorbell try to give me and I won't accept.)
Dave Van Allen said…
He really is the most pitiful excuse for a human being - but, of course, they think he's a "Great American"™.

I'm sure they think he's "saved" as well, despite the fact that he hasn't shown the slightest interest in Christianity. It galls me that they'll go on and on about how works don't get you into heaven, and how "God is no respecter of persons" - then they'll find a way to grandfather in anyone who furthers their political agenda, even if they aren't even nominal Christians (for example, the Orthodox Jews who support them and work with them)
Dave Van Allen said…
lisa,.....Ah, Dick Cheney....my favorite person to hate. ( after Rush Limbaugh ). I have to laugh when I remember 2 Halloween's ago, on the Jay Leno show, they talked about how Cheney had a new interest other than being V.P. ( AND shooting people in the face ), anyway they showed very old black & white footage of some nut dressed in a realistic devil's costume leaping all over the place.
The audience went crazy, it was so funny. hmmmm, Dick Chaney and Satan....there's two words that easily go togeather !
Dave Van Allen said…
After watching this film clip, the first thing that occured to me is there
may be people in a state asylum somewhere who are actually less
insane and delusional than the people in this film. Like the Jack Chick
tracts (I think I saw my first somewhere around 1971) they are totally
devoid of anything resembling reality and common sense.

For those who have never done so, check out the Anti-Tracts
archive under "First Things" at this site. Everytime the fundamentalists
start to get me down, I go there for a laugh and feel a lot better.
Dave Van Allen said…
Okay. That was weird.

I believe the guy talking about the 30 pairs of baby dinosaurs on Noah's Ark was Kent Hovind (a Young Earth Creationist). If that was Kent Hovind, he is serving a 10-year prison sentence for tax issues.


Young Earth Creationists are nutso. They believe the Earth is really about 6,000 years old. I once heard a guy explain that dinosaurs and a giant race of beings called Nephilim (mix between human women and fallen angels) were also on Noah's Ark. They admit dinosaurs exist. They also believe David killed Goliath, and they believe Goliath was a Nephilim. Since they believe the Earth is 6,000 years old, and they believe the story of David and Goliath is true, dinosaurs and Goliath must have had ancestors on the ark (since the Earth was destroyed by a flood long before David and Goliath lived and before dinosaurs became extinct). How nutso is that?

People like that will rationalize every bit of data that does not support their assertions.
Dave Van Allen said…
Perhaps you should bring the shreds back to the bathroom and leave them there for him to see.

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