Northern KY Creationism Museum discussed on O'Reily's show

A short debate about the $27 Million Dollar Creation Museum which opened on 28-May-07 in Petersburg, Kentucky. John Kasich fills in for Bill O'Reilly in a debate between Ken Ham the Answers in Genesis CEO (which funded the building of the Museum) and Lawrence Krauss, PhD, Professor of Physics, Professor of Astronomy, and former Chair of the Physics Department at Case Western Reserve University.

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Anonymous said…
Bah, that was a short advertisement for the museum. That's was not a discussion on the accuracy, believability, or credulity of it. Why even bother getting these people together if you aren't going to let them present their side/evidence?

Looked like a publicity stunt to me.
Anonymous said…
Ham is a good example of why we should have tough immigration policies. Taking advantage of poor dumb Kentucky white trash,...shame on you!

jane said…
That was oh so typical of Fox "News" segment and the "We're out of time" just as it started toward the meat of the matter. I agree with rick, it smells of putrid paid publicity. It's so hard to understand how people's "beliefs" can be so blind to sound, reproduceable facts like evolution of species and radiometric dating.
Anonymous said…
With 30,000 children dying daily from poverty,this arsehole builds a $27,000,000 monument to stupidity.--freedy
ComputerGuyCJ said…
Ahahahaha! Ken Ham actually said that it's not the God of the Bible that made evolution happen. Apparently his own creation is out of his hands and doesn't even need him in order to survive and succeed. Nuff said.
freethinker05 said…
I could'nt agree with you more Freedy...Peace, Roger
mothpete said…
Well at least we didn't have to hear too much of Ham's dribble after the first rehearsed and oft repeated monologue of his.

I shouldn't be surprised at the lengths the young earth creationists will go to when spreading their propoganda, but 27 million freaking dollars?

Mad world
Rick said…
John Kasich showed his bias toward Ham. Every chance he got he made a statement such as "God is". Making the assumption that such a being exists in the first place. A very disappointing interview.
paul said…
FOX NEWS: "We decide, so you don't have to." "The news, fair and biased."
freeman said…
Don't forget about our homegrown idiots in Glenrose, Texas with their museum dedicated for creationism just down the road from the fossilized dinasour foot prints on the river's edge.

Idiots everywhere!

freeman said…
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RubyHypatia said…
I like Fox News, but never liked John Kasich as a host. That being said, the topic needed a heck of a lot more time devoted to it.

What do they have to show for 27 million dollars? Fossils? They wouldn't prove creation. So what do they have that proves creation?
Anonymous said…
What's up Freeman,...yeah I mentioned the Glenrose site awhile back,....check last weeks archives.

How's it going?Haven't heard from you lately.Still living over off C.B. by Uncle H.?

freeman said…
Click on my name and e-mail me.

Drew Tatusko said…
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Drew Tatusko said…
The problem is that narrative is being interpreted as scientific evidence even as the Creationist debunks the scientific method when it is directed towards the very objects that gave rise to it! Narrative is not "evidence" nor should we presuppose that there is objective data pointing to the validity of Genesis. This is a matter of faith not science. The basic epistemological truth is that the scientists ought not distort theological argument by assimilating it into scientific discourse and the theologian ought not distort scientific method by assimilating it into theology. But this does not mean that both areas of knowledge and understanding of the world in which we live and all of the life therein ought not discuss similarity in the midst of difference in their respective understandings of it. There should rather be more room for both to let the other discipline stand on its own ground and then to engage it on its own terms as an other.

Much more on Musings of a Marginal Thinker
Anonymous said…
I'm not sure if this has appeared on here or not, but has anyone else seen where Ken Ham took down their movie of the biblical account of creation because "Adam" has prior history is some sexually explicit work?

The delicious irony of Adam losing his innocence yet again!
eel_shepherd said…
Idiots in Kentucky, idiots in Texas, idiots in Alberta. What further, or better, proof of evolution could there be than that?

If Ken Ham thinks that evolution takes place, I wonder what time scale he believes it operates on. Just think how many cats, or long flexible sea creatures, could have their lives turned around and improved with $27M. What a waste.

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