What Would Jesus NOT Do?

by NonStampCollector

We always hear about the many amazing things that Jesus of Nazareth apparently did, but nobody ever asks about the things that Jesus supposedly COULD have done, being omnipotent, but either didn't bother to do or didn't think were all that important. You know, things like... reducing human misery and suffering... that kind of thing.

It occurs to me that if indeed the miracles recorded in the bible were in fact true, and really did happen... then that only shows Yahweh/Jesus to be an even MORE malevolent and cruel being than we see in the old testament, and that's saying something. If the miracles somehow prove that Jesus WAS in fact a god in human form, but all he could be bothered to do was turn water into wine and heal only a few hundred, or even a few thousand people with his magic saliva, then really - what is the use or good of such a god? Think of what a visiting, omnipotent deity COULD have done - but in this case, apparently, chose not to!!!!!

And this is meant to be that god's main advertisement of its existence! Walking on water in front of a few of his mates, for the benefit of billions and billions of people who, if they don't believe in his divinity and surrender control of their souls to him, will be sent to burn in agony for eternity.



Dave Van Allen said…
omg: (no pun intended) i have just recently awoken from THE very sick joke that is Christianity and the Bible!! 38 freakin years worth - sob sob - lol
I had it all; the full blown, experiential, speaking in tongues, visitations from the enemy, slain in the spirit, born again 'Jesus experience'??

Jesus loved me so much that my head nearly exploded!!

The amount of damage religion has and is doing is just not funny anymore...

I am in the process of trying to heal and am moving on from the trauma i was subjected to; and that i subjected myself too lol wtf???
Anyway, i just wanted to say "peace you guys for raising the alarm!!"
The presentation was warmly received and has performed numerous-humorous healing 'miracles' on my mind!!
Dave Van Allen said…
adamskib -

Welcome Adam. I too spent almost 40 years in the delusion. Like you, I was Pentecostal (tongue talking, slain in the spirit, baptized, etc.).

I does feel good to finally know truth. It feels even better to not live in fear and guilt anymore!

XPD (Ex-Pastor Dan)
Dave Van Allen said…
Hey Dan...please to meet you guess you know my name...

Cheers for the contact my man...wtf is going on lol??

You are my first real contact/human being who probably understands what i have just experienced in the last six months...my freakin life seems to be up for grabs lol!!
I think i am still sane but so much doesn't make sense any more...i am realizing i have got to start making things happen for me i guess??
God?? What is God?? Help?? lol
The bizarre thing is the realization/awakening came whilst i was 'high' on the forbidden weed...but i felt in that moment and still continue to feel more LOVE than i can ever remember feeling...weird this life mind existence sh*t aint it?? ha ha

Sorry to go on a bit but this site has been a 'revelation' and i hope to be able to meet like minded real 'loving' human beings who have freed their minds also...
All the best in your life and love my friend and maybe all this has a reason...
Peace Adam (and not eve lol she left years ago)
Dave Van Allen said…
Cheers Dan my Man...

Much appreciated. You are the first sympathetic contact since all this sh*t hit the fan!! (6 months ago now) This site is GREAT!!

The Jehovah's Witnesses had me up until i was 28 then 'Jesus' had me for 10 years...i feel as though i have been well and truly chewed and screwed by the monster reality that is; GOD/RELIGION??

wtf is going on here?? does anybody have a clue??

We are all to often born into these 'realities/unrealities' and some miserable blood suckers seem to know whats going on!!

What a sick world this really is...

I'll see you around my friend hopefully; i think that this PLOT is getting thicker by the minute lol

I think i can just about remember what it was like to laugh and be alive...

Peace to all you freedom fighters...

Dave Van Allen said…
Billy Graham said : Christ is god's great Xmas gift to the world ? I'd rather have a new pair of gloves- prefer lined, Thanks.
Dave Van Allen said…
Hey Ted,
quote: "You would think God could provide the money since it all supposedly belongs to God anyhow."

This is an irony, because in my church I hear people come back from mission trips who say, "We needed donations for such and such a fundraiser/ drive and thought we would never reach our goal. Then we all prayed, and donations poured in and kept coming until we got more than we anticipated! The Lord provided truly provided!"
This is how Christians interpret such things, and therefore do believe that God provides.
Dave Van Allen said…
Exactly, and why was that select few some illiterate gypsies in the Middle East? Someone with omnipotent power could have shouted so loud that everyone on the planet could have heard that the World's savior had come, to save everyone from some indeterminate thing. 2000 years later and there are still billions of people on Earth that have never heard of the Christian god!
Dave Van Allen said…
Well, i have to say there's another angle to "it doesn't make sense." Reminds of the story about the laughing place. For preachers, especially the televangelists, it makes perfect sense. It makes the fools feel guilty for something a couple was supposed to have done thousands of years ago so that they turn over their cash and feel better and allows lusty pastors to get close to those precious children they love so much. Makes perfect sense!!
Dave Van Allen said…
No it doesn't make sense.

Great video.
Dave Van Allen said…
Comes the rapture, we apostates can have their cars. Neat !
Dave Van Allen said…

Thank you for your post. I have often wondered why God would perform miracles for so relatively few people to see. Why not give every human being the same opportunity to see miracles performed firsthand. I have never seen one. If someone on this earth could perform real miracles, I think they would be on YouTube. Funny how not one single person in a world of nearly 7 billion people can perform verifiable miracles for the world to see.

It is comical how Xian apologists try to explain the many obvious illogical beliefs. God works in mysterious ways... God will not let you be tested beyond your limits... God is in control... All things work for good to God's glory... It is a matter of faith... It is amazing how all that leads to requests for money from churches. You would think God could provide the money since it all supposedly belongs to God anyhow.

I wonder how many priests and preachers and lay ministers right now are being eaten alive with confusion and doubt about what they really believe.

Speaking of which, I guess Pastor Larry of Minnesota disappeared. Fine with me. Maybe the Rapture sucked him up. If so, I hope it took Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort.
Dave Van Allen said…
If you really wanted to be proactive to prepare for that day, ask all of your friends who believe they are going to be sucked up into the sky to pre-pay you for dogwalking services ;)
Dave Van Allen said…
Excellent video! Imagine (as Carl S. has suggested) , if Jesus had just said - so that it would be in the Bible - "wash your hands before delivering or handling babies because there are very tiny organisms on them which will infect and kill the babies (and sometimes the mothers)." When we finally proved the truth of this for ourselves, we would have to acknowledge that Jesus' knowledge was truly way ahead of his time. Instead, he tells us how to treat our slaves... If he existed at all, then he was certainly a man of his own time.

Oh, and you asked, "People - DOES THIS RELIGION MAKE ANY SENSE AT ALL?" Of course this was intended rhetorically, but the answer is NO! And that does need to be repeated over and over and over and over...
Dave Van Allen said…
Whenever I think of the Rapture and who would be taken by it, I always get the urge to be prepared for that day.

By buying more telephone sanitizer, that is.
Dave Van Allen said…
Yea one of the things that I think is funny about the whole Jesus idea is if he is suppose to be the god of all mankind why did he reveal himself and his godly powers to a select few?
Dave Van Allen said…
The thread I remember was "Ever Notice... ?" by Neal Stone on November 18, 2009. Soon after Pastor Larry showed up, a host of trolls launched an assault. I would not be surprised if he had a hand in it. I haven't seen anything from Pastor Larry in a while. Fine with me.
Dave Van Allen said…
do you remember what thread Pastor Larry was on? I don't know how I missed him since I read here every day (I don't read all the comments though..) I keep hearing about him and now I'm curious!
Dave Van Allen said…
Adam -

Welcome brother! We have lots of posters from the UK. One of our regular contributors and favorite of mine, is David M. 'glebealyth' from Scotland.

Yes, I was born into the delusion and had no choice. It's a goddamn miracle I made it out. I was in ministry for many years and pastor for 5 years. Crazy, Crazy life! I come from along line of Ministers; 2 uncles, Brother, Sister, Cousins, Nephews, etc.

I got tired of not having prayers answered. I got tired of not being able to figure out Faith. I got real tired of Bible contradictions and un-answerable questions. And, I was sick of living in Fear and Guilt.

Sounds like you got ahold of some nice whacky weed?! I have enjoyed its soothing effects many times, but alas, I now work for the U.S. Government and am subject to random piss tests, so no more doobies for this Ex-Preacher man.....sigh!

Oh well, a nice pint of ale will have to suffice.

Welcom to the site!

XPD (Ex-Pastor Dan)
Dave Van Allen said…
sorry dan...

my first post got confusing when i forgot to log into the post a comment mode...i thought i had lost it so i did another one (above)...hope nobody gets confused...

peace out from the uk...bro
Dave Van Allen said…
Hey Dan...please to meet you guess you know my name...

Cheers for the contact my man...wtf is going on lol??

You are my first real contact/human being who probably understands what i have just experienced in the last six months...my freakin life seems to be up for grabs lol!!
I think i am still sane but so much doesn't make sense any more...i am realizing i have got to start making things happen for me i guess??
God?? What is God?? Help?? lol
The bizarre thing is the realization/awakening came whilst i was 'high' on the forbidden weed...but i felt in that moment and still continue to feel more LOVE than i can ever remember feeling...weird this life mind existence sh*t aint it?? ha ha

Sorry to go on a bit but this site has been a 'revelation' and i hope to be able to meet like minded real 'loving' human beings who have freed their minds also...
All the best in your life and love my friend and maybe all this has a reason...
Peace Adam (and not eve lol she left years ago)
Dave Van Allen said…
Cheers Dan my Man...

Much appreciated. You are the first sympathetic contact since all this sh*t hit the fan!! (6 months ago now) This site is GREAT!!

The Jehovah's Witnesses had me up until i was 28 then 'Jesus' had me for 10 years...i feel as though i have been well and truly chewed and screwed by the monster reality that is; GOD/RELIGION??

wtf is going on here?? does anybody have a clue??

We are all to often born into these 'realities/unrealities' and some miserable blood suckers seem to know whats going on!!

What a sick world this really is...

I'll see you around my friend hopefully; i think that this PLOT is getting thicker by the minute lol

I think i can just about remember what it was like to laugh and be alive...

Peace to all you freedom fighters...

Dave Van Allen said…
adamskib -

Welcome Adam. I too spent almost 40 years in the delusion. Like you, I was Pentecostal (tongue talking, slain in the spirit, baptized, etc.).

I does feel good to finally know truth. It feels even better to not live in fear and guilt anymore!

XPD (Ex-Pastor Dan)
Dave Van Allen said…
omg: (no pun intended) i have just recently awoken from THE very sick joke that is Christianity and the Bible!! 38 freakin years worth - sob sob - lol
I had it all; the full blown, experiential, speaking in tongues, visitations from the enemy, slain in the spirit, born again 'Jesus experience'??

Jesus loved me so much that my head nearly exploded!!

The amount of damage religion has and is doing is just not funny anymore...

I am in the process of trying to heal and am moving on from the trauma i was subjected to; and that i subjected myself too lol wtf???
Anyway, i just wanted to say "peace you guys for raising the alarm!!"
The presentation was warmly received and has performed numerous-humorous healing 'miracles' on my mind!!

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