God knows absolutely everything

By Ed Current

Atheists, prepare to be blown away with a high-power, semi-automatic assault of LOGIC. We know that God exists, because he can predict the future -- he even knows what we will do with the free will he gave us. Plus: Why prayer works.



Wayne said…
The Second vid is great! I almost had water com e up thru my nose, I was laughing so much.


(On a sobering note - it is sad that xtian mindsets are not far off from this video...)
Anonymous said…
This video is so ridiculous it's almost not worth comment.

This guy knows nothing of logical arguments and could use a good course in critical thinking skills.

I wonder what he would think if a Muslim was doing what he's doing but using the Koran as his evidence? According to his logic the Muslim would be correct also.

It's sad that people can really believe what he's claiming and not once ask some simple questions for themselves.

I admit it was hard not to laugh, but this guy really believes himself. Sad! Really sad!
Jeff P said…
godless, this guy is parody. It's satire. He doesn't believe it. He's showing how ridiculous common biblical-based arguments are. Enjoy--don't get mad!
Anonymous said…
Godless, he's actually an atheist himself. It's a joke.
Anonymous said…
He definitely did that for the lulz.
Anonymous said…
And regarding that other thing that fits in your hand...

Heck, I use it all the time because I know what I do with it pisses Jesus off! Glory!
Anonymous said…
Check out his other godless vids on YouTube - they're hilarious.
Anonymous said…
Great satire!
Anonymous said…
wow, i sure hope it's a satire, because i could feel my IQ dropping just watching it. i had to give up halfway through!
Astreja said…
Brilliant stuff... A one-stop shop jam-packed with every ludicrous argument we've ever heard. Well done, Mr. Current!
Anonymous said…
Edward Current looks like Carl Childress off of that movie Slingblade.

I wonder if Jesus and his disciples ate any mustard and biscuits at the last supper?..........Hmmmmmmm
Anonymous said…
" godless wrote:

This video is so ridiculous it's almost not worth comment.

This guy knows nothing of logical arguments and could use a good course in critical thinking skills.

I wonder what he would think if a Muslim was doing what he's doing but using the Koran as his evidence? According to his logic the Muslim would be correct also.

It's sad that people can really believe what he's claiming and not once ask some simple questions for themselves.

I admit it was hard not to laugh, but this guy really believes himself. Sad! Really sad!

posted: January 13, 2008 EST"

I ...
What are you trying to say?
Take off your blinders and try it again.

Are you saying that you think he is defending the bible with real logic or do you understand that he is defending it with STEREOTYPICAL christian "logic?"

I really don't know what you're getting at...
Anonymous said…
Dear Blooming Lotus,

Maybe you need the logic course?

First, I didn't realize that the guy is joking.

Second, if he wasn't and you don't get what I was saying about a Muslim and his alleged holy book then take your blinders off.


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