Dear Believer
by Dan Barker Dear Believer, — You asked me to consider Christianity as the answer for my life. I have done that. I consider it untrue, repugnant, and harmful. You expect me to believe Jesus was born of a virgin impregnated by a ghost? Do you believe all the crazy tales of ancient religions? Julius Caesar was reportedly born of a virgin; Roman historian Seutonius said Augustus bodily rose to heaven when he died; and Buddha was supposedly born speaking. You don’t believe all that, do you? Why do you expect me to swallow the fables of Christianity? I find it incredible that you ask me to believe that the earth was created in six literal days; women come from a man’s rib; a snake, a donkey, and a burning bush spoke human language; the entire world was flooded, covering the mountains to drown evil; all animal species, millions of them, rode on one boat; language variations stem from the tower of Babel; Moses had a magic wand; the Nile turned to blood; a stick turned into a snake; witches, ...
I do wish he'd leave genitals out of his script, it would be just as good toned down a little. I was going to send this to my fundamentalist leaning daughter, but ...
The donations to Ex-C keep a real, live web server running. (Read the "No True Christians!" link and fork over *your* ten dollars, please.)
Televangelists claim to be using the money to do the work of their god... An intangible, invisible, omnipotent, omniscient being that supposedly has the physical resources of the entire universe to draw upon.
If you can't distinguish one scenario from the other, you really need to get out more.
Yeah, and most of these same tel-evangelists are shysters like Pat Robertson, Mike Murdock, Robert Tilton, Benny Hinn, Paul and Jan Crouch.
At least the donations are used to do something useful with this site, unlike the crooked Tel-evangelists who line their pockets with greed in the name of some God.
You need to think about the stupidity of your statement.
I think I will commit suicide so I can be with him sooner, because my life on this planet is so pathetic that I need a spiritual crutch to lean on.
Some people may not endorse suicide, however Jesus committed suicide by having himself crucified. After all Jesus did want us to follow his example.
I'm a genuine born again loser for Christ.
Hallelujah! Praise God! Amen!
Sorry to hear about your daughter. I have one, already fundy too, but she's way too old for me to influence - unfortunately. But, you know, in most countries the word prick is no big deal. It's only in this puritanical, repressed American society that it would be concidered too much for a teenager.
His message warrents the chance of offending her.
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