Time for church


freethinker05 said…
LMAO, you talkng about shake, rattle, and roll. Roger
Anonymous said…
...made me jump up and Shout
"Thank god to fuckin'christ I'm OUT!!!"
Anonymous said…
When still a fundie, I went and spent a week at that revival in Florida at the Brownsville Assembly of God Church several years ago. I remember seeing all of the crazy shit that was happening, and wanted it to happen to me too. I remember thinking that I didn't want to fake it though. I wanted it to be real so I went down at altar call and told one of the prayer counselors just that. She was real nice and prayed over me... nothing happened. She recommended I go have as many people as possible pray for me, so I did... still nothing happened. I remember leaving the whole thing very disappointed. Others on the trip who had fallen-out into shakes and convulsions, supposedly 'drunk' in the Holy Spirit offered me so many condolences and excuses. It led me to go on a personal mission of prayer, bible reading, and questioning of pastors and friends who had experienced it. I wanted to explore the gifts of the Holy Spirit and experience them for myself. Well, I never did, and on this day I say... "FUCK YEAH, at least I wasn't a phony in that way!"
Anonymous said…
Hey exfundie,
I know exactly what you are talking about. I also attended that same revival meeting and nothing happened to me as well. The only thing I became convinced of was that it was all a mass delusion that everyone around me was willing to buy into.
Maybe I was too much of an individualist and too critical minded to allow the "river to flow" through me. People need all these mystical delusions in order to avoid taking responsibility for their own lives.
I am so glad that I can call myself a rational thinking ex-christian.
Anonymous said…
Dear exfundie, I have to say that it doesn't sound like you were ever a true believer. You should never be looking for anything from God, just enter a relationship with Him and let Him know all that you've done wrong. Ask for help in repenting and endeavor to stay very close to Him. If you endeavor to simply surrender your will to Him maybe someday He'll bless you with convincing "evidence". Pray for faith with all your heart because there is nothing more important in this world. Once His spirit touches your heart you'll know and you will never doubt.
Please don't ever enter a relationship with Him and put your love for Him under an ultimatum of proof. Just love Him with all the force possible to you and He'll know your efforts and reward you with renewed faith.
Anonymous said…
To the first anonymous,
"the river" too funny, I remember that. I also remember the line that started at like 6 pm the day before, and how everyone trampled each other when they opened the doors.

To the second anony,
What I shared there was just a small part of my "Christian" life, and was not ultimately a factor in my de-conversion anyway. However, you are right in a sense... I really did believe with all my heart, but was never a true Christian, because these days a "Christian" is impossible to define. I was just brainwashed into my particular brand of the mythological cult, as you are.
Anonymous said…
You said, "...let Him know all that you've done wrong. Ask for help in repenting..." As Christians usually do, you blame the believer for the inadequacy of Christianity.

You said, "...simply surrender your will to Him maybe someday He'll bless you with convincing "evidence". Pray for faith with all your heart because there is nothing more important in this world." As Christians usually do, you encourage faith as a remedy for unbelief. It's a silly circular argument. It's like saying "It will be true if you just believe it." You can say the same thing about Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny,etc...

You said, "...don't ever enter a relationship with Him and put your love for Him under an ultimatum of proof." Danger! Danger! Warning! Warning! Believing in something without requiring evidence is the stupidest thing a person could do. Would you buy a car without kicking the tires? Would you buy the Golden Gate Bridge if someone tried to sell it to you?

You said, "...it doesn't sound like you were ever a true believer." As Christians usually do, you claim that those who have lost their faith never really believed to begin with. Christians simply can't accept it when a believer becomes a non-believer. They take it as a slap in the face to their beliefs.

Anonymous, we are ex-christians on this site. We used to be who you are. We have heard countless sermons, attended innumerable worship services, read the Bible until we're crossed eyed, and prayed the skin off our knees. Many of us were evangelical. I have personally lead three of my friends to Jesus. Yet we have come to see Christianity for what it is, the ruse of ruses, the scam of the ages, the greatest hoax of history, propagated by the hopes, fears, and frailties of the human character, and by the charlatans who understood these weaknesses all to well. We have renounced this dangerous, misleading, cult of Christ for a belief system based on reason and clear thinking and we encourage others to do so, too.

Anonymous, you don't have to be afraid of going to Hell. You can be free of the terrible torment and bondage of Christianity. God is not real, neither is Jesus, nor Heaven and Hell. The New Testament is a myth created by the hucksters Paul and Mark, who wanted to propagate themselves by making the Jewish god available to the gentiles. Any good New Testament scholar will tell you this. You can be free of your Christian torment if you want to. You don't have to live in misery.

Let me leave you with a quote:

"Atheism is more than just the knowledge that gods do not exist, and that religion is either a mistake or a fraud. Atheism is an attitude, a frame of mind that looks at the world objectively, fearlessly, always trying to understand all things as a part of nature." - Carl Sagan

I hope you find the truth.
Unknown said…
Anonymous Xtian poster -
"you should never be looking for anything from god"?
Not even salvation? Or healing? Or blessing? Or a 'touch'?
If you can't ask or expect anything from god in real time, then why have anything to do with him? He is obviously completely ineffectual. But we knew that already.
And as for the videos, holy pete, I am so glad I don't have to WANT to behave like that anymore!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous Fundy Said:
"Dear exfundie, I have to say that it doesn't sound like you were ever a true believer.......BLAH! BLAH! BLAH!...........Ask for help in repenting and endeavor to stay very close to Him......BLAH! BLAH! BLAH!

Hey Asshole! We know how to help ourselves and get what we want in life. We don't need some fucking religious crutch or some dumbass christian piece of shit like you telling us what to do so fuck off loser!

Do us all a favor and follow Christ's example by having yourself killed like he did so the world will be rid of bible beating assholes like you.

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