One Nation Under Huck

is a moron, but didn't he just say what the religious right has been thinking for years? They repeat in the media and in churches all over America that "we are a Christian nation," but they must know it's not true. Why else would they have to amend the ?

It amazes me how many people born in the 1960s and later don't know that Eisenhower added "" to our money and "" to our pledge. They just assume it's always been there. Heck, I'm in my 40s and I didn't know it until I broke away form the Christian cult and started reading history. Why don't they teach that in grade school?

I'm actually glad showed his hand. It's about time the American people see the for what they really are, a cult of power hungry control-freaks who want to impose their own sick belief system on the rest of the country and set civilization back about 2000 years!

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Anonymous said…
You Americans have some realy awfull leaders.
TheJaytheist said…
Ford: [about Vogons] "They don't think, they don't imagine, most of them can't even spell, they things."
David said…
In God We Trust first appeared on the 1864 two-cent coin.
Anonymous said…
Sorry, David. You're right. I should have said paper money...
Unknown said…
Since there are as many different doctrines as there are denominations, which Christian nation is he talking about? I'm assuming since he's a former Baptist minister that it's the Baptist idea of Christianity. On that note, is it Southern, Independent, Free Will? And won't this piss off the Pentecostals, Methodists, Catholics, Assemblies of God, Church of Christ, etc.? This is so asinine! Christians are all for the U.S. being a "Christian nation", but what they fail to realize is that it may not be their particular brand of Christianity. Didn't the forefathers write the Constitution to stop this very thing?
Mriana said…
Sadly, they or at least my religious reich relatives, refuse to believe we are not a Christian nation. They seem to either forgotten what they learned about the Constitution or have no idea what it says, but they believe that the Constitution supports Chritianity and will insist on it until their dying breath. *rolling eyes*
Wayne said…
As an American anti-theist, I beg that EVERYONE (US citizens, of course) get registered and VOTE. I don't care who for, as long as it's not this x-tian bullshit.

I've never felt so much dread about an election. I doubt that the evil-angelists will get the White House, but then again, I didn't think that we'd be dumb enough to re-elect Dubya Bush.

I'm getting my passport ready, and mentally preparing to become an ex-pat if these assholes are elected. they won't stop until a full blown theocracy is in place.

There are more jobs in my industry in Canada anyway...
Anonymous said…
Just a Nit. Mitt Romney is a Mormon. Mike Huckabee is an ordained Southern Baptist minister.
David said…
We may not be a "Christian" nation but the founding fathers did believe in a supreme being
Anonymous said…
Ugh, David, I will let someone else tackle this...
Anonymous said…
Ok, here is what we do. Somehow, we do like the Romans and pass a law that being a xtian is a crime punishable by death. Then we go to all the football stadiums and start throwing all evangelicals to the lions and crucifying them. They will be for this because they will be martyrs and will go to heaven immediately. Good plan.

Oh, wait, if Huckabee is elected, this is what is going to happen to everyone who is not a xtian.

I hope not but you never know.
David wrote:
"We may not be a "Christian" nation but the founding fathers did believe in a supreme being"

Here David,
Something you should read on this matter.

leotracks said…

Whether or not the founding fathers believed in a supreme being is irrelevant to this discussion. Their intent was clearly to create a secular government, the evidence of which is found in the very first line of the Constitution.

"We the People, of the United States of America..."

This was the first time in modern human history that a legal document did not credit god for its authority. We the people are the only authority by which the constitution functions; not the president, not even congress. We are a nation governed of the people, for the people, and by the people. Unless you or I are a God, then it's not talking about one.

And one reason for this secular government was that we had just overthrown a monarchy. The justification for monarchies is that power comes from God to the King, and downwards. Our founding fathers did not want an American King. That was also one reason George Washington was considered a good choice for the first President being as it was that he had no children; no possible heir to the throne.
leotracks said…
Something I left out of my previous comment; since the original ratification of the US Constitution, there have been numerous attempts to amend the preamble to include the phrase, "in recognition of God Almighty." Every attempt has failed.

The reason, as I said before, the preamble, which is a statement of intent and cites authority for the document that follows, gives all authority to we the people. No authority is given to god, and the religious nuts are aware of this, or there would be no need to change anything.
Anonymous said…
The US, and the world, will be so f*cked if Huck gets elected, especially with Chuck Norris as vice-president! Luckily this will only happen in fundies' wet dreams...
Anonymous said…
Due to the fact that Jesus has failed to return to this earth and redeem all christians, this is all a desperate attempt for these poor panicking christians to try and get control of the whole entire nation, and enslave all of us.

People like Huckabee will try to play God. That's how desperate christians have gotten. I also believe as the christian ship starts sinking further and further into the ocean, christians could possibly become even more dangerous in some ways politically which could threaten many more of our civil liberties and freedoms in this country.

I've said it time and time again. Christians hate true freedom.
Anonymous said…
Here's a simple question: Are all Americans 'Christians'?

If you answered "No", then it should be obvious that our secular government must represent everyone equally.
If you believe the answer is "Yes", you need to look around and re-check your facts.
Anonymous said…
*sighs* I get what you're getting at with this comic. Honestly, I'm British and even I find it a disgrace such a guy is even considered as a presidential candidate.

Also I already learned about the adding of "God" to those things, etc. a while ago.

wasn't it added on coins earllier though? I forget- the 1800s at some point, not 1776 anyway. Still after the constitution was written though...
It is slightly frightening that a "foreigner" who's opinion apparently "doesn't matter" (words of US fundies on the net not mine) actually knows more about their history than THEY do.

It's saddening. Your country could be so much more, but seems to be in the shit house because of people like this.
Joe B said…
Tony wrote, Since there are as many different doctrines as there are denominations, which Christian nation is he talking about?

My favorite part of Roman history is the Ecumenical Councils, especially the First Council of Nicaea. The issues that were supposedly resolved there (like what kind of stuff is Jesus made of) were never really solved. They just gave the good jobs to the guys on the winning side and put the rest out of work.

The same disagreements are still there. I'd be all for rerunning those debates but on YouTube this time. Let the President play Constantine. He can get all the church leaders who are remotely Christian into a football stadium (no lions) and let them take turns arguing their silly points. At least we'd be rid of them for a few years while they slugged it out.

It would be like the couple of xian wags that fought it out for on this forum recently. The highlights and commentary would make great YouTubing.
Anonymous said…
It doesn't matter who gets elected, the last several presidents have made America the laughing stock of the world, and we will continue to look like a confused nation who insists in believing in a 2000 year old ideology.

The bible has made a fool of this nation and it deserves what is coming to it.

I just hope when that day comes, we decide to destroy all politics and religion in the process.

Some huge event will change the way this nation thinks, but I hope everyone does not go crying to jebus for protection, but I'm afraid it will.
Anonymous said…
Christian Arrogance is what is destroying this nation. Not Atheists.

From Nick: "Some huge event will change the way this nation thinks, but I hope everyone does not go crying to jebus for protection, but I'm afraid it will."

I'm sure that is true, however when Jesus does not show up to rescue these same people who go crying to him, hopefully that will be when christians finally wake up and realize that their myth does not exist and there is no Jesus who is going to come back and deliver them. A good taste of reality is what these arrogant christians here in this country need.

Not only do they need a good taste of reality, they need a good taste of reality that hurts, and is really cold.

Right now we've got so many self-righteous arrogant American Christian SOB's who think that we are God's Nation and nobody can touch us. They think that everyone else should heed to what they want or believe.

These same American Christians hide behind their computers and they preach sermons at people like us telling us to repent or we will fry in hell, however most of them would be too chicken shit to tell that to our faces, or go over to some Muslim Country and preach.

American Christians are hypocritical cowards.
Anonymous said…
Great resource, ATF! Thanks for the link!

Here it is again:

Our Founding Fathers Where NOT Christians
Huey said…
I agree with everybody about the arrogance of xtians. I had an individual working for me some years back, in 1999, who would go on about how jesus was coming next year and wern't we going to be shocked! He would say this in the most rude and arrogant tone of voice you ever heard. I would love to find this clown now and ask him one or two pointed questions.

Hey Joe B! Why no lions? WTF?!
Anonymous said…

Politicians like I Heart Huckabee are full of shit. They make promises about making America a Christian nation, but as soon as they're in office those words fade to so much gassy wind. The same thing happened with Bush, and every politician before him that promises divine retribution in the name of his political party. They do it for the votes, plain and simple. I had so many atheist and freethinker friends up in arms about Bush, even when I told them that oncehe was in office, all his promises would be forgotten. Not that that's a good thing; politicians that do this are the ones that are only in it for their own agendas (i.e., oil, lobbyist paychecks, corporate greed). They know what will happen if they try to make this a Christian nation: they will be assassinated within a week. I, for one, promise war upon any Christian with the balls big enough to try and force their mental disorder upon me. And Christians know this. While atheists and freethinkers tend to be liberals and progrssives and treehuggers, we can also pull the trigger when absolutely necessary. If Christians want this to be THEIR country, they're going to have to be ready to die for it.

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