Dear Believer
by Dan Barker Dear Believer, — You asked me to consider Christianity as the answer for my life. I have done that. I consider it untrue, repugnant, and harmful. You expect me to believe Jesus was born of a virgin impregnated by a ghost? Do you believe all the crazy tales of ancient religions? Julius Caesar was reportedly born of a virgin; Roman historian Seutonius said Augustus bodily rose to heaven when he died; and Buddha was supposedly born speaking. You don’t believe all that, do you? Why do you expect me to swallow the fables of Christianity? I find it incredible that you ask me to believe that the earth was created in six literal days; women come from a man’s rib; a snake, a donkey, and a burning bush spoke human language; the entire world was flooded, covering the mountains to drown evil; all animal species, millions of them, rode on one boat; language variations stem from the tower of Babel; Moses had a magic wand; the Nile turned to blood; a stick turned into a snake; witches, ...
But, I was hoping you'd ask this: Would he be in compliance with God's law if he were to kill a homosexual today?
Also, if God answers the ambiguous questions on a personal basis as the preacher claims, you can perhaps ask the preacher to ask God for the answers, then the preacher can TELL US!
hellbound_atheist (you may remember me from the yahoo chat rooms...)
I know that smoking won't send you to hell - it just makes you smell like you'e been there.
And just what IS in that cup you keep drinking?
And what's with the shades? You aren't taking anything that's keeping your pupils dialated, are you?
Anyway it's very interesting and I've heard the argument pertaining to the KJV.
2. I'm drinking coffee
3.I had my curtain open in front of me so more light could get in. The shades helped me.
4.Next time you talk trash or attack me in a personal manner I won't bother speaking with you anymore. Get the picture kid?
My kids should have been stoned ten times over,..if what that preacher believes is true.
Excuse me, I need to go lie down - I feel a little dizzy from all that spinning.
This is exactly what they were counting on back then, when asked "Who shall speak for this man?" No one spoke up, not even his own mother, because they knew he would survive crucifixion.
Even Jesus himself thought he would come down from the cross and live forever, but he got fooled.
That's the reason there was so much shuffling and commotion going on there and the body was missing?
Why was the body missing, if it's the soul only, that rises? Because it was all a hoax.
Sin = death
No sin = no death, God's Law
Click on The Jesus Hoax, for more details.
Good job Brett,
what would you think, if i make an image, pissing on your mother's/son's face?
Hey what do you think about that atheistic regime (godless Commie's!) that's just let the genie out of the bottle by blowing up one of their satellites with a missle? (guidance technology they got from us during the Clinton years). You certainly can't blame that one on the "religious" though we've had our share. Hypersonic space debris is hurtling about and will eventually carom into other satellites and space craft creating even more space shrapnel-and the chain reaction will never stop. I wonder how this will effect the GPS/TV/Communications industries? You weren't planning on visiting the ISS anytime soon were you?
Oh, and what I wrote were personal questions not personal 'attacks.' Sorry you took it that way (my suspicions stem from my former peace officer career). I just couldn't help but notice that you are addicted to nicotene.
By the way, haven't you noticed that the latest research shows that cigarette companies have been increasing the nicotene levels in their tobacco? It's been on all the news of late. As the old saying goes, "A word to the wise."
I hope this satisfies your need for me to say something useful:)
Lest I should be accused of trying to push my blog (a frequent accusation, I'm afraid) I declined to list it here without an invitation to do so.
Now about this self-claimed preacher, naturally he's on the defensive because no one in his congregation calls him to ask him any questions opposing the Bible, since he's got them all mesmerized, he being the Holy See.
I would be willing to bet he has never received over 10 calls questioning the Bible, in all his years of tenior.
What a jerk he was, reminds me of these xtian jerks, that post on here.
Hypersonic space debris?? A long way from Leviticus, no?
Having spent 4 years (out of 8) in the USAF, I can tell you that NORAD tracks every piece of debris in low-earth orbit. Furthermore, all satellites are equipped with what are essentially air tanks with spray nozzles to change positions, adjust orbits, etc. and thus they can easily avoid debris collisions.
GPS, TV and communications satellites are in geostationary orbit (22,000 miles or so) and not subject to the ravages of the low-earth orbit (less than 100 miles) debris problems.
When we refer to Leviticus we shall remember that God gave these laws to Israel when it was under the regime known as theocracy, which means that God exclusively reigning His people.
There were treated as a special nation by God and given laws that are specially intended for them.
Therefore, the legal nature of those laws do not apply to others. However, the moral nature of those laws apply to all nations in the world.
That means,
We do not kill a disobedient teenager in our society. But the cursing of one’s parents is still condemnable.
We do not kill a homosexual in our society. But the practice of homosexuality is still an abomination in the sight of Holy God.
We do not kill adulterers in our society. But the practice of adultery is detestable in the sight of God even today.
Therefore, we should concentrate only on the moral nature of Old Testament laws. Not their legal nature because they were given to a special nation when they were given.
The Coffee Table analogy is a good shot by the preacher at Brett Keanes.
The person who owns the coffee table has the perfect right to destroy it.
Similarly, God being the owner of the universe has the perfect right to destroy whatever He chooses to destroy.
We should be thankful to the Lord that He is good and gracious and providing all the resources for the survival of the humanity on this planet.
If you throw rocks at a coffee table, does it bleed and scream in pain?
It's not a good analogy.
The Djinn, per se, was released at the discovery of atomic theory and application. This of course was elicited by physicists because some fascist dictator Christian wanted to rule the world - Hitler.
The Chinese using tracking/guidance systems was as well the product of a religious follower - Clinton... Baptist.
Trying to blame a religious/non-religious person for space debris falling at any opportune time, is hollow, unless you want to blame those who launched the objects into space. Want to guess which nation has the "most" satellites in space... how about the most "Christian" nation...
Yep, hands down the U.S. has a reported 413 sats, and... the rest of the world combined - 382.
What do I think about China blowing up their "own" satellite? It's their satellite... and... I don't recall the blowing up of their satellite as causing some apocalyptic chain reaction viz. hurling space debris in a domino effect that would place the world in travesty.
RH: "Sorry you took it that way (my suspicions stem from my former peace officer career)."
And, what does a "peace" officer do, these days - per se.
RH: "By the way, haven't you noticed that the latest research shows that cigarette companies have been increasing the nicotene levels in their tobacco? It's been on all the news of late. As the old saying goes, "A word to the wise."
Uh, please provide a link or something to that effect... :-)
Paul: "The Coffee Table analogy is a good shot by the preacher at Brett Keanes. The person who owns the coffee table has the perfect right to destroy it."
Suppose Paul would suggest that the Chinese have the right to destroy their in-orbit coffee table - as they own their property. Thanks Paul, you seem to have a knack with analogy. Perhaps, you and RH can discuss the finer points of property ownership and deontoloty.
Yes thank you God for giving us diseases and bacteria and cancer and AIDS and letting our teeth rot out and decay and we get old and lose our minds and have heart attacks and arthritis etc.,etc. then we flop over dead.
Then if we don't believe in Jesus, he sends us to hell, yay, way to go there God, thank you so much.
China owning a satelline in the orbit is a relative ownership, which must be exercised with a sensivity for others in the world.
But God, exercising absolute ownership on the universe has perfect right to do whatever He chooses.
don't blame God for the ills of the world.
The first man sinned against God and we are reaping the consequences.
Why don't you think sometimes about the goodness of God who sent His Son to die in our stead and to prepare a way to escape the hell?
It gave me a slight chill, hearing the...uh...bovine excretory verbal stylings of Mr. Freewill Baptist Dude. I've heard that exact rationalization before, nearly verbatim. In fact, I have used it before, years ago, when trying (and failing) to explain why this loving God had such an itchy metaphorical Old Testament trigger finger. "Well, god made humanity, so He can exterminate it; the potter can smash her pot in to clay oblivion, yada yada.." What was telling to me however was that Baptist Boy never answered your question: God was telling PEOPLE to kill their disobedient children, and telling PEOPLE to kill homosexuals. The same people, oh by the way, who are "not righteous, not even one." So this all-powerful, all-just deity is having fallible evil human beings do his dirty work...? He's the Don, and some unspecified subset of the populace are his hit men?
Oh, but wait; perhaps those charged with imposing his Justice (whacking naughty kids, gays and lesbians, slaughtering eaters of shellfish) are the church which case these verses become a tad more convenient, at least to those seeking justification for acts of ugliness. The voice in your head has more credibility if it's "Jehovah's..."
Keep up the good work...
And some say that Seinfeld isn't prophetic...
Now what about that contract analogy. He says that there are things he does not fully understand in the Bible. That's fine, but then the contract analogy is dubious. Could you judge a contract you didn't understand? Suppose it contained clauses that stipulated various circumstances under which you must put people to death, and numerous other clauses that contradicted your sense of morality? In what way is that like a contract? In what way does one agree to it?
Brett, I think you handled this well. Please don't take my remarks above as a criticism. We can all think of things we would like to have said to this guy in retrospect, but you were doing this in real time, and you were being polite and truthful. Keep it up.
By the way, the one thing this guy said that really rubbed me the wrong way was that if he "perceives" that you are not listening to what he is saying, then he will no longer talk to you. Here he has left himself a loophole that you could drive a Mac truck through. In effect, if he ever feels embarrassed or threatened by your questions, all he needs to say is "You are not listening to me." He also accused you of putting words in his mouth when you were simply paraphrasing in the context of a question. That too is a bit disingenuous.
Not just once, but twice. That from someone who feels they have the concern-troll right to address someone else's smoking.
"When we refer to Leviticus we shall remember that God gave these laws to Israel when it was under the regime known as theocracy, which means that God exclusively reigning His people."
No, we shall not "remember," we shall ask for something remotely resembling proof. God wrote the laws down? Put the words into the head of some Biblical figure? Do you have any basis for this, other than some ancient book of riddles and your own imagination? Assuming that such laws in fact existed at the time, what evidence can you offer that a deity created them? Are you claiming with a straight face that the same God who set down in literal stone, as your legend would have it, "THOU SHALT NOT KILL," really meant "...except for naughty kids and homosexuals?"
Tell it to the millions all over the world who are dying in misery and pain of sanctimonious fuckwit.
"Why don't you think sometimes about the goodness of God who sent His Son to die in our stead and to prepare a way to escape the hell?"
What's wrong Paul, couldn't big God Daddy handle saving souls all by himself, is your imaginary God that weak and ignorant, he needs to send help?
Besides if Jesus was perfect and without sin, Jesus could not have been killed in any manner.
The wages of sin is death, God's Law.
RH: "Hey what do you think about that atheistic regime (godless Commie's!) that's just let the genie out of the bottle by blowing up one of their satellites with a missle?"
Hey, RH, Paul suggests that atheist godless commie’s, have just as much "relative" right to act and do as they please, just like everyone else. Thanks Paul, I like the way you think.
Would you say that it is ok for someone who owned a dog to torture it to death? It is their dog, isn't it?
No. Only an evil, sadistic prick (like your god) would do something like that.
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