Christianity IS Mind Control

By John Blatt

Here is a poignant video about the coercive persuasion, mind control, and brainwashing of Christianity. It exposes all kinds of mind control characteristics and methodologies even of those outside Christianity, but anyone who either is a Christian or has been a Christian will see the marks of Christian programming and indoctrination in this little film. I have made some comments below concerning one aspect of this mind control that is touched upon in this video. I hope you enjoy it!

In this video you hear the following statement: "Your bible clearly states that I am the the Messiah" (concerning a cult leader). The vast majority of people, both Christian and non-Christians alike, know that if someone claims to be the messiah you know it is just bullshit.

One of the greatest deceptions of Christianity is for the bible to claim Jesus as the Messiah. Why? Because he is not here. He is not a person to talk to physically. He is supposedly only reached through the holy spirit (which of course you cannot sit down with at a table and have a cup of tea together and chat). The mind is forced to have faith in an unseen deity whom cannot be physically questioned or communicated with (physical, verbal communication). The only source of physical "communication" with god is the bible (For christians: here is not the place to discuss spiritual communication through prayer and internal dialog with the holy spirit, thats another article) and the bible teaches that the leaders of the faith (pastors, elders, deacons, bishops, priests, bible scholars, and even parents, etc) hold a special divine authority as the leaders of god's kingdom here on earth (the church). The communication of authority only goes ONE WAY. Down the hierarchical chain-of-command: Father to Jesus to Holy Sprit to church leaders (or elders) to fathers then mothers. This is the flow of "divine authority." Ultimately, of course, the source of this authority is the bible, which just so happens to give itself its own authority and in turn gives an authority to the chain-of-command.

Now, the deception lies in that since the authority, practically speaking, is carried out by Christian leaders. You cannot question their authority because the bible says so. If you question the bible's authority you are in effect questioning god's authority and the leadership will not tolerate that, because they have the authority from the bible. So the mind is forced to either rebel against the whole system or become obedient. Theoretically obedient to the bible and practically obedient to the church authority.

Christianity is a mind control Cult and Jesus is its Cult leader. But because jesus isn't here we must worship him in the spirit with faith. Its sub-leaders, the pastors, elders, and teachers, - "God's Anointed Servants", practically speaking, are "under-shepherds" and point everyone to the invisible Jesus through faith. Thus the mind control is so much more difficult to see because the focus is not on any physical man, but on god and Jesus. Thus no matter how insane or abusive the "under-shepherds" or sub-leaders are the Cult program continues. See, if a physical cult leader started doing insane and abusive things it is much easier for the mind to wake up and say "wait a minute" and start questioning things. But because invisible Jesus is the Cult leader the system can continue forever because he is perfect and holy and just and all loving savior that does no wrong. Of course! You in effect have a Cult, just like any other more noticeable cults like Sun Myung Moon, but without the danger of it falling in on itself by the actions of a physical person. Because Jesus was perfect (as the "authoritative" bible says) and the Cult is focus is on him, the real programming and control goes unchallenged and unimpeded.

This is just a little food for thought.


Anonymous said…
wow. what a joke. maybe you should get some real evidence and try again. even from someone who is not a Christian, this is totally ridiculous. nonsense.
Anonymous said…
This is how cults work. Great video, except they overlooked one of the most powerful weapons of cults and religions - sexual suppression.
Anonymous said…
It would be interesting to do a comparitive study of the biblical Jesus vs. known cult leaders. I know this video was focusing on churches and such, but I wonder how cultleader-like Jesus and Paul could be seen if compared to others.(i know that's worded poorly, but i'm tired, lol)

I thought this video was creepy, which is a good thing b/c cults ARE creepy and people need to realize that. My only complaint is the music! Ahh! lol.. :p

But thanks John!
Anonymous said…
Yeah, the video is pretty cheesy and it doesn't touch on a lot of important points with regards to christianity, but it does hit home.

Understand, anonymous, this was by no means an exhaustive or even deep treatment of the issues, but it still is a welcome tonic and can be a wake-up call for some. No one can doubt, christian or not, that this video does have several points that very true to christianity and its system of indoctrination.
Anonymous said…
Dude, sweet, i'm so gonna start me a cult, cheers for the heads up on how!
Well as my ol' momma used to say "people who believe shit deserve shit."
Anonymous said…
As I do agree with you as saying that Christianity does harbor some cult techniques this is very true. But when compared in severity to cults, though there have been Christian nut jobs that are willing to kill for "the lord" these often are few. But all forms of religion have some form of mind control, mainly fear of hell and guilt for certain actions.

Though I’m sure we all hate the flawed logic of Christians. I'll have to say after watching that video that Islam is more of cult than Christianity will ever be, and as now one of the world most fastest growing religions its becoming evident that there is a much larger threat then Christianity out there.

Christians are mainly stupid, Muslim are dangerous, with the belief in dying for their Allah and their fundamentalists willing to blow up a cafe in his name. I'll have to say I'd rather a stupid Christian to a Dangerous Muslim. If anything Christianity can wait and we should be pulling apart the Koran and refuting it page by page people need to see the evil inner workings of what I see as a cult in order to prevent people from ever wishing to join it.

Only things Christians do that really piss me off is their beliefs towards gays and how they want their shit at our public schools, its not like we have scientists at their churches, they really should STFU once and a while.
Anonymous said…
Heh, i'm going to have to go with muttmutt, I think in terms of body count christianity still beats islam.
Figure it this way;
Muslim fundamentalist blows himself up, kills say, 100 people.
Christian protesters ban genetic and stem cell research, doom thousands to death or brutally painful and mercifully short lives.

One is a little more active and attention grabbing but the other ultimately kills far, far more.
Anonymous said…
That was a waste of time.
Anonymous said…
"Heh, i'm going to have to go with muttmutt, I think in terms of body count christianity still beats islam.
Figure it this way;
Muslim fundamentalist blows himself up, kills say, 100 people.
Christian protesters ban genetic and stem cell research, doom thousands to death or brutally painful and mercifully short lives.

One is a little more active and attention grabbing but the other ultimately kills far, far more."

Complete nonsense! Islam has about the same body count... they, like the Christians, were killing people wholesale well before the 20th Century... They wiped out the Buddhists in India for one, and that was a large population. Thanks to the Moguls of India, we only have a version of Buddhism that came back from Tibet in the sub-continent, and the Pali (Ceylonese)version. Islam likes to pretend it's darkest age is now, but really, it was always pretty dark...

Grandpa H
Anonymous said…
It doesn't take a degree in social science to spot the similarities between so called cults and the born again Christian movement. Or for that matter, Islam.
Anonymous said…
pretty good, but could seriously use an updating to be taken seriously.

i'd add more obvious references to christianity and islam too.
Anonymous said…
Ryan Scott wrote:

"pretty good, but could seriously use an updating to be taken seriously.

i'd add more obvious references to christianity and islam too."

Yes I totally agree. Yet it is an interesting video with some good points.
Anonymous said…
Yes sarabhi, I agree that the music was annoying. It has a hypnotic effect, which "I think" the makers of the video intentionally were indirectly driving a point across that the mind can be subdued, and wanted the viewers to figure it out on their own.

Welcome to exchristian, and enjoy your life by thinking for yourself.
Anonymous said…

Yeah, I see what you mean about the directors intentionally making the music hypnotic. Makes sense. Thanks for the welcome! ^^
Anonymous said…
I am sorry to tell you, but no one of you have enough knowledge about Islam. God forbid to the muslims to kill inocent people and this you can read in Quran. This what's happened today is actualy product not of Islam and the muslims and product of the manipulating politic of America and Europe countries who pay to a lot of ignorant muslims to blow themselves, only with one perpose- to show Islam with demonic and bad face, because they are afraid from the growing quantity of the new converted muslims! Ya, the true is painfull! But even I am muslim, I don't think the christianity is this what is shown on the video. This that some preasts use some tactics which are nothing to do with the christian realigion, dosen't mean that we have to blame christianity for this. The same is for the Islam. We can not judge nor Islam, nor Christianity only because of the deeds of some people who pretend to be muslims or christians. Beter everyone before to give some opinion first to read the Bible and Quran and after that to speak!
God to guide you on the right way, but who is the right way in the end this is your decision!
Dave Van Allen said…
Completely agree. Thanks for the post.
Dave Van Allen said…
That was a waste of time.
Dave Van Allen said…
That was a waste of time.
Dave Van Allen said…
We live in a "Kingdom of Lies". Never forget that Christianity sprang from the Israelite Hebrews; which is the first cousin, if not the brother/sister of Islam!
Like it or not, there are 6 + billion people inhabiting this "Big Blue Marble", and many of 'us' will always look to a reason for being frozen here in 3D.
"GOD" didn't 'create Christianity, and for that matter neither did 'The Messiah'.
Take a breather once in awhile and stop "kicking against the PRICKS" Take a drive to the mountains, walk through a field of wild flowers, pick a wildflower and meditate on it. Listen to the wind, or stream/river. GOD is NOT dead.
Look up the word 'sovereign', for that is what GOD is! He/She/It will NEVER force you to do anything - just patiently waits for a genuine 'thank you' from us.
Those men and women who sit at the helm of the mega churches and 'not so' mega churches, that use mind control/psychological techniques of the third degree, spiritual and emotionally controlling hand gestures and on and on and.....
have already reaped their own reward. They are silently, and not so silently IN THEIR OWN HELL!!!! Be THANKFUL that you've broken away !!!
Dave Van Allen said…
GOD will never force anyone to do anything?

Great! In that case he won't be sending me to hell, right? I can go somewhere else in the universe to spend eternity. I promise I won't bother you in your golden city.


Barb, you don't think you've been brainwashed, but your posting reveals that your mind is every bit as controlled as the "Christians" you condemn.
Dave Van Allen said…

Why does gob deserve a thank you? How do you know that he/she/it waits patiently? How do you know that gob is patient? What if it's not patient? What if it reacts to your celestial awe like a small animal throwing a temper tantrum? These are things you need to know.
Dave Van Allen said…

Take a breather once in awhile and stop "kicking against the PRICKS" Take a drive to the mountains, walk through a field of wild flowers, pick a wildflower and meditate on it. Listen to the wind, or stream/river. GOD is NOT dead.

You forgot, beautiful, sunsets and fuzzy, puppies -- that proves it, god is not dead (sarcasm).

It's preposterous to claim the subjective equivalence of nature to god.

Does a blind person wallow in those supposed beauties?

It, also, begs another question, if you can equate these subjective portraits of nature with god then how do you account for all the devastating aberrations of nature like those miraculous, hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons, heat waves, volcanoes, lightening strikes, blizzards, mudslides, etc, that cause so much destruction, leaving monstrous injuries, misery and death, in their wake? What about the unintelligent design of the umbilical cord? God sure screwed up that design. If god could create the universe, why couldn't he design an umbilical cord that wouldn't wrap around a babies neck, depriving them from oxygen, causing thousands of babies a year to die or to suffer, the rest of their life, with egregious mental and physical challenges. How about god's great design of putting the air hole right next to the food hole causing thousands to choke to death every year? What about the nature of viruses, bacterias, and germs, that have caused billions to suffer and die, in mass plagues? How about aggressive childhood leukemia, all childhood cancers and diseases, and horrible genetic, birth defects?

GOD is NOT dead? Then where the fuck is he, when all this mass suffering, caused by nature, is going on?

Dave Van Allen said…
If 'they' don't come out of the woodwork afterall !!!
I thought this was an anti CHRISTIAN web-site.
So, you are not only anti-christian, you are also anti creation?
I wasn't aware that this was a web-site for those who have already crowned themselves their own personal "gob". Which of course would lean more toward the Luciferic/Satanic philosophy. But...WHATEVER...(more on that later), I wasn't aware that because a person becomes enlightened to the fact that we live on an extremely controlled planet; be it religion, government, "alien" control...what have you...that we immediately have to lock onto hateful negativity forevermore.
I presume that "These are [also] things [I] need to know" ?
WebDave, thank you for your astute evaluation on my mind control, you really have NO IDEA! When you and your readers have some extra time, punch in a search: 'The Illuminati Formula To Create A Total Undetectable Mind Controlled Slave'/Fritz Springmeier. There you will find the 'secret' of MY formative years! There you will find the 'techniques' that those of the "sub-cultures" of Christianity, "Bondage Pastors" and the like, execute week after week, year after year, decade after decade, all over this globe, to the unsuspecting, more 'innocent' ones of their flocks. I believe that the title of this string is 'Christianity IS Mind Control'...??
Chances are WebDave, that even YOU are mind controlled...along with 98-99% of the rest of y'all; albeit, unlikely to the degree that I and others have had to suffer.
Through it ALL...I have CHOSEN, even with all the "Sham, Drudgery, and Broken Dreams" in this existence, to appreciate what is LEFT of it all...!
You wrote "...Great ! In that case he [God] won't be sending me to hell, right? I can go somewhere else in the universe to spend eternity..."
I have absolutely NO IDEA where [he] will be sending you...maybe we live our heaven/hell right here in 3D. Maybe...just MAYBE it's YOUR choice !!!
A few posts up, 'i' skydaddy wrote "welcome to exchristian and enjoy your life by thinking for yourself"... I suppose that's the general consensus as long as "thinking for yourself" strokes the philosophies of the status quo on here.
Well, anyway... I'll be off to my "golden city" to contemplate with complete and utter "celestial awe" that "LIFE, is a state of mind" ... afterall!
Dave Van Allen said…
Well, if you've found true peace of mind, and you fell compelled to share that "peace," perhaps anger is misplaced when confronted with an opposing viewpoint?

Just a thought.
Dave Van Allen said…
Well, if you've found true peace of mind, and you fell compelled to share that "peace," perhaps anger is misplaced when confronted with an opposing viewpoint?

Just a thought.
Dave Van Allen said…

I found a lot of what you wrote interesting. It sounds like you've been through your own personal hell. I congratulate you for coming out the other side with such a positive outlook. I believe I understand your intent in your first post. Please understand, as it sounds you probably do, most people on this site are possibly sensitive to some of what you wrote. Christianity leaves us with a lot of triggers. I also understand your anger in being so quickly rejected here. My guess is you thought the forum would be more open to a variety of outlooks and ideas.

I've got to ask you about this last post. You reference things that I've read in books and articles. I don't know if you're familiar with David Icke, or not, but he touches on some of what you're talking about. I've never spoken with someone directly about these experiences and am VERY interested in discussing things with you further. I would love to learn more from your perspective/experience. Please know I am sincere in what I write. Feel free to read my other posts to understand my own perspective better.

Hopefully, you haven't been run off by previous posters.

Much love and support, barb,

Dave Van Allen said…
I thought this video was hilarious and quite poignant. It actually speaks to some of the ways I see society in general operating.

BTW, I saw a documentary recently that creeped me out, it was so accurate. The name of it is Jesus Camp. Seeing it after being out of the 'church' for years was eye opening and validating. It shows a lot of the mind control techniques mentioned in the above video. I told a couple of my friends, who were not raised with religion, to watch it if they ever want to experience my (and many others') childhood and to better understand why the decision to leave those beliefs can be so tough for so long.
Dave Van Allen said…

If 'they' don't come out of the woodwork afterall !!! I thought this was an anti CHRISTIAN web-site. So, you are not only anti-christian, you are also anti creation? I wasn't aware that this was a web-site for those who have already...blah, blah, blah.

You made the correlation of the subjective beauty of nature with the existence of god.

Can you or can you not account for the aberrations of nature, that cause egregious, unimaginable suffering in this world?

Dave Van Allen said…
Let's not forget where christianity and islam originated from - Isreal. Judaism, the talmud, the torah, the old testament, the god of all starts with judaism.
Dave Van Allen said…
I am sorry to tell you, but no one of you have enough knowledge about Islam. God forbid to the muslims to kill inocent people and this you can read in Quran. This what's happened today is actualy product not of Islam and the muslims and product of the manipulating politic of America and Europe countries who pay to a lot of ignorant muslims to blow themselves, only with one perpose- to show Islam with demonic and bad face, because they are afraid from the growing quantity of the new converted muslims! Ya, the true is painfull! But even I am muslim, I don't think the christianity is this what is shown on the video. This that some preasts use some tactics which are nothing to do with the christian realigion, dosen't mean that we have to blame christianity for this. The same is for the Islam. We can not judge nor Islam, nor Christianity only because of the deeds of some people who pretend to be muslims or christians. Beter everyone before to give some opinion first to read the Bible and Quran and after that to speak!
God to guide you on the right way, but who is the right way in the end this is your decision!
Dave Van Allen said…
I am sorry to tell you, but no one of you have enough knowledge about Islam. God forbid to the muslims to kill inocent people and this you can read in Quran. This what's happened today is actualy product not of Islam and the muslims and product of the manipulating politic of America and Europe countries who pay to a lot of ignorant muslims to blow themselves, only with one perpose- to show Islam with demonic and bad face, because they are afraid from the growing quantity of the new converted muslims! Ya, the true is painfull! But even I am muslim, I don't think the christianity is this what is shown on the video. This that some preasts use some tactics which are nothing to do with the christian realigion, dosen't mean that we have to blame christianity for this. The same is for the Islam. We can not judge nor Islam, nor Christianity only because of the deeds of some people who pretend to be muslims or christians. Beter everyone before to give some opinion first to read the Bible and Quran and after that to speak!
God to guide you on the right way, but who is the right way in the end this is your decision!
Dave Van Allen said…

Yeah, I see what you mean about the directors intentionally making the music hypnotic. Makes sense. Thanks for the welcome! ^^
Dave Van Allen said…

Yeah, I see what you mean about the directors intentionally making the music hypnotic. Makes sense. Thanks for the welcome! ^^

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