Dear Believer
by Dan Barker Dear Believer, — You asked me to consider Christianity as the answer for my life. I have done that. I consider it untrue, repugnant, and harmful. You expect me to believe Jesus was born of a virgin impregnated by a ghost? Do you believe all the crazy tales of ancient religions? Julius Caesar was reportedly born of a virgin; Roman historian Seutonius said Augustus bodily rose to heaven when he died; and Buddha was supposedly born speaking. You don’t believe all that, do you? Why do you expect me to swallow the fables of Christianity? I find it incredible that you ask me to believe that the earth was created in six literal days; women come from a man’s rib; a snake, a donkey, and a burning bush spoke human language; the entire world was flooded, covering the mountains to drown evil; all animal species, millions of them, rode on one boat; language variations stem from the tower of Babel; Moses had a magic wand; the Nile turned to blood; a stick turned into a snake; witches, ...
The author started with the contention that religions were started with very ignorant people. But this is only partially correct. Moses at the beginning of Judaism and Apostle Paul at the beginning of Christianity were highly educated and the intellectual giants of their day.
2. It is true that religions were misused for wealth and political control. Every system of thought and practice in this world was and is used for wealth and political control, at least at some part of their existence because they were and are populated by both good and bad people. This applies even to atheism. China and North Korea are suppressing their people and denying them many rights of expression with a stated policy of atheism. Now, can I say atheism in those countries is being used just for political control?
3. Religions practices human sacrifices. You are right. Human sacrifices are the hallmark of false religions. Mayans and Aztecs in Americas, Celtics in the Europe, Hindus in India, and diverse religions in Africa practiced human sacrifices. Christianity put a period to such practices. In India for example Christians put a termination on wife burnings practiced by Hindus through presentation of a memorandum to WIlliam Bentick, governer General of then British India.
4. Religion promotes mysticism. You are right again, that is characteritic of eastern religions. They promoted mysticism that looks inward. But Christianity promoted revelation and logic and looking outside at the world. Have you ever wondered why modern science developed in Christian Europe rather than in China or India? Just one reason. Christianity promoted a worldview of a real world and benevolent and intelligent God behind things around us rather than a world of illusions and mysticism.
5. Religion is waste - billion of dollars are being wasted. There will be always wastage of things in this world. But we shall also remember organizations like Red Cross, Salvation Army, World Vision, Nirmal Hruday - all started by Christians - are doing tremendous social and philanthropic work around the world. The world has yet to see such an organization operated wholly by atheists.
6. The list of great atheists...Thomas Edison, Richard Dawkins, E.Hemingway, Katherine Hepburn. But why don't you add a list of Christian scientists...Isaac Newton, Robert Boyle, Michael Faraday, Galileo(he had problems with the church, yet he was not an atheist), George Cuvier, Einstein(Einstein was not a Christian, but definitely he was not an atheist. He always acknowledged a superior being in the universe, say for example his quote, 'Good Lord does not play dice' to rule out the existence of change. Why didn't you put the list of other atheists like Mao who killed 30 million Chinese, Stalin who killed 15 million Russians and Pol Pot who killed 20 million Cambodians.
7. Why don't we believe Jupiter- we don't worship stars and planets. We are told to worship the God who made all of them.
8. Why do children get cancer? The atheist discussing the same old problem of evil. You are just shooting at your feet. Who told you that there is evil in this world. After all, the mutations are hitting at various places in our bodies and philadelphia chromosome is causing cancer in a little child. What's wrong with it? it is natural selection. Where do you get this moral terminology. The moment you say something is evil you are obviously playing into the hands of a transcendent moral philosophy which comes only from God. We do not get it from our gorilla ancestors in Tanzania.
You are the same guy who raises the play card,'it is her body, let her have freedom to decide what to do with her body'. Is it wrong for God to show us a playcard with words written on it, 'it's my universe. Let me do with it as I like'.
9. God in Bible is misogynistic. You are wrong.
Gods of India promoted wife burnings. God of Iran and Iraq promoted burqua over the women. Only God of Bible promoted the equality of women. At a time when women were prohibited from public meetings, Apostle Paul allowed them to attend public meetings and learn the Word of God.
10. Carl Sagan's words - Extraordinary Claims require extraordinary evidence. Good, have you ever thought that those words apply to you as well. When you rule out existence of an invisible, omnipresent God in this universe, which we were able to see only through a few billion light years from the Earth, aren't you making an extraordinary claim that God does not exist even though you haven't seen enough into the universe?
11. There are 1000 different gods in this world, whom shall we believe. When there are 1000 quack doctors in the town you search for the one real doctor. Jesus is the Great Physician in the midst of 1000 false gods. Let us trust Him alone.
12. Your argument against Pascal's Wager is also shallow. There is no way you can rule out the existence of a true religion.
13. We believe in human dignity? Why should we? Our gorilla grandfathers rape and plunder each other almost on a daily basis? Why shouldn't we live just like them? Whey should we behave in a different way than our parents?
14. Atheist philanthropist Warren Buffet. But you forgot to tell about Church attending, world's largest philanthropist, Bill Gates, who is a Christian.
15. The Ten Commandments of atheists:
1. Thou shalt not believe all you are told- good, Bible tells us to do the same, search all things.
2. Seek knowledge and truth. Jesus said the same-Ye shall know the truth and truth shall make you free.
3. Educate people in the laws of science; good, the first 100 of 110 science colleges in this country were started by Christians.
4. Don't forget atrocities committed in the name of god; Let us not forget atrocities committed by atheists like Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot etc.
5. Leave valuable contributions to the future. why should we do it? Let the future generations give way to a superman species.
6.Let us live in peace with fellow men. Why should we? Why don't we just live like monkeys raping each other?
7. Live life to fullest; good; Jesus told us to do the same in John 10.
8. Get a personal code of Ethics? from whom? Osama Bin Laden? or Mother Teresa or Hitler?
9. Maintain a strict separation of church and state; Let us also maintain a strict separation of atheists and state.
10. Though shall support the commandments. The same old atheist absolutism on others.
Who Created God?
The question is meaningless. God by definition is Self-Existing. There is no beginning and end to Him.
Difference between science and religion is how they arrive at answers. A serious misunderstanding of Christian view of Science. Christianity answers us the big questions of the universe. God created the human beings. It does not answer what mechanisms God put i
Hi guys, I watched only the first two parts today and I would like to share my views on them. The author's arguments for the atheism are the same age-old shallow arguments but now presented in digitalized form.
The author started with the contention that religions were started with very ignorant people. But this is only partially correct. Moses at the beginning of Judaism and Apostle Paul at the beginning of Christianity were highly educated and the intellectual giants of their day.
2. It is true that religions were misused for wealth and political control. Every system of thought and practice in this world was and is used for wealth and political control, at least at some part of their existence because they were and are populated by both good and bad people. This applies even to atheism. China and North Korea are suppressing their people and denying them many rights of expression with a stated policy of atheism. Now, can I say atheism in those countries is being used just for political control?
3. Religions practices human sacrifices. You are right. Human sacrifices are the hallmark of false religions. Mayans and Aztecs in Americas, Celtics in the Europe, Hindus in India, and diverse religions in Africa practiced human sacrifices. Christianity put a period to such practices. In India for example Christians put a termination on wife burnings practiced by Hindus through presentation of a memorandum to WIlliam Bentick, governer General of then British India.
4. Religion promotes mysticism. You are right again, that is characteritic of eastern religions. They promoted mysticism that looks inward. But Christianity promoted revelation and logic and looking outside at the world. Have you ever wondered why modern science developed in Christian Europe rather than in China or India? Just one reason. Christianity promoted a worldview of a real world and benevolent and intelligent God behind things around us rather than a world of illusions and mysticism.
5. Religion is waste - billion of dollars are being wasted. There will be always wastage of things in this world. But we shall also remember organizations like Red Cross, Salvation Army, World Vision, Nirmal Hruday - all started by Christians - are doing tremendous social and philanthropic work around the world. The world has yet to see such an organization operated wholly by atheists.
6. The list of great atheists...Thomas Edison, Richard Dawkins, E.Hemingway, Katherine Hepburn. But why don't you add a list of Christian scientists...Isaac Newton, Robert Boyle, Michael Faraday, Galileo(he had problems with the church, yet he was not an atheist), George Cuvier, Einstein(Einstein was not a Christian, but definitely he was not an atheist. He always acknowledged a superior being in the universe, say for example his quote, 'Good Lord does not play dice' to rule out the existence of change. Why didn't you put the list of other atheists like Mao who killed 30 million Chinese, Stalin who killed 15 million Russians and Pol Pot who killed 20 million Cambodians.
7. Why don't we believe Jupiter- we don't worship stars and planets. We are told to worship the God who made all of them.
8. Why do children get cancer? The atheist discussing the same old problem of evil. You are just shooting at your feet. Who told you that there is evil in this world. After all, the mutations are hitting at various places in our bodies and philadelphia chromosome is causing cancer in a little child. What's wrong with it? it is natural selection. Where do you get this moral terminology. The moment you say something is evil you are obviously playing into the hands of a transcendent moral philosophy which comes only from God. We do not get it from our gorilla ancestors in Tanzania.
You are the same guy who raises the play card,'it is her body, let her have freedom to decide what to do with her body'. Is it wrong for God to show us a playcard with words written on it, 'it's my universe. Let me do with it as I like'.
9. God in Bible is misogynistic. You are wrong.
Gods of India promoted wife burnings. God of Iran and Iraq promoted burqua over the women. Only God of Bible promoted the equality of women. At a time when women were prohibited from public meetings, Apostle Paul allowed them to attend public meetings and learn the Word of God.
10. Carl Sagan's words - Extraordinary Claims require extraordinary evidence. Good, have you ever thought that those words apply to you as well. When you rule out existence of an invisible, omnipresent God in this universe, which we were able to see only through a few billion light years from the Earth, aren't you making an extraordinary claim that God does not exist even though you haven't seen enough into the universe?
11. There are 1000 different gods in this world, whom shall we believe. When there are 1000 quack doctors in the town you search for the one real doctor. Jesus is the Great Physician in the midst of 1000 false gods. Let us trust Him alone.
12. Your argument against Pascal's Wager is also shallow. There is no way you can rule out the existence of a true religion.
13. We believe in human dignity? Why should we? Our gorilla grandfathers rape and plunder each other almost on a daily basis? Why shouldn't we live just like them? Whey should we behave in a different way than our parents?
14. Atheist philanthropist Warren Buffet. But you forgot to tell about Church attending, world's largest philanthropist, Bill Gates, who is a Christian.
15. The Ten Commandments of atheists:
1. Thou shalt not believe all you are told- good, Bible tells us to do the same, search all things.
2. Seek knowledge and truth. Jesus said the same-Ye shall know the truth and truth shall make you free.
3. Educate people in the laws of science; good, the first 100 of 110 science colleges in this country were started by Christians.
4. Don't forget atrocities committed in the name of god; Let us not forget atrocities committed by atheists like Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot etc.
5. Leave valuable contributions to the future. why should we do it? Let the future generations give way to a superman species.
6.Let us live in peace with fellow men. Why should we? Why don't we just live like monkeys raping each other?
7. Live life to fullest; good; Jesus told us to do the same in John 10.
8. Get a personal code of Ethics? from whom? Osama Bin Laden? or Mother Teresa or Hitler?
9. Maintain a strict separation of church and state; Let us also maintain a strict separation of atheists and state.
10. Though shall support the commandments. The same old atheist absolutism on others.
Who Created God?
The question is meaningless. God by definition is Self-Existing. There is no beginning and end to Him.
Difference between science and religion is how they arrive at answers. A serious misunderstanding of Christian view of Science. Christianity answers us the big questions of the universe. God created the human beings. It does not answer what mechanisms God put in human body. We need scientific methods like observation and study to learn those things like human anatomy. Just for the record, Francis Bacon who formulated the modern scientific method was a staunch Christian. Scientist should be like, to borrow words from Johannes Kepler, 'A priest of God in the temple of nature'.
--Spanish Inquisition: A philosophy is not justified by its abuse.
--Examine the world around you. Good, see the nature it will show you the handy work of a God. Let me close with a few words, "There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one"(Charles Darwin from the last page of Origin of Species).
It is tragic that today's atheists are failing to see the Creator who was seen by Darwin in the nature around him, the father of modern evolution.
1/13/2007 11:01 AM
n human body. We need scientific methods like observation and study to learn those things like human anatomy. Just for the record, Francis Bacon who formulated the modern scientific method was a staunch Christian. Scientist should be like, to borrow words from Johannes Kepler, 'A priest of God in the temple of nature'.
--Spanish Inquisition: A philosophy is not justified by its abuse.
--Examine the world around you. Good, see the nature it will show you the handy work of a God. Let me close with a few words, "There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one"(Charles Darwin from the last page of Origin of Species).
It is tragic that today's atheists are failing to see the Creator who was seen by Darwin in the nature around him, the father of modern evolution.
No-one was born with a knowledge of ghosts, Gods, spirits, Jesus, Allah Santa, your language, etc, etc.
All beliefs come through mimicking what is taught by other humans only.
Now to prove to you that no Gods nor Jesus exists, all beliefs taught to you, disappear when you go to sleep, they disappear when you are unconscious, they disappear when you are under anesthesics, they disappear when you are dead, so this proves 100% that all things learned while your brain is conscious, suddenly disappears when your brain is either dead or unconscious.
Imagine all people removed from the Earth, God and Jesus and all Gods and myths suddenly disappear, Where do they go? They do not exist, they exist only in the conscious mind. Gods and myths are only from the fabrication of the human mind.
Paul you, nor anyone can prove me wrong!!!
I challenge anyone to prove my statement in Bold above, to be wrong or untrue!
Who created God? The question is meaningless. Non-existant, "by definition", means not to exist. There is no beginning, no end, and no middle to Her.......there is no "God". Enjoy your delusion.
There's so much crap swimming about in all directions in his comments that it sort of mesmerises you and you don't know which bit to go for!
I've seen you cut and paste from other sourses so many times on this site that I'm not going to waste time debunking it. Its all twisted, irrational, disingenuos, factually unsupported bullshit.
Just like everything else you've wasted our time with.
Instead of just doggedly collecting more and more Christian apologetic, pseudo science, and other assorted unsubstantiated garbage and cutting and posting it here, this is what, in my opinion, you should become. (below)
You are not going to convince a bunch of people who feel they have wasted way too much time already believing a lot of mystical, magical, stuff, that your mystical, magical stuff is the true mystical, magical stuff.
We don't need faith anymore Paul, truth will work just fine!
(I think this will work for you Paul)
Abecedarians were a 16th century German sect of Anabaptists who affected an absolute disdain for all human knowledge, contending that God would enlighten his elect from within themselves, giving them knowledge of necessary truths by visions and ecstasies, with which human learning would interfere.
Dan (I saw the light, and it wasn't believing that God needs or wants Pagan sacrifices)
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