Traditional American Idiot -- by Brett Keane


Anonymous said…
Amen, Brother Keane!


Grandpa Harley
Anonymous said…
BTW, the Traditional American is more or less outlining the OLD TESTAMENT (the moron)
Anonymous said…
Well there's going to be a certain per/capita amount of mentally insane, deformed, Downs Syndrome people that continue to be born on a daily basis, this guy just happens to be one of those mentally insane people that contacted you, it's going to happen. I wouldn't take what this guy says too seriously.

I wish some of these nuts would go over to Iraq and parachute down into Bagdad and see what fun and how easy it would be to be a martyr for their beliefs.

I like the instant mustache and
Anonymous said…
You nailed this one, Brett! And as much as I personally hate to call someone an idiot, the label fits, doesn't it! Bravo, man!
Epicurienne said…
If "Traditional American" hates science so much, then why is he using a computer?

And I'd bet money that he uses a car...and modern medical treatments...air conditioning, central heating, electric light....all of which were made possible by SCIENCE.
Anonymous said…
Another instance of the dancing-around-the-question-of-morality. BOTH of these guys are right:

1) There is no scientific way to determine moral values. Science can only examine what people say are moral values and what comes of that in objective terms.

2) Moral values are socially constructed. But this doesn't mean they're *arbitrary* either.


for further analysis

Now then, I have a question for each of these fellows. To the believer I ask: If the only reason to be good is to please your deity so you can get into heaven and avoid hell, doesn't that mean that being good is only a means to an end, and that the *greater good* is really getting into heaven and escaping hell? So if your God told you to rob, rape, and kill, you would do that, just as his followers in the OT did?

And to Brett I ask: Why should someone *not* do whatever they want, even if it violated the general standards of morals held by a community or even by that someone, if they were sure not to get caught?
Anonymous said…
WoW, Blaine! John Fraysse here. I apparently share many of your thoughts on the Bible. Give me a shout when you have time, bro. I’m at Thanks!
Anonymous said…
I love it how the thoughts of one man applies to all christianity, just because this one man believes in this crazy nonsense does not mean that the rest of christians do....bein g an authot, im sure you've heard of a hasty generalization havent you brett?

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