The ethics of hell
A short video discussing the ethical conundrum presented by the religious teaching of hell.
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These articles were published between January 2001 and February 4, 2010.
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Anonymous: "We need to find a way to get Christians to see it..."
I've thought of standing in front of a church with a sign that says, "Jesus is a fraud from his alpha to his omega." I wonder what percentage would respond by turning their heads, pitying the sign bearer, try to run me off, trying to convert me, or perhaps actually being curious.
Even some Christians are mad as Hell about Hell. One way around the problem of “Hell and the All-Loving God” is the concept of “Universal Redemption (UR)”, that is, that Hell does not exist (was mistranslated and misunderstood actually) and that God will redeem ALL of His Creation. Some Christians say that UR was achieved through the ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus. Link:
But, alas, the UR folks still can’t explain away the immoral idea of “Original Sin” or the evil and unjust acts of the Biblical God and his tyrannical, capricious nature. One can certainly understand the position of thoughtful agnostics and atheists alike. It sure looks they have made the right choice in not believing!
I think the “evil” Secular Humanists have the right idea and I love the ending, “Don’t waste your Life”! Great Advice!
When I was in High School youth group. There was a group called the "Servant Team". It was only for "mature" and "growing" Christians. It created a heirarchy, and everyone wanted to be invited to this special group! We were dying to know what they did at these meetings!
When I finally got in, the topic of the first meeting was the problem of evil. Basically, dealing with the problems brought up in the video. We were taught why an all-loving god would send people to hell, and we were told that our atheist friends would try to use it against us. And how to counter every arguement.
Then when I went to Christian college... we talked about the problem for weeks in my Christian Theology course. My last year in the school, I even took a senior level course called "God, Evil, and Spiritual Warfare". An entire course dedicated to what this video talks about.
THEN before I went out in the mission field, the missions organization had me write a series of papers about 20 pages in lenght. One of them was about the problem of evil. I had to submit the paper and then goes to missions HQ to discuss it with the board members and prove to them that I sufficiently understood the problem and how to counter it. Basically, I had to prove that I had been sufficiently brainwashed :)
Christians (or at least the leadership) understand the threat of the message in videos such as these, and thuse spend lots of time and resources preparing Christians for the day they encounter a well spoken, clear presentation of the "anti-gospel".
Nice video.
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