Eve Harmony Dot Com


Anonymous said…
I tried "Eve-Harmony" before I found out about its Xian slant. After slogging through their "$40 value profile", where I stated I was a depressed, lonely, divorced Atheist, I was promptly told there was NOBODY for me. Not within 200 miles. Odd for a service with national exposure, dontcha think?
Anonymous said…
Tell them you're a male prostitute with a meth connection. You'll get some calls.
Anonymous said…
E-harmony is just as bogus as the rest of those dating services. Ever notice that the good looking women want a guy who makes major bucks?
Most the women's photo's are when they were younger and skinny.
And all the women are "living the dream". Liars and gold diggers I say.
Anonymous said…
If you really want to have a laugh
(at the expense of Dr. Neil Clark
Warren) go to edatereview.com and
click on Eharmony.com to find out
what users are saying about this
service. The vast majority of them
rip it bloody, calling it a scam
and a fraud. But gee, its run by
a Christian, isn't it? How could
this be?
Dave Van Allen said…
This isn't "E" Harmony.Com. It's "EVE" Harmony.Com.

It's a bit of a joke.
Anonymous said…
Sorry, I should have been a bit clearer in my comment. I enjoyed the video, it just reminded me of
those Eharmony.com commericials.
My parents always wanted me to hook
up with a "good Christian girl."
Perhaps needless to say, I'm still

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