Mr Deity

The number of episodes in the Mr. Deity series is now up to ten. The short films are produced, written, and star Brian Dalton, who uses them to explore the lighter side of religion. The first episodes were launched on January 17, 2007, and within a few days there had been over 200,000 downloads from YouTube, iTunes, and at his own webpage,

Dalton is an ex-Mormon who came to skepticism in the late 1990s through the Skeptics Society. In time he gave up his religion, but remains utterly fascinated by religion in general, and he has written a pilot for a television series based on his character, Mr. Deity.


Chris Shotwell said…
Haha, those are hilarious!
Anonymous said…
LOL, these v v good, every christian coming to this site wanting to "minister" should be made to watch this
Anonymous said…
A 10th video "The bitch is back" is posted. You can get to it from the link above.
twincats said…
These just get funnier and funnier.

I looked at the FAQs on the site and was surprised to learn they are popular with the judeo-christian set, as well.

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