Atheist Eve

Atheist Eve is a hilarious comic strip created by Tracie Harris, a graphic designer in Austin, Texas, and updated monthly on the Atheist Community of Austin website.

Harris' long, slow recovery from a rabid fundamentalist upbringing provides the inspiration for Atheist Eve.

The following are posted with permission of the author. For more from "Atheist Eve" visit Atheist Community of Austin.

One-Size-Fits-All Apologetics
Click on the image to view at full size.

Defining Existence

Click on the image to view at full size.


Anonymous said…
if these toons were a daily or weekly publication in a newspaper, i would like a subscription.
they werent very funny to me, but they were on the mark. Sorry, but nothing about religion is funny anymore. Dogma is an ugly scar on the face of this planet.

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