Atheists should just shut up

YouTuber Albert10110 responds to the January 30th 2007 Paula Zahn Now broadcast on CNN, which had quickly degenerated into an absurd atheist-bashing session. A transcript is available on his website at


Rich said…
Very forceful intelligent video. Thanks for making this. Keep up the good work (care to comment on Ted Haggard?) Where did he slink off to anyway.
tom said…
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Anonymous said…
You know how when a Christian like Lee Strobel says he was an atheist originally and all the atheists say he was lying.

Well, I think somehting like that. You have all these posts saying how "I was a Christian"...although they often explain how they never really believed it, or always hated church, or their parents, or hated something...and then I became an atheist.

Ya know what? I don't believe it. I don't claim they are lying.

I simply "lack belief in their claims."

By the way, I admit I have see, I was raised by atheists and they make me sick.

Sorry, can't help it.

But I know you will all forgive me, because atheist are such kind, loving, respectful people.
boomSLANG said…
Diana: You know how when a Christian like Lee Strobel says he was an atheist originally and all the atheists say he was lying.(?)

"All" Atheists? You start out your post with a crass exaggerated blanketed statement? Tsk tsk. Well, for the record, I don't think Mr Strobel's lying--I believe him. Yes, I most certainly believe he "was an Atheist"...and I bet I'm not alone in this. Why?....because he was BORN without the belief in deities(Atheist). Yup, just like you, me, and everyone else. So, ironically, that makes you the liar in your exaggerated claim.

Diana: You have all these posts saying how "I was a Christian"...although they often explain how they never really believed it, or always hated church, or their parents, or hated something...and then I became an atheist.

Ya know what? I don't believe it. I don't claim they are lying.

I simply "lack belief in their claims."

And I simply "lack a shit" whether you believe it, or not. Hell, as well, you have every right to doubt the claims of all "ex-wives" who ever had a bad experience being married. However, the likelyhood of EVERY "ex-wife" being a liar, is pretty low..don't ya think?

Diana: Sorry, can't help it.

No need for apologies. 'Poor thing.

But I know you will all forgive me, because atheist are such kind, loving, respectful people.

Yes, of course, with posts like yours, why on earth should we NOT be all of those things? lol
Anonymous said…
Brilliant young man, great video! Regarding the snert Diana, I think she should be ignored with extreme prejudice.
Anonymous said…
Hey Diana (Goldie)
Get over it already. God is dead (At least Bible God), and Jesus was deluded. In fact all of the Jesus' that were running around at the time were messed up.

Blood sacrifices are barbaric, and pagan and, primitive, and must offend any creator out there that may have created your sorry ass.
Wow. A bunch of ignorant 20-something know-nothings in expensive clothes. Obviously we should listen to what they say.

Weren't they freaked out? Wow. I'm glad they are freaked out, and I'm glad they are aware that atheists exist. All they can do is express that fear, so let 'em. I always say, when an idiot thinks you're evil, that's a compliment.
twincats said…
It's stuff like that Paula Zahn "panel" discussion that makes extians short-tempered with the Jesus cultists.

It just goes to prove that the J-cults are no different than any other group of humans that ever walked the earth; the only thing that they remember from their days as a persecuted minority is how to whine when someone disagrees with them. (War on Christmas, anyone?)

Ever since they've been a majority, they look, act, think, walk, talk and smell like every other opressive group that's ever been in power. Atheists are a minority ergo, they should "just shut up" and the unspoken "or else" reverberates in the minds of the targets of their annoyance and distain.

Back when I was in the cult, we used to sing a hymn called "And They'll Know We Are Christians By Our Love." Sure.
Anonymous said…
Hey, Diana, could you please name some of the x-xians who have posted here that have said that they were "a Christian"...although they often explain how they never really believed it, or always hated church, or their parents, or hated something [else]".

I myself can't think of a single one.
Anonymous said…
Oh. wait a second, Diana. I think I've figured out what the problem is.

You've never actually READ any of our de-conversion stories, have you?

You've just assumed that we think and act exactly like you'ld expect us to.

And why waste time challenging your presupposed biases - education only leads to damnation, right?
Anonymous said…
Diana, why the fuck should I forgive you? It's your problem, not mine.
Anonymous said…
Christianity is nonsense.
Anonymous said…
"By the way, I admit I have see, I was raised by atheists and they make me sick."

If you don't believe in the flying spaghetti monster god, you are an atheist too.
ruindyng said…
Nothing better than a well thought out response delivered with confidence and a calm demeanor. Well done!
I was a Christian. I loved it, I lived it, I believed it to the point of being willing to die for it. Then I found out some things that made me realize the extent to which I was misled.
Anonymous said…
Great video!
hella funny, and smart.


There. i said it in public.
Anonymous said…
hey man u r right atheists r mistreated and discriminated, and its not the way things should b. but just remember not one christian is the same the belief is the same but not the person.those newscasters were really going in the wrong direction.they r just insulting and complaining about atheists and thats not what christianity is about. i am a follower of Jesus and yea thats my choice.

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