The Bible is Bullshit

Penn & Teller examine the Bible.


Unknown said…
That episode should be required viewing.
Anonymous said…
No doubt about it,......(The) "bible" is BULLSHIT-!
BigTex71 said…
That is awesome. I guess I am out of the loop (being a recent converted atheist)- I didn't know Penn and Teller were outspoken Atheists.
skeptic griggsy said…
Right Jeremiah! Shermer states rightly about believer's dodges to overcome Biblical nonsense.Would that more atheist celebreties would speak out thusly. If others only knew that Lance Armstrong and Angelina Jolie do their goodworks, because that is right rather than God says do it. Maybe others would have a better opinion of us, if they knew more of us.
Anonymous said…
Maybe others would have a better opinion of us, if they knew more of us.

skeptic griggsy: Great point.

Don't forgot Bill Gates & Warren Buffet--both atheists. The Gates Foundation--with the help of a recent $40 billion donation from Buffet--are trying to eradicate AIDs in Africa in our lifetime--among other endeavors. They do it because it's the right thing to do and without divine guidance--go figure.
Anonymous said…
The man and the long hair thing in the Bible was funny :).
Tim said…
They keep propagating this idea that Josephus wrote about Jesus. That is a lie. Josephus didn't write about any Jesus because he (Jesus) never existed. The Josephus passages are not quoted until the 4th century! Wow, Josephus writes a short paragraph about Jesus and NOBODY in the next 200 years quotes it? Not even Origen who quoted Josephus several times????? Jesus never existed. There is NO evidence in the 1st century outside the Bible. Nada.

Lance said…
The central point of all arguments I have with christians these days are about the validity of the bible. That is the point that all arguments eventually revolve around for me. They don't worship god, they worship the bible. Take the bible away and you take their god away. They know this and will fight tooth and nail to keep it. They will twist their logic and reasoning into all sorts of pretzels in order to keep the bible as the foundation for their lives. Even my fundametalist brother-in-law agrees that if a christian questions even the literal interpretation of Genesis, then the whole thing falls apart.

So I no longer argue about the existence of god. I do what Penn and Teller do and attack the source of the nonsense, the inerrant word of god.

Also, since they only allow reasoning that is biblically based, then attacking the bible with the bible itself is essentially the only ammunition they give us. But at least it is easy to do. Read Thomas Paine's Age of Reason for great info on this.
Anonymous said…
i think you guys are all wrong you don't know what your talking i will stand up for my lord father jesus because i know he is real don't juge if you don't may you be forgiven of what ugly words come out of that mouth oh..... and if you think the bible is bullshit you probably don't even no any thing about it your just talk shit because you don't know anything so read it the devil is using you in his own way he wants to use you to him you are a toy he uses you to bring more people you may not belive but i do god with take care of you all i can do is try and help you out to go to the right path . (writen by a beliver)

*i'm a beliver*

(god in my savlor and you can't do any thing about it )

i belive in god and only god amen !!!! may god bless you all
Astreja said…
"jesus is real", please take the time to learn to spell properly. The skill will serve you well in later life.

And then carefully read your Bible from cover to cover, the Old Testament as well as New, so that you are properly informed as to the monstrous and evil nature of the Biblical god. Leave nothing out, not a word of it.

But be aware that actually reading your Bible may destroy your faith.

You will learn that:

- The snake in the garden of Eden was actually the one who told the truth.

- Your god interfered with the free will of Pharaoh by "hardening his heart", thereby prolonging the captivity of the Israelites and deliberately setting up the outright murder of the firstborn of Egypt.

- Your god ordered the genocide of an entire people, the Amakalites... Men, women, and children.

- And Jesus lied when he said that the Second Coming would occur in the lifetime of his followers. That time is long, long gone and Jesus has not returned. If, indeed, he was ever here at all.
boomSLANG said…
Astreja, that was a great response to "Jesus is real!!!!"....however, I think that post may've been a joke played out by one of our fellow Ex-ers. "god in my savlor"...?

LMAO! You guys! crack me up! Silly!
Anonymous said…
L.o.l., that is the biggest bunch of bullshit since the bible.

Listen to yourselves!

- And Jesus lied when he said that the Second Coming would occur in the lifetime of his followers. That time is long, long gone and Jesus has not returned. If, indeed, he was ever here at all.

The lifetime of his followers, neh? Well, I'm a follower. My children very well might be. My mother and father are. My great-grandmother is. Some of my friends are. Therefore, that argument is impudent and woefully incorrect.
Astreja said…
(smacks the latest Anonymous upside the head with a clue-by-four) Sir or madam, were you there, in the flesh, in Israel circa 33 C.E., when Jesus supposedly spoke the following words:

“There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.” (Matthew 16:28)

You weren't there? You weren't even born yet?

I'll break this to you as gently as I can, Anonymous. You are not a follower of Jesus. You never met the chap, and in fact would probably not be able to communicate with him if he was standing right in front of you. Unless you happen to be fluent in Aramaic, that is.

You are a follower of a religion based on a book which talks about someone named Jesus.

Who lied when he said he was coming back.

Probably because the Biblical version of Jesus is just a character in a storybook. The character may indeed be based on a real person, but that is yet to be proven; in fact, there is currently a research project underway to determine if such a man ever existed.

A critical comparative reading of all four Gospels reveals a story that is inconsistent from author to author, and which is therefore unlikely to be an accurate portrayal of a real person. In there you will find a mixture of common-sense proverbs, a revitalization of the Canaanite "good cop" god El and a downplaying of his "bad cop" son Yahweh, and recycled resurrected-god mythology from all around the Eastern Mediterranean.

I did like this line, 'tho: "...the biggest bunch of bullshit since the bible." You do have a point. No matter how silly we manage to get here at Ex-C, it's unlikely we will ever be able to top the Bible for sheer volume of bullshit.
Anonymous said…
ok here it is... George Carlin said it best. Religion has people believing that theres an invisible man... living in the sky... and he has ten things that he doesnt want you to do, and if you do any of these things... he has a special place, full of fire and brimstone and smoke and torture and pain and anguish where he will send you to live for all eternity where you will choke and writhe and suffer and burn and scream and cry .... but he loves you... and he needs money.
Anonymous said…
The bible = an interpretation of a ancient vision mixed with Babylonian and esoteric history..

I wont say the bible is bullshit nor that it isnt... but its a fact that some sayings in the bible are wrongly interpreted...
Imagen what Josephus would interpret if he hears the phrase "icing on the cake"......
Dave Van Allen said…
I agree I am a believer. It's hilarious how people try to compare science to God. Just ponder this one question; where will you go when you die if you don't believe in God?
Dave Van Allen said…
"Just ponder this one question; where will you go when you die if you don't believe in God?"

Okay, give me a while to ponder that.

Alright, I'm back....'sorry that took so long. Okay, I am going to "go" to the same one of two places that people who *do* "believe in God" are going to "go" when they die: Either, a) into the ground, or b) into an urn.

Anything else you'd like me to ponder?
Dave Van Allen said…
It's hilarious how some christian people come to this website and miss such obvious answers to their burning questions. For example, you missing the link to an article posted here within the past couple of weeks on this very subject entitled I'm gonna die, you're gonna die by summerbreeze. Do a little research on your own of this website. Had you done so before posting, you would (*should*) have easily found this:
Dave Van Allen said…
Compare science to God? Yes, it can be done! Mira aquĂ­ cabrĂ³n:

1. a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws: the mathematical sciences.
2. systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation.
3. any of the branches of natural or physical science.
4. systematized knowledge in general.
5. knowledge, as of facts or principles; knowledge gained by systematic study.
6. a particular branch of knowledge.
7. skill, esp. reflecting a precise application of facts or principles; proficiency.

a. A being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe, the principal object of faith and worship in monotheistic religions.
b. The force, effect, or a manifestation or aspect of this being.
2. A being of supernatural powers or attributes, believed in and worshiped by a people, especially a male deity thought to control some part of nature or reality.
3. An image of a supernatural being; an idol.
4. One that is worshiped, idealized, or followed: Money was their god.
5. A very handsome man.
6. A powerful ruler or despot.

I'm going with definition #2 for "science" and definition #5 for "God". Thus, we can compare the water cycle to Robert Pattinson. Yes?
Dave Van Allen said…
In what fashion are we disproving the Bible? For instance, it is a well known fact that the Bible is NOT historically accurate. It is also a well known fact that the 4 gospels were NOT written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. It is a well known fact that the Bible was NOT god-breathed but was written by mere Bronze-age men from the Middle East. It is a well known fact that the Bible is NOT geographically accurate. It is a well known fact that archeology DISPROVES the stories of the Old Testament as told by said Bronze-age sheepherders. It is a fact that the Bible contains major contradictions on the nature and message of God and that what God means/desires CANNOT be ascertained by reading the Bible. It is a fact that there are no eyewitnesses to the ministry of "Jesus" and that the "Jesus" of the Bible never actually existed as presented in said Word of God. The Bible contains factual contradictions as well and the stories do NOT add up to a cohesive set of stories. The Bible is NOT about love, it is about rape, murder, hot sex, child sacrifice and slavery.

Need I go on? Let me count the ways there are to disprove the Bible. Actually, these are just broad outlines that do not begin to accurately portray how inaccurate, unloving and contradictory the Bible actually is. Read the Bible for yourself. It's hilarious - NOT.
Dave Van Allen said…
Silversong101: "Where will you go when you die if you don't believe in God?"

Exactly the same place I would go if I *did* believe in your god.

Back into the ecosystem. See you there.
Dave Van Allen said…
This site is fucking hilarious. Christians are a better source of mindless entertainment than Beavis and Butthead.

To all those who have "faith"- Think for yourself you brainless robots.

Such a waste of oxygen and space.

I'd like to actually contribute something of value to the human race, not be weighted down by whimsical myths and fairytales.

Jesus Christ.
Dave Van Allen said…
Here are a few of my favorites:

"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." -Stephen Roberts

"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful." -Seneca the Younger

"Don't pray in my school, and I won't think in your church."

"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" -Epicurus

"Men never commit evil so fully and joyfully as when they do it for religious convictions" -Blaise Pascal

"There once was a time when all people believed in God and the church ruled. This time was called the Dark Ages." -Rihard Lederer

"With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." -Steven Weinberg

"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored."- Aldous Huxley

"The church says the earth is flat, but I know that it is round, for I have seen the shadow on the moon, and I have more faith in a shadow than in the church." -Ferdinand Magellan

"A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." -Albert Einstein

"Those who believe absurdities will commit atrocities." -Voltaire

"I have examined all the known superstitions of the world, and I do not find in our particular superstition of Christianity one redeeming feature. They are all alike founded on fables and mythology." -Thomas Jefferson

"The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason." -Benjamin Franklin

"An Atheist believes that a hospital should be built instead of a church. An Atheist believes that deed must be done instead of a prayer said. An Atheist strives for involvement in life and not escape into death. He wants disease conquered, poverty vanished." -Justin Brown

"Which is it, is man one of God's blunders or is God one of man's?" -Friedrich Nietzsche (my man)

"So you really think that God would plant a bunch of bones in the earth to test your faith? Either you're in denial or God has some serious self-esteem issues." -Coral Yoshi

"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365 not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers were given. Satan - 10."

"Doesn't it bother you that you put more logical thought into choosing a car than you do in choosing a god?"

"All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit." -Thomas Paine

"The World is divided into armed camps ready to commit genocide just because we can't agree on whose fairy tales to believe." -Ed Krebs

"Religious faith not only lacks evidence, its independence from evidence is its pride and joy, shouted from the rooftops." -Richard Dawkins

*Silence* -God
Dave Van Allen said…
Dave Van Allen said…
you r wrong!!!!
Dave Van Allen said…
Am I wrong, Vgman67?

I really don't think so. Read your d@mn Bible. All of it. Every page, Old Testament and New Testament. The 'god' described therein is a monster who, if he actually existed, would definitely warrant extradition to The Hague for a war crimes trial.

Just because you want to live forever in heaven does not mean that there *is* a heaven, or that you'll even be conscious and self-aware after the death of your physical brain. I am 99.999% certain that our personalities die with our bodies.

Just because a book tells you that Jesus came back from the dead does not mean that he *did* come back from the dead. If a Jesus actually did exist, I am 99.999...% sure that he has now been quite dead for nearly 2000 years and could not even save himself from death. Accordingly, he is certainly not in any position to help you.

It's all very well and fine to want something such as eternal life. It's not such a good idea to ignore reality and live as if you had a guarantee of eternal life. If you want to know first-hand how meaningful, vivid and precious life can be, live each moment as if there will never be another and pay attention to what you're seeing, feeling and doing. Your life is right here, right now, not in a mythical future.
Dave Van Allen said…
The bible is for worthless losers who don't know how to express their own opinion so they follow someone elses mumbo jumbo.
Dave Van Allen said…
I think this whole thing just proves that religion, be it christianity, or whatever is a personal journey. Everyone in the world has a different spiritual need. No one likes the same song, or book, so it only makes since that there couldn't be one religion that appeals to all people.
Dave Van Allen said…
That episode should be required viewing.
Dave Van Allen said…
(smacks the latest Anonymous upside the head with a clue-by-four) Sir or madam, were you there, in the flesh, in Israel circa 33 C.E., when Jesus supposedly spoke the following words:

“There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.” (Matthew 16:28)

You weren't there? You weren't even born yet?

I'll break this to you as gently as I can, Anonymous. You are not a follower of Jesus. You never met the chap, and in fact would probably not be able to communicate with him if he was standing right in front of you. Unless you happen to be fluent in Aramaic, that is.

You are a follower of a religion based on a book which talks about someone named Jesus.

Who lied when he said he was coming back.

Probably because the Biblical version of Jesus is just a character in a storybook. The character may indeed be based on a real person, but that is yet to be proven; in fact, there is currently a research project underway to determine if such a man ever existed.

A critical comparative reading of all four Gospels reveals a story that is inconsistent from author to author, and which is therefore unlikely to be an accurate portrayal of a real person. In there you will find a mixture of common-sense proverbs, a revitalization of the Canaanite "good cop" god El and a downplaying of his "bad cop" son Yahweh, and recycled resurrected-god mythology from all around the Eastern Mediterranean.

I did like this line, 'tho: "...the biggest bunch of bullshit since the bible." You do have a point. No matter how silly we manage to get here at Ex-C, it's unlikely we will ever be able to top the Bible for sheer volume of bullshit.
Dave Van Allen said…
ok here it is... George Carlin said it best. Religion has people believing that theres an invisible man... living in the sky... and he has ten things that he doesnt want you to do, and if you do any of these things... he has a special place, full of fire and brimstone and smoke and torture and pain and anguish where he will send you to live for all eternity where you will choke and writhe and suffer and burn and scream and cry .... but he loves you... and he needs money.
Dave Van Allen said…
benHUR, I wonder if you have faith in the invisible pink unicorn? How do I know it is pink? I have faith. How do I know it is invisible? I can't see it. Maybe you should look into the invisible pink unicorn, I believe it is very powerful and can help to stop global warming. Wait, what am I saying, global warming is bullshit too.
Dave Van Allen said…
I don`t care about relligion or any one`s personal beliefs. This whole God debate has been going on forever and ever and what do we have to show for it...nothing. There are more fundementalist christians than ever that feel they have to insert their beliefs into everything and even more scientists that waste time debating them.

Im an atheist and will always be, thats my decision and mine alone.

No amount of clever wordplay or biblical mumbo jumbo would convince me otherwise.
No ammount of scientific proof would convince the creationists otherwise either.

So my plea towards christianity is : Believe in jesus if you want to, don`t blaspheme against the holy ghost...
Thats your ticket to heaven, your eternal salvation without spewing bigatory and hatred into the world...
Just what you always wanted...Without having to screw the world up for anyone that doesn`t share your simple philosiphy.

But also remember whatever you do im not buying it!

Peace out...
Dave Van Allen said…
"jesus is real", please take the time to learn to spell properly. The skill will serve you well in later life.

And then carefully read your Bible from cover to cover, the Old Testament as well as New, so that you are properly informed as to the monstrous and evil nature of the Biblical god. Leave nothing out, not a word of it.

But be aware that actually reading your Bible may destroy your faith.

You will learn that:

- The snake in the garden of Eden was actually the one who told the truth.

- Your god interfered with the free will of Pharaoh by "hardening his heart", thereby prolonging the captivity of the Israelites and deliberately setting up the outright murder of the firstborn of Egypt.

- Your god ordered the genocide of an entire people, the Amakalites... Men, women, and children.

- And Jesus lied when he said that the Second Coming would occur in the lifetime of his followers. That time is long, long gone and Jesus has not returned. If, indeed, he was ever here at all.
Dave Van Allen said…
There is no way to disprove the bible. The current attempts are just loose attempts at trying to bend the words around to contradict itself though that is not what it means, or is taken literally.
Dave Van Allen said…
Really ? It's kind of hard to go to a place that doesn't exist, except in the minds of extremely GULLIBLE people in need of belief in a fairy tale.

The bible = 100% written by man

god = 100% invented by man ( to soothe his fears, to control & dominate)

jesus = 100% invented by man. IF, and I say IF, a jesus character existed, then he was 100% human, that's all. ( jesus was a VERY common name then--THERE WERE LOTS OF THEM ! )

church going, bible believing sheep = Deluded, stubborn, narrow-minded, backward, science-hating, woman crushers, easily -led, spine-less blinder wearing cretins.
Dave Van Allen said…
It was very easy for Christians, in the past, to deceive and control people with this concoction of almost every ancient "pagan" religion they call the Bible. Its theology is a joke. Christians ridicule and condemn others as demon worshippers, idol worshippers, etc, when Dionysus, Gilgamish, the Babylonian story of the baby in a basket--to name a few, are the sources of Biblical theology. Nothing in its doctrine stands up to scientific scrutiny, and its followers are constantly attempting to deny or explain away the importance of scientific disciplines like archaeology, to substantiate what they try to make the world accept as reality. It is nothing but a political agenda to convert, rob people of their land, resources, and buy their souls for a morsel of food. They use the misery and vulnerability of poor people to exploit them. Very disgraceful. Its entire history revolves around genocide, theft, scare tactics, and mental torture in order to control and convert.

They must now invent fairytales, more lies, and yes, bullshit, to defend their bogus ideology. To think of the wickedness this religion has committed against humanity, while its followers continue to show the world a brand of hypocrisy and evil that they pass of as God's love. The arrogance and sense of superiority are frightening, to say the least. They judge everyone else but not themselves.

And why talk about the paintings as misrepresenting Jesus, when Jesus' followers still do not know the date of his birth? And he is the seed of David, but was conceived by the holy ghost. They have injected the notion of genetics into a situation where there was no sex involved? Why so quick to jump up and talk about morality and the death penalty, when your religion believes that its okay to kill those who are not Christians, and steal their land and resources? Speak of the genocide against millions of native people in north and south America, the destruction of other people's civilization, and brainwashing them. To listen to Christians defend their crimes against humanity is boring and sickening. The bullshit video was very nice. I enjoyed every moment of it.
Dave Van Allen said…
It was very easy for Christians, in the past, to deceive and control people with this concoction of almost every ancient "pagan" religion they call the Bible. Its theology is a joke. Christians ridicule and condemn others as demon worshippers, idol worshippers, etc, when Dionysus, Gilgamish, the Babylonian story of the baby in a basket--to name a few, are the sources of Biblical theology. Nothing in its doctrine stands up to scientific scrutiny, and its followers are constantly attempting to deny or explain away the importance of scientific disciplines like archaeology, to substantiate what they try to make the world accept as reality. It is nothing but a political agenda to convert, rob people of their land, resources, and buy their souls for a morsel of food. They use the misery and vulnerability of poor people to exploit them. Very disgraceful. Its entire history revolves around genocide, theft, scare tactics, and mental torture in order to control and convert.

They must now invent fairytales, more lies, and yes, bullshit, to defend their bogus ideology. To think of the wickedness this religion has committed against humanity, while its followers continue to show the world a brand of hypocrisy and evil that they pass of as God's love. The arrogance and sense of superiority are frightening, to say the least. They judge everyone else but not themselves.

And why talk about the paintings as misrepresenting Jesus, when Jesus' followers still do not know the date of his birth? And he is the seed of David, but was conceived by the holy ghost. They have injected the notion of genetics into a situation where there was no sex involved? Why so quick to jump up and talk about morality and the death penalty, when your religion believes that its okay to kill those who are not Christians, and steal their land and resources? Speak of the genocide against millions of native people in north and south America, the destruction of other people's civilization, and brainwashing them. To listen to Christians defend their crimes against humanity is boring and sickening. The bullshit video was very nice. I enjoyed every moment of it.
Dave Van Allen said…
'Got, "Schroeder", only with yellow skin, instead of yellow hair. Yeah, yeah.

Welp, Schroeder needs to stick with the piano, and leave the apologetics to the (dumb) adults.
Dave Van Allen said…
People simply believe in the bible or any other religious text because they are afraid to die. If you denounce that god exists you pass up on the idea of living forever. An atheist does not believe in Heaven and a Christian (etc) does not believe in Hell. No one of faith ever would think they would go to Hell. That is why they are so arrogant.
Dave Van Allen said…
Penn & Teller merely point out the inconsistancies that any "logiically thinking" person would see if outside the bubble of the religion. Putting aside the power that the Church thrives on by keeping it's followers in the flock filled with these fairytale stories....reality and science more and more show the true factual and "proven" concepts of life and the universe. It's great to have faith...but that faith in deep places no one dares to think about is only a means of dealing with the fact that when we all die and our brain impulses cease...that is more, no less. We return to the earth and starstuff we were initially created from.
Dave Van Allen said…

Ever see the movie, "Honey, I shrunk the kids"?

Surely god shrunk all the animals down to microscopic size, in order to fit them all on the Ark.

ATF (Who still wonders why god didn't just "beam them up" to heaven instead?)
Dave Van Allen said…

you guys are all going to hell

Ooooooooooo scary stuff children -- boogedy boogedy boo!

You're also not going to get any presents for xmas -- Oooooooo, more imaginary scare tactics.

Oh, and in reference to your delusion of salvation -- put this quote, below, in your limited brain sack and comprehend that the part about being insane and ignorant apply wholeheartedly to you.

The notion that faith in Christ is to be rewarded by an eternity of bliss, while a dependence upon reason, observation, and experience merits everlasting pain, is too absurd for refutation, and can be believed only by that unhappy mixture of insanity and ignorance called 'faith.' -- Robert G. Ingersoll

Dave Van Allen said…
Going to hell, are we? Wull, Got-all-muddy!.... that might actually be a wittle bit scary if it were actually true.

Then again, nothing is scarier than the notion of having to spend eternity with biblegod and his cohort of self-righteous, hypocritical, invincibly-ignorant sheep. Yikes!
Dave Van Allen said…
Going to hell, are we? Wull, Got-all-muddy!.... that might actually be a wittle bit scary if it were actually true.

Then again, nothing is scarier than the notion of having to spend eternity with biblegod and his cohort of self-righteous, hypocritical, invincibly-ignorant sheep. Yikes!
Dave Van Allen said…
Goody! Hell is where all the cool, smart people go, or so I've been told. Heaven is filled with ignorant, rude judgmental people who barge onto sites like this and threaten cool, smart people. Or maybe it's all just superstitious twaddle.
Dave Van Allen said…
maybe that's why it was left at the bottom of the sea, it was a piece of garbage and they realized it did not work very well so they tossed it.
Dave Van Allen said…

Oh, then, just for clarification, are you suggesting the 'standard' to apply for derivative truth, is to look for consistency or inconsistency between different verses of the 'same' book...

Well, I have a few passages that are totally in agreement, that obviously means this book is a True Non-Fictional Documentary as well:

"Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there."

"And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St Nicholas came with a bound."

Yep, Santa Clause is real, based on the 'standard' of passage 'consistency' - tell me, or better yet, please ease my anxiety by confirming your self as a single individual who has yet to parent a child.
Dave Van Allen said…
Well, hell, Uncle Otis...Looky here! We fished us a fine one right out of the terd floater...His momma used to have to tie a pork chop around his neck to get the dogs to play with him....Dadgum!
Dave Van Allen said…
Also since you say there are marks found of Noah's arc, well how the heck did he travel to New Zealand or Papua New Guinea, Australia, Japan, to collect all their native animals before the flood? you see how illogical that is, when he was most likely not in the area. and could not have gone out to these places before the arc was completed to collect said native animals.
Plus how the animals on board would not have mauled and eaten each other to death, the termites would not have started eating his boat, the snakes and spiders would not have bitten and poisoned the humans, the jaguars and lions would not have eaten the poor humans as well!
It is too illogical.
Dave Van Allen said…
Oh -- in that case, thanks for removing my scabrous smack-down.

He's just an ignorant youngling.

Dave Van Allen said…
just google it
Dave Van Allen said…
can you give me links ?
I want to see this chariot you are soooo clinging to...
Dave Van Allen said…
ADFxxxx:do you believe that aliens exist

I didn't think any space aliens existed on our planet....... Until I saw your lame comments.

Now I'm totally convinced of it.

ATF (Who wonders where he keeps his flying saucer parked?)

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