Dear Believer
by Dan Barker Dear Believer, — You asked me to consider Christianity as the answer for my life. I have done that. I consider it untrue, repugnant, and harmful. You expect me to believe Jesus was born of a virgin impregnated by a ghost? Do you believe all the crazy tales of ancient religions? Julius Caesar was reportedly born of a virgin; Roman historian Seutonius said Augustus bodily rose to heaven when he died; and Buddha was supposedly born speaking. You don’t believe all that, do you? Why do you expect me to swallow the fables of Christianity? I find it incredible that you ask me to believe that the earth was created in six literal days; women come from a man’s rib; a snake, a donkey, and a burning bush spoke human language; the entire world was flooded, covering the mountains to drown evil; all animal species, millions of them, rode on one boat; language variations stem from the tower of Babel; Moses had a magic wand; the Nile turned to blood; a stick turned into a snake; witches, ...
Thanks for posting this video. It just reminds me why I still don't bother to come out of the closet as an atheist to my family even in my late twenties.
The threat about the Christmas gifts was classic.
Mommy and daddy are mad.
I'm gettin' nothin' for x-mas,
'cause I ain't been nothin' but...
a person with thoughts of my own!
That's what you get for giving underwear as a gift to your son at x-mas!!
The things that religion tried to teach me were so rediculous. Their mannerisms were even that of a cult. My curiosity always bothered my Dad, and sometime later our conversations resulted in violence. I'm glad that whoever did this was brave enough to share it.
Reminds me of Dee Dee Warren.
I don't think he feels much of a sense of belonging to the Catholic church.
Brett Robson
However, as one who works with teens, I have seen atheist parents react the same way when their child wishes to choose christianity as a different worldview.
I remember shouting at my kids because they didn't want me to read their bible stories anymore.
I'm SICKENED by this!
I have 4 lovely beautiful non-believing children and I can't imagine treating them like that!
She is creating her own hell!
She will regret that tirade when her kids leave home and stay gone! She will be one of those lonely, grouchy, old bitches in the nursing home that nobody comes to visit!
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